
Francis, “I Am sick”

El Gordo: I am ill and I am morbidly obese. Eat up. Cheers!

Portland: No Gender Lunacy in Catholic Schools

He looks like a junkie. 🫤

Francis: No Rehabilitation for Innocent Cardinal Comastri

Worry not. Nothing that happens in the Vatican is Catholic so long as El Gordo reigns supreme. I wish a happy death for him. Subito. Simple. 🫤

Midas Touch in Reverse: Another Rising Francis Star Falls

He probably refused the slimy advances of El Gordo. Yuck.

What Time Does She Hear Confessions?

I wouldn’t want any of that nonsense. I would only be present as a driver for my mother or a member of my family. Non est hic. He is not present.
Down with El Gordo & “chums”. 🫤

Good Luck: Francis to Rigorously Ban Roman Rite Priestly Ordinations

Ignore the fat pig as you would ignore a Hare Krishna dancing down the street.

Hard Fist: Francis Dissolves Convent, Nuns on the Street

Never trust the fat bastard in Santa Marta. You WILL be disappointed.

Holy Mass in the Zaire Rite with Pope Francis in Democratic Republic of the Congo 1 February 2023

An oxymoron: if it’s in the “Zaire” rite, it’s not holy. 👎

Benedict XVI Resigned Because Of Insomnia

What’s all this about World Youth Day? It has been proven on a number of occasions that it should now be re-named Youth Shagging Day. Load of nonsense. Resigned because he couldn’t “celebrate” Youth Shagging Day. Laughable.

Traditionis Custodes: Rigid Francis Is Sowing Even More Wind

El Gordo is a fat ignoramus to be ignored.

Francis Received Cardinal Zen

Morto subito. 🫤

Benedict Contradicts Himself: "The Reigning Pope Has Possiblitiy To Forbid Roman Mass"

Francis is a fat, useless waster.

Ratzinger: "Novus Ordo Does NOT Correspond To Vatican II"

Excellent point. The reason they didn’t want simply to use the Tridentine Rite in the vernacular was because it was too Catholic, they wanted to neuter the Mass. And they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
I call the N.O. Mass the LCD Mass, the Lowest Common Denominator Mass, because that’s what the N.O. Mass appeals to: the lowest common denominator amongst lukewarm
I simply …More
Excellent point. The reason they didn’t want simply to use the Tridentine Rite in the vernacular was because it was too Catholic, they wanted to neuter the Mass. And they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
I call the N.O. Mass the LCD Mass, the Lowest Common Denominator Mass, because that’s what the N.O. Mass appeals to: the lowest common denominator amongst lukewarm
I simply can’t bear it.

Catholic Friendly Bishop Resigns at 66

Indeed: financial ineptitude and nervous collapse, according to one gossip website. 🫣😬😳

Never too Old to Be a Fool: US Bishop Wants to Marry

Does he want to marry a woman? Oh. Okay. Phew. 🤪

Three Cardinals: Francis' Church Degenerates into a Pagan Spectacle

Cardinal who? Lol. 🤓

Schneider: The Results of the Synod on Synodality are Conceived in Advance

Answers written before the questions. No doubt. God doesn’t get a look-in. 🤪

Canada: Star Priest Leaves Novus Ordo Priesthood

“Offering a Eucharist”??? What does that mean?

Is McCarrick Cardinal Tobin Still Protecting Francis' Friend McCarrick?

I think JM Bergoglio definitely is.

Irish Priest Answers His Unfaithful Bishop

“Preside the Eucharist”? Says it all actually. Avoid. 😬