
Ratzinger: "Novus Ordo Does NOT Correspond To Vatican II"

Below are some quotes of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI on Vatican II and the liturgy. "I can say with certainty, based on my knowledge of the conciliar debates and my repeated reading of the speeches …More
Below are some quotes of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI on Vatican II and the liturgy.
"I can say with certainty, based on my knowledge of the conciliar debates and my repeated reading of the speeches made by the Council Fathers, that [the new Missal] does not correspond to the intentions of the Second Vatican Council." - Father Joseph Ratzinger, 1976 (Letter to Wolfgang Waldstein).
"In part it is simply a fact that the Council was pushed aside. It had said that the language of the Latin Rite was to remain Latin, although suitable scope might be given to the vernacular. Today we might ask: Is there a Latin Rite at all anymore?" – Cardinal Ratzinger, 1986 (The Feast of Faith: Approaches to a Theology of the Liturgy)
"The liturgical reform, in its concrete execution, has moved further and further away from this origin [= the Liturgical Movement]. The result has not been reinvigoration but devastation." Ratzinger, 1990 (Theologisches).
"A sizable party of Catholic liturgists seems to have …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The more I see magnificent pictures like this, and read quotes like this, the more I wish the great Pope Benedict XVI never resigned in the first place. What he said about the Novus Ordo in the early 1980's I wish he had the courage to say in 2005, and in his term in office I wish he had supressed the Novus Ordo, and re-instated the Tridentine Latin Mass....and the Tridentine Mass in the vernacular …More
The more I see magnificent pictures like this, and read quotes like this, the more I wish the great Pope Benedict XVI never resigned in the first place. What he said about the Novus Ordo in the early 1980's I wish he had the courage to say in 2005, and in his term in office I wish he had supressed the Novus Ordo, and re-instated the Tridentine Latin Mass....and the Tridentine Mass in the vernacular for every country.
I agree with these comments of His Holiness. Though many probably would howl in horror, I've often thought that use of the vernacular wasn't the problem - it was the the times (& people) that led to those awful translations. If only we could have had an unchanged ritual merely using the accurate/reverent text found in most pre-1965 hand missals...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
My Grandparents showed me Missals that they grew up with in Japan. On the left side of each page was the Mass in the proper Latin. On the right side, was the exact translation in Japanese. I know that each country had similar Latin/vernacular Missals. I have a Latin/English Missal I bought myself (still being sold, but copyright 1950 ). I never understood why the just didn't tell everyone to use …More
My Grandparents showed me Missals that they grew up with in Japan. On the left side of each page was the Mass in the proper Latin. On the right side, was the exact translation in Japanese. I know that each country had similar Latin/vernacular Missals. I have a Latin/English Missal I bought myself (still being sold, but copyright 1950 ). I never understood why the just didn't tell everyone to use the vernacular translation of the Tridentine Latin Mass which was already in their Missals? If they had told priests just to start using the vernacular translations of the Tridentine Latin Mass, it would have been so much easier.
But I think there was an underlying agenda from the filth progressives, influenced by even worse Jesuits (big surprise), to turn us into almost the same as Calvinists, with a table altar. Had they not gotten control, I think we would still be celebrating the Tridentine Mass, in Latin, and the same Mass in vernacular for each country.
Excellent point. The reason they didn’t want simply to use the Tridentine Rite in the vernacular was because it was too Catholic, they wanted to neuter the Mass. And they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
I call the N.O. Mass the LCD Mass, the Lowest Common Denominator Mass, because that’s what the N.O. Mass appeals to: the lowest common denominator amongst lukewarm
I simply …More
Excellent point. The reason they didn’t want simply to use the Tridentine Rite in the vernacular was because it was too Catholic, they wanted to neuter the Mass. And they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
I call the N.O. Mass the LCD Mass, the Lowest Common Denominator Mass, because that’s what the N.O. Mass appeals to: the lowest common denominator amongst lukewarm
I simply can’t bear it.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read that after Benedict XVI's death, he wants his "Testament" to be read and published, giving the task to Archbishop Georg Gaswein. I predict that it will be an explosive denunciation of the liturgy since Vatican II, and much of what came from Vatican II, and also a denunciation of all of what Bergoglio has been trying to do in the Church, from "Traditiones Custodes" and other areas. What Benedict …More
I read that after Benedict XVI's death, he wants his "Testament" to be read and published, giving the task to Archbishop Georg Gaswein. I predict that it will be an explosive denunciation of the liturgy since Vatican II, and much of what came from Vatican II, and also a denunciation of all of what Bergoglio has been trying to do in the Church, from "Traditiones Custodes" and other areas. What Benedict XVI was too timid to say when alive, he will say in print when he is gone....and it will destroy both the Novus Ordo and those who push for it, and destroy the agenda of Pope Francis.
Jon D. Kabel
We can only pray...
Hugh N. Cry
I hope your inclination is correct @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori, mine is that it will touch on something along the lines of hermeneutical continuity. I pray through the intercession of St. Joseph that he has a happy death, and that he is ready to meet Jesus.