
Three Cardinals: Francis' Church Degenerates into a Pagan Spectacle

Three secularised cardinals took part in a Mayan cult in Panama City on 5 October, invoking a "mother-father god", Pachamama/Gaia, and a sun god. The Bishops' Conference of Panama broadcast the show …More
Three secularised cardinals took part in a Mayan cult in Panama City on 5 October, invoking a "mother-father god", Pachamama/Gaia, and a sun god.
The Bishops' Conference of Panama broadcast the show live (video and screenshots below). The three Francis Cardinals present were:
Arizmendi Esquivel, 82, cardinal since 2020, Mexico.
José Luis Lacunza, 78, Cardinal since 2015, Panama
Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini, 75, cardinal since 2019, Guatemala
The pagan gathering rallied around Popol Vuh, the Mayan holy book.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I "think" anyway that the term "secularized cardinals" means cardinals who have a secular/worldly outlook, who care more about politics, modern ideology (examples---. climate change lunatics, pro-homos, etc.) rather than upholding/defending/promoting the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Faith. Could also mean cardinals like the Three Stooges below, who dress like slobs in secular clothes …More
I "think" anyway that the term "secularized cardinals" means cardinals who have a secular/worldly outlook, who care more about politics, modern ideology (examples---. climate change lunatics, pro-homos, etc.) rather than upholding/defending/promoting the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Faith. Could also mean cardinals like the Three Stooges below, who dress like slobs in secular clothes rather than in the dress/vesture proper to Cardinals (the black cassock with red sash, etc.)
Cardinal who? Lol. 🤓
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope the next Pope sacks/excommunicates the lot of them. Sadly, not likely.
One of them may be the next pope!!!
John Fritz Logan
@pw One of them is too old and neuther of the other 2 seems in any way popular.
What are "secularized Cardinals"? Laicized? Men with a "secular outlook"? Retired?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Only 1 would be able to vote in a conclave, thankfully.
They are evil deceived
One can be a christian or pagan, not both. Got that, cardinals?
Cassandra Laments
At first I thought secularized meant laicized but presumably not. Demonized would be a better word. There appear to be 'nuns' present - what do you think they all say when praying. Perhaps "Thank you, God, for making all gods and demons welcome in your Church"? I'm beyond incredulous. Just what goes on in their heads?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What a bunch of slobs !
I guess that’s why they are Cardinals?
Ivan Tomas
Cardinals made by jorge are not cardinals. Whatever they think they are, the apostates is their official name.
Jeffrey Ade
@Ivan Tomas The Three Amigo's!
Salvatore Bastatti
Well stated, Ivan Thomas.