
Mumbo-Jumbo in Vatican Gardens: Gullible Francis Participates (Video)

Francis took part in an embarrassing October 4 pagan ritual in the Vatican gardens. In order to deceive the faithful, it was labelled as "Consecration of the Amazon Synod to Saint Francis." The mumbo-…More
Francis took part in an embarrassing October 4 pagan ritual in the Vatican gardens. In order to deceive the faithful, it was labelled as "Consecration of the Amazon Synod to Saint Francis."
The mumbo-jumbo started with a dance around a blanket, placed on the lawn and symbolising "Mother Earth." In the middle of the blanket were the statues of two naked woman and a statue of a man with an errection.
A female shaman, with feathers in her hair, lifted her hands for some kind of invocation while sixteen concelebrants knelt and bowed around the blanket.
Francis sat nearby surrounded by cardinals, bishops, and normal people. He closed his eyes as if he were “praying”.
Finally, the shaman shook a rattle, went up to Francis and fooled him by casting some spells on his hands.
"requests for clarification" are not enough to undo what is being done in plain sight
Gesù è con noi
The First Commandment of God
Lesson 16 from the Baltimore Cathechism
205. How does a Catholic sin against faith? A Catholic sins against faith by apostasy, heresy, indifferentism, and by taking part in non-Catholic worship.
De Profundis
What god were they praying to? Gaia?
Man, given that V2 is the Religion of Man? Not clear though that the old Communist has any belief in the supernatural.
Nice priest
Satan has taken over them.