
Francis Hosts Transvestites For Lunch

What a pity some of those girls have serious facial hair issues..

Michael Voris Fired After "Breaching Morality Clause"

Let me just say that, yes, Voris no doubt has his faults, as we all do. But it’s wrong to say “ no one should feel sorry” for him. To think that way is basically stating “ Too bad Michael, you got what you deserve”. As someone who is also also struggling with same sex attraction, but who tries to lead a serious Catholic life, fully aware of my deep weakness, let me tell you, respectfully, you …More
Let me just say that, yes, Voris no doubt has his faults, as we all do. But it’s wrong to say “ no one should feel sorry” for him. To think that way is basically stating “ Too bad Michael, you got what you deserve”. As someone who is also also struggling with same sex attraction, but who tries to lead a serious Catholic life, fully aware of my deep weakness, let me tell you, respectfully, you don’t really understand what Voris is facing. Having listened to or is for years I am convinced he was always a sincere Catholic..his work at CM was never a con, as if just trying to convince his listeners he’s somehow reformed and “ex-gay”. Some men manage to completely change their sexual orientation, but many cannot. Please don’t judge. As you’ve never carried this particular cross, be thankful to God that he has spared you. Don’t kick a brother who has fallen flat. How do you think he’s feeling right now. How do you think you’d be feeling if he were in his shoes ? I wish Michael the very best that he might get back up on his feet, reconcile with God ( if he hasn’t already done so ), and take up his cross once again. His cross is not a light one, but with a deep faith and the sacraments all things are possible.

The new President of Argentina Javier Milei celebrates his victory..

Oh my..what a firecracker!!!!

They hate women

No. I wouldn’t think that’s fair to say. We don’t know what she did, if she did, anything to provoke him. And if he even hated this one woman, it doesn’t mean he therefore hates all women. That doesn’t follow.

Footage of Londoners in 1931. What would they think of their city today?

Most probably a man holding a strange contraption of a camera.

A newly ordained Brazilian priest crying with joy after imparting blessings on his mother

Wonderful sentiments but the music….arrghhh…ruined it for me..dreadful, and nothing Catholic about it.

Israeli settlers verbally abuse and spit at Christian nuns in Jerusalem

Hmmmm….I would actually like to see the follow up on that report…Is it possible the authorities would merely give them a slap on the wrist, for the sake of appearances ? I may be cynical but I cannot believe the Jewish state would treat their own too harshly…

Israeli settlers verbally abuse and spit at Christian nuns in Jerusalem

Awful, shameful behaviour ☹️

Kids just hanging out, 1940's-ish, Americana, USA

Drinking soda, before we all realised how bad extra sugar is….

Do you like the "longer cut" for liturgical vestments?


The Chilean communist activist Valentina Muñoz threatens those who refuse to yield to the Agenda 2030…

Just another radical feminist communist clown with ugly hair..don’t these fools ever look in a mirror ?

Just an agenda

Ahhh…look at those 3 pretty, pretty girls…the one on the right is wearing a gorgeous purple flower, but a pity she does have a 5o’clock shadow

The world is laughing at America

The pretty woman on the left has a lovely blue dress…pity she didn’t have time to pick up her wig from the hairdresser before this photo was taken…


A mother exposing her child to this…Woke women are out of their minds.


Another focus on showing men up badly….we have the secular media already doing that…do we need to see misandry on Catholic media too ?

The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “…

The “ emergency powers” rule was invoked here n NSW, Australia during the Scamdemic so that they pushed through all sorts of restrictions…no one fell for it, but that didn’t stop them.

Bishop HUMILIATES girl who was kneeling for Communion and forces her to receive in the hand while …

I’ve seen this happen in my diocese…if priests only knew how sad this makes us 😓

Selfless advice.🤣 #covid #pfizer #biontech #vaccine #pandemic #lockdown #greepass #ursulavonderleyen …

Oh, yeah, right..we need to roll up our sleeves to get booster shots of a fake vaccine that not only offers no protection against Covid but also has damaged and killed thousands of innocent people worldwide, many of them youth. No thanks, madam, I’ll pass…

Francis Praises Genghis Khan..

Ahhh yes, but at least he was not a rigid, Traditionalist American reactionary…..