Foxx269 shares from Zweihundert
* * Brought to You by PFIZER! * * Covid-Vaccine Side EffectsMore
* * Brought to You by PFIZER! * *
Covid-Vaccine Side Effects
Ann Smith
Corrupt globalist, big pharma, big money who dont care about human beings. Evil
Sean Johnson
“95% safe and effective.”
Foxx269 shares from Lisi Sterndorfer
Bewdiful !!!!! 😂 😂 😂 😂
Matt Walsh: "I asked a “trans woman” to explain how he knows that he’s a woman. The answer was about as coherent as you’d expect"
I identify myself as Napoleon. Unfortunately our Napoleonic lobby is not as influential as transwomyn.
Child of Our Lady
The mustache above your mouth says you are a man. No words are necessary.
Foxx269 shares from
Wow….just unbelievable.

Six Transvestites! Cardinal Zen Should Have Dressed Up As A Woman

After his June 22 Audience, the Argentinean pro-gay activist Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who happens to be Pope Francis, met six transvestites – one Italien and five foreigners. According to (…More
After his June 22 Audience, the Argentinean pro-gay activist Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who happens to be Pope Francis, met six transvestites – one Italien and five foreigners.
According to (June 23), A. Nobile, the only Italian of the group, a prostitute, said after the meeting that “it was emotional, we felt welcomed without prejudice.” Francis reserves his prejudices for Catholics. Most of the transvestites in Rome are prostitutes.
For Nobile, the meeting was of a “strong symbolic value” since it took place during “the month of Pride.” It was organised by French Sister Genevier who lives in an amusement park near Rome. She warned Bergoglio that she would show up with more than one man. “Bring them all,” Francis replied who let Cardinal Zen, 90, wait in vain in the rain.
Nobile, 43, introduced himself to Bergoglio , “I am an transgender girl”.
“Francis replied that he did not care who I was, that we have only one Father,” Nobile recounted, confirming that Francis confirmed him …More
Foxx269 shares from Miles - Christi - English
"Thank GOD @Ultraviolet has zero atheletic ability." How would you know... tubby? :D @Jimmy aka Scott Auden
Wake up people