World Class Athletes Suffer Vaccine Injuries.

Did you know that a Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion, two Olympic gold medalists, an NBA point guard, and the world's top static breath-hold freediver have all suffered Covid-19 vaccine injuries?
(L-R) Dutch speed skater Kjeld Nuis, Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion Craig Jones, NBA point guard Brandon Goodwin, and Belgian cyclist Greg Van Avermaet have all been injured from the Covid-19 vaccines.

Florian Dagoury: World's Top Static Breath-Hold Freediver Diagnosed With Myocarditis and Pericarditis From Pfizer Vaccine

Florian Dagoury, the current world's top static breath-hold free diver - he officially held his breath for 10 minutes and 30 seconds - has been diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis 40 days after his second dose with the Pfizer vaccine. The free diver shared his adverse reaction on Instagram:

"After my 2nd dose I noticed that my heart rate was way higher than normal and my breath hold capacities went down significantly. During sleep I’m at 65-70bpm instead of 37-45bpm. During the day I’m now always over 100bpm instead of 65bpm, even when I sit down and relax. Once I even reach 177bpm while having dinner with friends !!!! 40days after 2nd jab, I had no progress so I went to see another cardiologist and got diagnosed with Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Trivial Mitral regurgitation! I’m now struggling to reach 8min breath hold, 150m down and I even have a strong urge to breath doing 40m dives. 30% decrease on my diving performance roughly."

Craig Jones: 29-Year-Old Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Drops Out of Competition After Vaccine Injury

Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt and world champion, Craig Jones, announced on Instagram that he is unable to fight or train after suffering a bad reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine causing his stomach to build up with fluid. Craig Jones was the Polaris 205 lbs World Champion and the Polaris 185 lbs World Champion in 2018 and 2019. He also finished 2nd place at the ADCC World Championship in 2019.

“I’m out guys. One of the unlucky ones that had an adverse reaction to the Covid vaccine. I won’t bore you with all my symptoms but ended up carrying a bunch of fluid around my stomach and can’t train let alone compete.”

Kjeld Nuis: 31-Year-Old 2x Olympic Gold Medalist And World Record Holder Speed Skater Develops Pericarditis After Pfizer

Dutch speed skater, Kjeld Nuis, was diagnosed with pericarditis a week after his first Pfizer vaccination. The two-time Olympic gold medalist posted on his Instagram that he was experiencing severe flu symptoms and chest pressure before being diagnosed by his doctor and cardiologist with an inflamed pericardium.

Mr. Nuis initially reported that he was very sick, but he later posted on his Instagram that he was recovering well fortunately due to his sports doctor and cardiologist’s early diagnosis.

“Exactly 2 weeks ago today I was in the hospital with an inflamed pericardium. Fortunately, my sports doctor was there very early and examined me together with the Cardiologist.”

Greg Van Avermaet: Former Olympic Road Champion Quits Cycling World Cup Due To Vaccine Side-Effects

The 2016 Olympic gold medalist cyclist, Greg Van Avermaet, has thrown in the towel for the World Championships this year after saying his immune system has been compromised by the coronavirus vaccine he received in June.

“I got my results on Monday night and it’s not really good. That is to say: Nothing can be seen from the blood values. Perfect, as always, which is also my great strength. Other data proves that there is something wrong with my immune system. My body is fighting an unknown adversary and that is probably the vaccine. I sleep well, train well and feel good, but I am missing 3% of my top form.”

Brandon Goodwin: 26-Year-Old NBA Player Suffers Blood Clots Shortly After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine, Possible End Of Career

Former Atlanta Hawks point guard Brandon Goodwin said he developed blood clots after receiving the Covid vaccination which resulted in him missing the end of the 2020-21 NBA season.

In a post on Twitch, Goodwin said: “Yes, the vaccine ended my season. One thousand percent.” He also said that he was told: “not to say anything about it, not to tell anybody.” Goodwin continued:

“I got sick and I never quite recovered from it. I would always have back pain, I was just super tired in the games. I felt like I couldn’t run up and down the court. My back was hurting. My back really started hurting bad. Then, I’m like, ‘OK. I need to go to the doctor. That’s when I found out I had blood clots. That all happened within the span of a month. I was fine until then. I was fine up until I took the vaccine, I was fine… Yes, the vaccine ended my season. One thousand percent.”

Jeremy Chardy: 34-Year Old Former World No. 25 Tennis Player Ends Season After ‘Violent, Near Paralyzing Pain’ From Vaccine Injury

Veteran French tennis player, Jeremy Chardy, suspended his season in September after suffering a debilitating reaction to a Covid-19 vaccine.

"Since I had my vaccine (between the Olympics and the US Open), I have had a problem, I've had a series of struggles. Suddenly, I cannot train, I cannot play," said the 34-year-old. The former world number 25 explained that he felt violent pains all over his body as soon as he made any physical effort.

"Now I have been to see two doctors, I have done some tests so I know what I have and the most important thing is to take care of myself. I prefer to take more time to take care of myself and be sure that in the future I will not have any problem rather than trying to get back on the court as quickly as possible and find myself still having health problems."

Greg Luyssen: 22-Year-Old Professional Cyclist Forced To End His Career After Heart Problems Due To Vaccine Injury

Belgian cyclist, Greg Luyssen, was forced to end his cycling career after heart problems caused by the Covid-19 vaccine. He became unwell during the Kortemark Race in September before being taken to the hospital and diagnosed with heart failure.

“I felt a huge pressure in my chest and it was so bad that I had to leave the race. I was taken to hospital and diagnosed with heart failure. I already had a fever a number of times for no apparent reason after my second COVID-19 vaccine, but I had never thought about the casual relationship. Further tests have now shown that my heart muscle is affected and that my body reacts poorly to intensive activity... My heart only works for 75% and I feel pressure in my chest every day, which also always leads to severe headaches.”

Francesca Marcon: 38-Year-Old Volleyball Player Develops Pericarditis After Her Second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Italian volleyball player, Francesca Marcon, immediately suffered from shortness of breath and chest pains after the Pfizer vaccine. She went to the emergency room the next day where doctors diagnosed her with pericarditis. The volleyball player shared her adverse reaction on Instagram:

“Perhaps this speech of mine may be a bit blasphemous, but I ask myself: is there no form of compensation for those who suffer health damage after getting the vaccine? I state that I am not anti-vax but I have never been convinced of making this vaccine and I have had confirmation. I don’t know if you are interested but I have had and still have post-vaccine pericarditis. Who pays the price for all this?”

Kyle Warner: Professional Mountain Biker Suffers From Pericarditis After Pfizer Vaccine

Professional mountain biker, Kyle Warner, was diagnosed with pericarditis and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. Kyle shared his vaccine injury on his YouTube channel at the start of October.

“The second thing (besides pericarditis) that I’ve been dealing with this whole time has been something called POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). I got that diagnosed the other day at the cardiologist’s office, and what was really hard is that he kind of told me that, you know, we’re not sure how to treat it. Then when he told me it could be 12-18 months to heal from this. I was just kind of shocked. I came home and broke down crying, mostly out of frustration. Frustration that there’s not really a clear path forward. I think that’s been the hardest thing with this whole thing.”


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