
The Irish Minister of Health

Poor Ireland. What a clown show. 😞

Many such cases, sadly 😕 There are far more predatory men who will gladly steal your years and your …

Sorry,but that’s a very one-sided anti male viewpoint. It is not a case of “predatory men who will gladly steal your years”…Instead of blaming the other side you should focus on YOUR responsibility in giving your consent to remaining in the relationship. Sure, there are manipulative men who will take advantage. And there are also many manipulative women who gladly take advantage of men ( such as …More
Sorry,but that’s a very one-sided anti male viewpoint. It is not a case of “predatory men who will gladly steal your years”…Instead of blaming the other side you should focus on YOUR responsibility in giving your consent to remaining in the relationship. Sure, there are manipulative men who will take advantage. And there are also many manipulative women who gladly take advantage of men ( such as gold diggers who will only date wealthy men and use them as a meal ticket). We have to take responsibility for our own lack of discernment, rather than childishly seeking to blame the other party for our lack of good judgment. It is ofcourse always sad when anyone gets hurt after a failed relationship which they hoped would one day lead to marriage, but blaming the other person ( in this case the man ) conveniently ignores one’s personal responsibility, and likely sets you up to repeat the same mistake later with someone new.

No, this is not an SNL skit. This is CNN

That pretty girl in the pink smock…she’s says she felt scary for her in her home town…it’s feeling pretty scary for the rest of us seeing her like that…is anyone going to address that ?

Football Player Speaks Truth - National Football League Lets Its Pants Down

God bless this truly courageous, masculine hero. We need bishops with this intestinal fortitude.

A Pure Catholic State

God bless Poland. But
they have to be ever vigilant..communists and socialists do have much support in various areas of the country.

Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising (An Independent Film)

The true story of the genocide against Catholics of the Vendee. The French Revolution has Catholic blood on its hands. Just as the Jews always remind the world what they suffered under the Nazis, so too we Catholics must remember the atrocities of the savagery of the French Revolution. This film needs to be promoted widely.

It is that simple

They don’t care about the parasites carried by bugs…just as they ignore the awful side effects of their fake mRNA ‘vaccines’ during the Covid Plandemic…

Billy Billy u`re so your daddy.....u again....

I don’t listen to a word Gates says. Sorry, with his track record how can anyone with a functioning brain want to waste their time listening to his globalist propaganda ?

How this footwear is made..

Crocs…some of the ugliest, tasteless footwear around.

Berlin: Senate Wants Sex Rooms for Children in Day-Care Centres

Excuse me while I…🤮🤮🤮

Tactical Embrace: Francis And Milei Meet

No…Miles is NOT a globalist, quite the reverse…and he’s made many scathing remarks against globalism.

Momentum Builds For New Populist Party as Asylum Crisis Worsens – Allah's Willing Executioners

Well, it’s about time the Irish woke up and stood up for their’s beyond a joke now.


Dated hippies…what an embarrassment for those of them still around 🤣

Philadelphia, USA

This is in America ? Just awful. How are Americans not embarrassed by this crushing human poverty and neglect. I have to say we have nowhere near this level of street poverty in Australia.

This is James Martin SJ's minitry

Excuse me while I….🤮🤮🤮

Cardinal Burke After the Audience: "I’m Still Alive"

Cardinal Burke, such a wonderful holy prelate. He deserves so much more than this.


Well then sweetie, we can all be pigs together 😘

The two women on this podium come from impoverished backgrounds. They worked their butts off & had to …

Geee, that lady in the middle sure has big strong legs. Not very feminine, seems to me.

Jesuit apostate Thomas Reese asks bishops to accept gay adoption

Does any semi -intelligent person even waste any time on Reese ? Not me.