Bishop HUMILIATES girl who was kneeling for Communion and forces her to receive in the hand while standing instead
Hound of Heaven
Chastise for reverence but don't dare talk about 'sins below the waist'. How preposterous! When there is such an inversion of Church teachings, it can only mean one thing as to who is currently 'in charge'. I assure this fellow masquerading as a priest that such contemptible behavior will not bring the young into the Church, nor will it help them stay in the Church.
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Clericalism at its worst
If he lacks charity, was the host really confected? The sacrament requires “intent”. I have not received at masses where the host was (appeared to me) to be treated as only a symbol. I am not sure I was right about that.
Bishop be like: I will not tolerate reverence shown to Christ.
Michel Van Heuverzwijn
Protestant !
I’ve seen this happen in my diocese…if priests only knew how sad this makes us 😓
Denis Efimov
"If you are aware of the fact that on the floor fragments of the consecrated hosts are scattered in churches where Communion in hand is given, then it would be for you justified not to go to Holy Communion in those churches where Communion in hand is distributed" (Bishop Athanasius Schneider).
Priests: Why Do You Allow Jesus to Be Literally Trampled? - OnePeterFiveMore
"If you are aware of the fact that on the floor fragments of the consecrated hosts are scattered in churches where Communion in hand is given, then it would be for you justified not to go to Holy Communion in those churches where Communion in hand is distributed" (Bishop Athanasius Schneider).

Priests: Why Do You Allow Jesus to Be Literally Trampled? - OnePeterFive
chris griffin
It is indisputable that Communion in the hand was standard practice in the Church for the first 900 years. It is indisputable that Catholic teaching says that "fragments" lose their "the body of Christ" if they are unrecognizable.
Jesus said "take and eat' which is Communion in the hand. I prefer Jesus words over Bishop Schneider.More
It is indisputable that Communion in the hand was standard practice in the Church for the first 900 years. It is indisputable that Catholic teaching says that "fragments" lose their "the body of Christ" if they are unrecognizable.

Jesus said "take and eat' which is Communion in the hand. I prefer Jesus words over Bishop Schneider.
Denis Efimov
@chris griffin
Thanks for your reply.
If this issue had been resolved as simply as you wrote, then there would have been no outstanding battles against taking the Most Holy Eucharist in hands.
From what you have listed, only one point is indisputable - that in the early Church there was a practice of receiving Communion in the hands. But in this part it is necessary to make one amendment and one …More
@chris griffin

Thanks for your reply.

If this issue had been resolved as simply as you wrote, then there would have been no outstanding battles against taking the Most Holy Eucharist in hands.

From what you have listed, only one point is indisputable - that in the early Church there was a practice of receiving Communion in the hands. But in this part it is necessary to make one amendment and one objection.

The amendment is that the custom of placing the Sacred Particle in the mouth, rather than in the hand of the communicant, dates in Rome from the sixth (not in the ninth or tenth) century.

The objection is the following: "The liturgy of the early ages is most certainly worthy of all veneration. But ancient usage must not be esteemed more suitable and proper, either in its own right or in its significance for later times and new situations, on the simple ground that it carries the savor and aroma of antiquity… it is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity by every possible device… obviously unwise and mistaken is the zeal of one who in matters liturgical would go back to the rites and usage of antiquity… This way of acting bids fair to revive the exaggerated and senseless antiquarianism to which the illegal Council of Pistoia gave rise" (Pius XII, «Mediator Dei», 20.11.1947).
Denis Efimov
As for the argument about particles not perceived by vision, this, contrary to your statement, is by no means certain. If we turn to the “Summa Theologiae Moralis” (3, 102) by H. Noldin, we will see that the absence of the Body of Christ in such parts is only an assumption (since it is said: “at certum non est eas quoque manere consecratas”). And then it is assumed that they are still the Body …More
As for the argument about particles not perceived by vision, this, contrary to your statement, is by no means certain. If we turn to the “Summa Theologiae Moralis” (3, 102) by H. Noldin, we will see that the absence of the Body of Christ in such parts is only an assumption (since it is said: “at certum non est eas quoque manere consecratas”). And then it is assumed that they are still the Body and Blood of Christ (“quod si consecratae”), and the conclusion is made that in the latter case Christ does not require ministers to care for these imperceptible particles.
2 more comments from Denis Efimov
Denis Efimov
St. Thomas Aquinas teaches: "out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency" (Summa …More
St. Thomas Aquinas teaches: "out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency" (Summa Theology, 3, 82, 3).

"If we are to avoid the errors which are the source and fountain-head of all the miseries of our time, the teaching of Aquinas must be adhered to more religiously than ever" (Pius XI, «Studiorum Ducem», 29.06.1923).
Denis Efimov
Finally, regarding the argument about the words of our Lord, two points need to be kept in mind.
Firstly, the words you quoted were spoken specifically to the Apostles. To them Christ also said: "Do this in remembrance of me". Therefore, not only the second, but also the first words can be understood as referring only to priests.
Secondly, in the Vulgate the Greek word “lambenein” is translated …More
Finally, regarding the argument about the words of our Lord, two points need to be kept in mind.

Firstly, the words you quoted were spoken specifically to the Apostles. To them Christ also said: "Do this in remembrance of me". Therefore, not only the second, but also the first words can be understood as referring only to priests.

Secondly, in the Vulgate the Greek word “lambenein” is translated by the Latin “accipere” ("accipite et comedite" – Matt. 26, 26). This word in Holy Scripture usually means “receive” as a spiritual action, and not as a bodily action in the sense of “take.” For example, when our Lord breathed on the apostles and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit,” it was that same “accipere” (Greek: “lambenein”).
chris griffin
@ Denis Efimov… Denis, you are obviously a well-educated and well-spoken person and I appreciate that very much. I will try my best to reply in the same manner piece by piece. Please forgive me in advance if I don’t measure up.
You quoted…”obviously unwise and mistaken is the zeal of one who in matters liturgical would go back to the rites and usage of antiquity… Pius XII”
This refers to “…More
@ Denis Efimov… Denis, you are obviously a well-educated and well-spoken person and I appreciate that very much. I will try my best to reply in the same manner piece by piece. Please forgive me in advance if I don’t measure up.

You quoted…”obviously unwise and mistaken is the zeal of one who in matters liturgical would go back to the rites and usage of antiquity… Pius XII”
This refers to “liturgical” and “rites” which does not concern us here. Instead, we are concerned with “form” as in the form of the words of baptism “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" which we retain from antiquity and cannot be changed. This also applies in a similar way to the “form” of Communion as enunciated by Jesus as “take”.

You quoted…"If we are to avoid the errors which are the source and fountain-head of all the miseries of our time, the teaching of Aquinas must be adhered to more religiously than ever" (Pius XI, «Studiorum Ducem», 29.06.1923).
Aquinas is the guy that said that early gestation unborn babies were vegetables and animals. Aquinas ignored the Bible and numerous earlier Saints in making this horrible abjectly false statement which haunts us till this day.

You quoted…"Do this in remembrance of me". Therefore, not only the second, but also the first words can be understood as referring only to priests.
This is simply speculation on your part. Jesus never restricted Communion in the hand, in fact he ordained it. Jesus never said that only priest could touch the Host, Jesus never said “put in in their mouths”.

You quoted…This word in Holy Scripture usually means “receive” as a spiritual action, and not as a bodily action in the sense of “take.”
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, [a]blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Matt 26:26.
Jesus GAVE the bread to them, and they took it, he did not put it in their mouths. He never said to “put it in their mouths” which would be obviously unnatural and would have certainly been mentioned if that were so, but it is not because it is completely unreasonable.

I checked all 53 different Bibles on BibleGateway and ALL of them said TAKE which is proof that “receive’ is never mentioned because it is unreasonable and unnatural.

That is all for now. Thanks again for your participation on Gloria TV and on this particular topic. God Bless.
Denis Efimov
@chris griffin
The method of receiving Communion is not a form of Sacrament, which is the words you quoted about baptism in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The method of acceptance is precisely the liturgical element, the restoration of which by the conciliar church is the very antiquarianism that Pope Pius XII condemned.
Regarding Holy Scripture, it is not surprising that …More
@chris griffin

The method of receiving Communion is not a form of Sacrament, which is the words you quoted about baptism in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The method of acceptance is precisely the liturgical element, the restoration of which by the conciliar church is the very antiquarianism that Pope Pius XII condemned.

Regarding Holy Scripture, it is not surprising that all the English translations you have looked at translate "Take ye and eat" and "Receive ye the Holy Ghost" with different words (even though the Greek and Latin texts use the same word). But in translations of Scripture into some other languages, the same word is used in both places, which is closer in meaning to Latin and Greek.

As for St.Thomas Aquinas, we must not shift the problem from sick heads to healthy ones. The same degenerates who even cite Holy Scripture in defense of sodomy also cite St.Thomas in a vain attempt to defend their sins (abortion). In reality, regardless of the moment of animation of the embryo, St.Thomas stated twice in the Summa Theologica that killing any fetus in the womb is homicide. In this he follows St. Basil the Great ("The woman who purposely destroys her unborn child is guilty of murder. With us there is no nice enquiry as to its being formed or unformed" - Letter 188, 2) and other Church Fathers.
chris griffin
@ Denis Efimov
Your first paragraph misses the point. My point is that Jesus specified ‘take” which cannot be turned into a battle of “form” verses “liturgy” or antiquarianism.
Your second paragraph refers to Biblical translations in other languages which clouds the issue, but we are sure of the English translation in this instance.
Your third paragraph admits that I am right about Aquinas and …More
@ Denis Efimov

Your first paragraph misses the point. My point is that Jesus specified ‘take” which cannot be turned into a battle of “form” verses “liturgy” or antiquarianism.

Your second paragraph refers to Biblical translations in other languages which clouds the issue, but we are sure of the English translation in this instance.

Your third paragraph admits that I am right about Aquinas and that you and Pope Pius were wrong.
I cannot find whereas you say “St.Thomas stated twice in the Summa Theologica that killing any fetus in the womb is homicide.” Would you point that out to me please.

Thank you.
Virginie Fortin shares this
Un évêque brésilien refuse la communion à une jeune fille agenouillée. Elle doit se lever et la prendre avec sa main.
Don Cesare Toscano shares this
Un vescovo brasiliano rifiuta la comunione a una ragazza inginocchiata. Lei deve alzarsi e prenderla con la mano.
Teofil Michalski shares this
Biskup z Brazylii odmawia komunii klęczącej dziewczynce. Dziewczynka musi wstać i przyjąć ją ręką.
Izabela Sylwia - IS 2201
Dziewczynka wcale tego nie musi.
Benedykt Czarnecki
Hierarchia nie wierzy w przeistoczenie. Popa Francis też. To koniec kościoła katolickiego, zostanie prawdziwy kościół Jezusa Chrystusa
Izabela Sylwia - IS 2201
Uważam jednak, że znajdą się kapłani, którzy wierzą w Przeistoczenie.
Carlus shares this
Brasilianischer Bischof zwingt kniendes Mädchen, die stehende Handkommunion zu nehmen.
Das ist kein Bischof sondern ein Mietling, der aus dem Herzen der Loge und der Illuminaten kommt. Dessen Ziel es ist den Glauben zu zerstören und die Kirche zu vernichten.
Es ist ihm nicht bewusst, was er vor Gott zu verantworten hat. Beten wir für seine Bekehrung.
die nachkonzilieren Silberrücken. Richtet die Kirche nur zugrunde. Ideologen statt Priester
Ursula Sankt shares this
Brasilianischer Bischof zwingt kniendes Mädchen, die stehende Handkommunion zu nehmen.