Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington. LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22 Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-…More
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington.
LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22
Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-killing, thousands will gather for marches and rallies in Washington, DC and statehouses across America on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This anniversary provides all of us an appropriate time to shed light on the primary victims of abortion – preborn children.
Watch: Our NEW "Resistance" video
The day before and day of the DC March For Life will be marked by Created Equal, Defend Life, and other groups showing actual abortions using our NEW Jumbo TV technology at two locations in downtown DC.
Jan. 21, 2015 from 11:00AM-5:00PM – JumboTV outreach at Farragut Square located at the corner of 17th St. NW and K St. NW. See MAP.
Jan 22, 2015 from 9:00AM-4:00PM – JumboTV outreach in front of the Canadian Embassy located at 501 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001 (This …More
This is horrible! Every female needs to do 3 weeks of community service, automatic probation, or some form of punishment as avoidance from doing actual time because this is murder regardless of how it happened. I understand the trauma a rape victim, incest, or accidents a female may experience but adoption and therapy is always an option with free services available. If the child may have life-…More
This is horrible! Every female needs to do 3 weeks of community service, automatic probation, or some form of punishment as avoidance from doing actual time because this is murder regardless of how it happened. I understand the trauma a rape victim, incest, or accidents a female may experience but adoption and therapy is always an option with free services available. If the child may have life-threatening disease doctors can detect early on through testing they should still be given a chance and let life run its course until that human being die themselves. If you don't think you are capable of having healthy kids or decide you don't want any kids at all you need to consider protection. The government needs to do something about this. Just like they are giving people options to change their gender, they need to give females the option to remove reproduction components to prevent pregnancy. Who cares if they change their mind later on, at least it will cut out the need for abortion. You still will produce eggs before menopause, freeze the eggs and get a surrogate mother. Any female getting an abortion need to go through serious investigation as to why they are taking this form of action. Those babies develop nerves very early, they can feel their poor little bodies being ripped apart. There is no way to justify self as an employee, contributor, supporter, or a selfish mother. This should not be going on at all. Judgment is coming......
Of course you call women "females"
what is the point of killing a fetus? so that you dont have a baby to love and kiss and hold? so you can live life free of any ties or connections to anyone, and just go off in the world alone with your money? who WOULDNT want a baby? why would a femae have ovaries eggs and falopian tubes and kill their fuckin baby red bloddy lifeliss corpse out their vagina hole sometimes broken up into pieces. …More
what is the point of killing a fetus? so that you dont have a baby to love and kiss and hold? so you can live life free of any ties or connections to anyone, and just go off in the world alone with your money? who WOULDNT want a baby? why would a femae have ovaries eggs and falopian tubes and kill their fuckin baby red bloddy lifeliss corpse out their vagina hole sometimes broken up into pieces. What is the alternative to motherhood? letting dude fuck you and disrespect you with no love no obligation no responsibility? so basically you would rather be a singl whore who lets men spit on them instead of getting a man to enter father hood and yourself transform into the love and compassion a baby can bring to ones life
Um maybe you should get your head out the gutter and realise women get raped and shit and dont want to carry a fucking child of there rapist it should be a right to have an abortion, what if a 12 year old girl get raped and she could die from carrying the child of a monster abortion should be the best option honestly people like you is why society is fucked
Once again, society is screwed up...because people believe killing is an answer. Dont want kids? Dont get pregnant. If you are responsible for sex, be responsible for the consequence.
Cool, Vamp, don't get pregnant. We done need people who like their own posts in this world.
Abortion Is Murder #PERIOD
It's not, but okay!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13–14)
When we consider all God has done for us through all our days, beginning from the moment of fertilization, may we praise Him for being the Creator and Lord of life.More
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13–14)

When we consider all God has done for us through all our days, beginning from the moment of fertilization, may we praise Him for being the Creator and Lord of life.
What if I don't believe in your god?
Abortion shouldn’t be allowed to he used as a form of contraceptive. That’s what condoms and birth control are for. If you’re not responsible enough to keep yourself from getting pregnant then by all means keep your damn legs shut. This is murder in the first degree and is absolutely heartbreaking that women think this is ok!
Birth control doesnt always work. I got pregnant on what was supposed to be "the most effective form of birth control" .. not saying i believe in abortions what so ever .. but condoms for sure or abstinence!!!!! if this would ever be an option for any person!
I do believe this should be up to every woman, just as much as how we approach cancers or heart problems, not to mention that illegal; abortions will still happen. Saying they won't is not trusting the 400+ years before it was legalized. Then you are allowing a woman to risk her life for a fetus she got rid of anyways. Not to mention that woman when asked rarely tell who did the procedure. way I …More
I do believe this should be up to every woman, just as much as how we approach cancers or heart problems, not to mention that illegal; abortions will still happen. Saying they won't is not trusting the 400+ years before it was legalized. Then you are allowing a woman to risk her life for a fetus she got rid of anyways. Not to mention that woman when asked rarely tell who did the procedure. way I look at it as a Christian is this, abortion was given to woman by God as much as . the cures for cancers, and every other medical procedure out there. Course, if you don't and you are saying you are pro-life, you do understand that means life, not just pro-birth, and that means giving more tax money to support those children that'll end up in group homes. And those taxes should only come from the pockets that are desiding to make these choices for every woman.
I 100% respect any opinion until you bring God unto. Everyone assumes everything was given by God but God didn’t give us supplies to against what he stands for. This isn’t the confusion in Christianity these days. Just how God turned water to wine to show what he can do not for people to abuse It and get drunken because he said a drunken can’t make its into heaven. His children are precious to …More
I 100% respect any opinion until you bring God unto. Everyone assumes everything was given by God but God didn’t give us supplies to against what he stands for. This isn’t the confusion in Christianity these days. Just how God turned water to wine to show what he can do not for people to abuse It and get drunken because he said a drunken can’t make its into heaven. His children are precious to him and killin them isn’t a sin in his eyes. Why would he go against his own word? Just saying
So can I call off work when I'm on period? They don't talk about pads or tampons in the Bible.
Ginger B shares this
I watched this and was horrified how we as Christian and non Christian can allow Abortion to continue. This film is extremely graphic.
It breaks my heart seeing a baby life taken away before it has even started.. don't the child life matter!!!! 💔
No not when it could be the child of a child or a rapist or murderer or any other monster of a "human" or could kill the mother, abortion is completely okay and should be for everyone it's not murder because the FETUS isn't alive
Please Report the satanists user accounts in the comments. Their accounts are less than a few days old. Satanic spammers.
jlpatterson shares this
Abortion is murder!
if you sit here and cry about abortion then go adopt. instead of sitting behind a screen. you arent doing anything good
That’s like saying you aren’t going to support a breast cancer charity because the foundation doesn’t do anything about diabetes.
Alybailey1980 shares this
Everyone should have to watch this gut wrenching video. This shows us exactly what is happening to our babies.
This is the most horrific thing I've ever seen. In my opinion anyone who has ever killed there child or is thinking about it should have to watch this first. We the people who treat prisoners better then our children. Women's rights my ass. You have the right to protect yourself from pregnancy. As women you need to stand strong against the murder of these babies not for the murder of babies. You …More
This is the most horrific thing I've ever seen. In my opinion anyone who has ever killed there child or is thinking about it should have to watch this first. We the people who treat prisoners better then our children. Women's rights my ass. You have the right to protect yourself from pregnancy. As women you need to stand strong against the murder of these babies not for the murder of babies. You are the most despicable beast in existence. And when you kill your own child my you forever be sterile. You do not deserve a child.
The "child" or "baby" is actually a fetus and not alive yet so it's not murder get yourself educated and if they where impregnated by insest rape or underage abortion is okay because it's their life not yours respect other people's choices because it's not your life to live
Myriah shares this
This is gut twisting to watch. But I think anyone thinking about abortion should have to see exactly what's happening when they do it.
Elbrich shares this
How sad😢😢😢
Ka luoy pod sa baby😢
Beth1948 shares this
This is not easy to look at but it's something everyone needs to see. Even though it will break your heart. We need to try harder to get this stopped....
Abortion is murder period. If a person doesnt want the baby then they should get on birth control.. keep their legs closed.. get their tubes tied or give it up for adoption. The baby did not ask to be born. All babies deserve to have a chance at life. If a woman wants to give up her child/Children then they should have the records of her being the mother destroyed so the child cant grow up and look …More
Abortion is murder period. If a person doesnt want the baby then they should get on birth control.. keep their legs closed.. get their tubes tied or give it up for adoption. The baby did not ask to be born. All babies deserve to have a chance at life. If a woman wants to give up her child/Children then they should have the records of her being the mother destroyed so the child cant grow up and look her up. Incest.. rape or even unwanted babies still deserve a chance at life.. C-section is always available and so is adoption or signing over custody to a trusted person.

I am prolife. If you have anything negative to say about this then I dont want to hear from you. DO not reply to me. I just lost my dad and dont need the drama.
This is beyond heartbreaking and murder, this is a human being at it's most vulnerable state, yet, this evil is legal, what have we become, monsters, that's what! Anyone who can make the decision to do this, and the so-called doctors, are monsters/murderers! This hurts my very soul. May God protect the innocent from monsters who can do such an evil act. Amen. May God have mercy on these barbaric …More
This is beyond heartbreaking and murder, this is a human being at it's most vulnerable state, yet, this evil is legal, what have we become, monsters, that's what! Anyone who can make the decision to do this, and the so-called doctors, are monsters/murderers! This hurts my very soul. May God protect the innocent from monsters who can do such an evil act. Amen. May God have mercy on these barbaric men, and women.
Threeshepherds shares this
Good Lord, please help those who are blind, deaf to this plague of cruel, undeserved the death.
its sad our country protects the bald eagle but not the unborn child stupid ass people
No one can say they are against it until they walk in that persons shoes. For allot of woman they choose this method instead of a baby being born to go into the hands of the rapist father for a full term life of abuse as according to police there is in most cases a lack of evidence to get rapists prosecuted and baby’s end up like ‘baby P’ who was on the news. Social works even miss abuse in the …More
No one can say they are against it until they walk in that persons shoes. For allot of woman they choose this method instead of a baby being born to go into the hands of the rapist father for a full term life of abuse as according to police there is in most cases a lack of evidence to get rapists prosecuted and baby’s end up like ‘baby P’ who was on the news. Social works even miss abuse in the home and a baby can be abused multiple times before the death. Woman only carry abortions out to save a life time of surfing or they know their baby is in grave danger of rape and abuse.
Ir they can star by closing their legs!!!
Why should women close their legs when men stick their dicks in anything that walk?
You are just plain STUPID..grow some morals cause it’s obvious you have none. Every person is accountable for their own actions. Oh but I guess you didn’t know that!
Women can use birth control or keep their fucking legs closed. And to the idiot above who made the comment “why should women keep their legs closed but men stick their dicks in anything that walks”, please go get your tubes tied, cut and burnt. Then go be the whore you want so bad to be.
how can they keep their legs shut when they are being raped and get pregnant by a rapist? Should they have been on birth control just because they should assume they were going to be raped? What if they were married trying to conceive with their husband and not wanting to be on the pill? What then? What if the husband doesn't want a rapists damned bastard child. You just took a whole family and …More
how can they keep their legs shut when they are being raped and get pregnant by a rapist? Should they have been on birth control just because they should assume they were going to be raped? What if they were married trying to conceive with their husband and not wanting to be on the pill? What then? What if the husband doesn't want a rapists damned bastard child. You just took a whole family and ripped it apart. Because you want to decide that the mother is a whore and didn't keep her legs shut! No the innocent child created didn't ask to be created, but the innocent woman didn't asked to be raped either. So who gives any one any right to say what is best for anyone but their own freedom of choice which what America is about. God is the only who can judge you. Nobody has the right take your worth, freedom, choices, or value away in a situation you didn't ask for.
@Gail why is she a whore? Because she has a different opinion than you? That's a really messed up thing to say not to mention it shows how ignorant you are and what type of person you are. In my opinion you are no better.