Alex A

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

"The Israeli regime, which has occupied the Gaza Strip since 1967, has killed at least 34,789 Gazans, including 14,500 children, since October 2023. Over 78,204 people have been injured. More than 8,000 are missing." Where on earth did the above mentioned Bishop get his information from? From a Ouija board, perhaps? Wherever he obtained it, he be better advised by someone in a local bar, who no …More
"The Israeli regime, which has occupied the Gaza Strip since 1967, has killed at least 34,789 Gazans, including 14,500 children, since October 2023. Over 78,204 people have been injured. More than 8,000 are missing." Where on earth did the above mentioned Bishop get his information from? From a Ouija board, perhaps? Wherever he obtained it, he be better advised by someone in a local bar, who no doubt would much more informed. For his Excellence's edification and education, Israel has not occupied the Gaza strip since 2005. Secondly, the figures you quote-presumably from Hamas propaganda videos- are seriously flawed. Hamas are known to both fudge the numbers and also include their own casualties numbers in the overall totals. In short, anyone with a modicum of honesty would not, and could not, rely on Hamas for such data. Finally, Two simple questions for the Bishop, Why do think Egypt gave up its control over the Gazans and why won't they open their borders to the Palestinian refugees? I'm sure your Ouija board will have no difficulty in helping you with such information.
Alex A

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

Apology unreservedly accepted. Gracias por tu varonil respuesta
Alex A

Former US diplomat warns Israel is committing 'national suicide' by continuing war in Gaza - LifeSite

I wonder why GloriaTV repeatedly places comments in the wrong order?
Alex A

Former US diplomat warns Israel is committing 'national suicide' by continuing war in Gaza - LifeSite

Denis Efimov > O yes it is! Do you even know what Zionism means?
Alex A

Nun And Priest Die Trying To Save The Eucharist From A Church Fire

The year 1967. An era when the religious orders were still held in high regard because they truly believed in their vocations and the sacraments.
Alex A

No Surprise: Tucho Falsifies John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita"

Pope John Paul was a man of many considerations but outright pacifism was not one of them.
Alex A

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

Live Mike From the days of Ultra Violet 'infamy' I had you pegged as someone I would be less than willing to associate with. From a reliable source, I was informed you once served in the army, which I assume was the Salvation army. Now, should you wish to continue with your dismal comments to my good self, I will accomodate you in kind, fourfold. However, should you move forward with the backbone …More
Live Mike From the days of Ultra Violet 'infamy' I had you pegged as someone I would be less than willing to associate with. From a reliable source, I was informed you once served in the army, which I assume was the Salvation army. Now, should you wish to continue with your dismal comments to my good self, I will accomodate you in kind, fourfold. However, should you move forward with the backbone of a manly Traditional Catholic, demonstrated by an apology and an assurance that you won't block, as been your modus operandi, future comments that I may submit, I will respond without further rancor or disparagement. Do we understand each other?
Alex A

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

123jussi With Biden undermining Israel, why would Hamas, or indeed any terrorist group surrender. We all need to keep in mind that Israel is beseiged not only by Hamas but also, Hezabollah, Houthis, Isis, and Iran. all have one aim, that is the total destruction of Israel. UN experts now predict that Iran will soon be armed with a Nuclear bomb and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure …More
123jussi With Biden undermining Israel, why would Hamas, or indeed any terrorist group surrender. We all need to keep in mind that Israel is beseiged not only by Hamas but also, Hezabollah, Houthis, Isis, and Iran. all have one aim, that is the total destruction of Israel. UN experts now predict that Iran will soon be armed with a Nuclear bomb and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who it is intended for. Then what will the worlds reaction be, I wonder?
Alex A

Words are words - A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice - Jewish Ritual Murder

@Sean Johnson I hope your William is never associated with William of Orange! It was one of the reasons I choose Liam for my second son.
Alex A

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

mccallansteve There is no genocide by Israel. Period! To claim otherwise is tantamount at best, to misinformation and, at worse, outright lying. Suggest you familiarise yourself with Palestinian Constitution where it explicity spells out their aim to rid the land of all Jews. That is genocide! Israels aim, in the current conflict, is to rid Gaza of the existance of a terrorist group called Hamas …More

mccallansteve There is no genocide by Israel. Period! To claim otherwise is tantamount at best, to misinformation and, at worse, outright lying. Suggest you familiarise yourself with Palestinian Constitution where it explicity spells out their aim to rid the land of all Jews. That is genocide! Israels aim, in the current conflict, is to rid Gaza of the existance of a terrorist group called Hamas and to free the remaining hostages. Speaking of hostages, that heinious action by Hamas, alone, constitutes a war crime. One vital last point, Since October 7 2023, Hezabolla has rained rockets on Israel on a daily basis, over a 7month period this has amounted to over 3,000 rockets/drones. Combine that with the Houtis, Hamas, and Irans attacks on Israel- a country the size of New Jersey- and it just might, alert your mind and senses to what it must be like for the ordinary Israeli citizen to endure, and why its government is insistant on completely beating Hamas. But I wont hold my breath as experience has taught me- I am a 85yr. Traditional Catholic- that, convincing the uneducated/uninformed that their view is flawed is as difficult as getting a left-handed person to write with their right hand. Perhaps, Martin Luther King articulated best: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
Alex A

681. Pedophilia - World Scam

GLORIA TV! Get rid of this rubbish from a ;so-called' Catholic site. Pronto!
Alex A

The Three Divisions of Western Catholicism

There was no such divisions prior to Vatican 2. All called themselves Catholics. Period!
Alex A

Il pastore di Terra Santa dice a Tucker Carlson che l'occupazione di Israele deve finire, definisce …

@Alisha Riuspoli.>Take the wool from your own eyes before wanting others to remove their wool. Do ever consider that yoiu maybe wrong, or is it always the other person?