Fr Dan

Fernández Wants To Replace John Paul II Morals

They are NOT john pauls morals, they are the moral teaching rooted explicitly in The Sacred Inerrant Word of God, and understood through the ages by the Church. They cannot be replaced.
Fr Dan

Condoms Are "Charity" for Francis’ Destroyer of Faith

The use of condoms are sinful, pure and simple.
Fr Dan

Scandal? Episcopal Vicar Hushes Up Homosex Pseudo-Marriage

At least it wasn't a Traditional Latin Mass
Fr Dan

Jesuits Turn INRI into LGBT

St Ignatius weeps for his erring children.
Fr Dan

Burke Warns of "Persistence Of An Ideology"

For a church which is supposed to be in a 'synodical' process listening to the voice of the Holy Ghost, we're not doing such a good job.
Fr Dan

Roman Diocese: Priests Pushed Aside

God will save our faith , and when HE does it will be swift and mighty.
Fr Dan

Belgium: Adult Kindergarten and Food Bar In NO Church

More than they'd ever get on sunday
Fr Dan

Pontifical Marian Academy: President Suggests that Gospels, Fatima Are "False"

A Catholic mind, a spiritual gift given to the faithful can sift out the true from the baloney
Fr Dan

Invalid "Sacraments" in Rome

Just as long as it's not the 1962 misal
Fr Dan

A Real Threat: Rocky Horror Cupich Show

Well.. when you only have the bland N.O. you gotta do something
Fr Dan

Covid Injection: Fauci Lied and Children Died

And many if you knew this was going to happen from day 1. And sadly so many refused to listen to reason.
Fr Dan

Cardinal: St Paul Knew "Nothing" About Homosexuality

Homosexuality has been around from almost the beginning, the name doesn't matter, the reality does. The Bible makes it crystal clear . The homosexuality act is a sin before God. Any religious leader who rejects this has lost all credibility, and true Christians must reject them.
Fr Dan

Austria: Diocese Linked To Vulva Spectacle

God will not be mocked.....
When the wrath of God falls, it will fall on all of us.
Fr Dan

Francis: "God Does Not Reject Homosexuals"

God has shown his love and mercy to all mankind on the Cross. Christ died for the sins of all. But we must All turn from our sin in faith and repentance.
Fr Dan

Liturgy War Escalates: Combat Operations Between Priests

The priests who disrupted the mass should immediately be suspended without pay. I'm a priest of 40 years, this is a grave scandal
Fr Dan

Cheap Show: Sister Cristina Is Done With Religious Life

Like another famous nun from the early 60s, The singing Nun, she learned the hard way, nobody was interested in her when she left the Dominicans. Like a famous singing composer Benedictine monk who wanted to make it big after leaving his order.. Cristina will be very disappointed and sad on so many levels.
Fr Dan

In Lowest Percentage Range: German Homosex Report for Francis' Synod

The German would be a complete joke if not for all that state money. If they really want to be radical cut the state apron strings and live off the donations of the few faithful
Fr Dan

Francis’ Novus Ordo: Water Eucharist on An Air Mattress – A Miracle?

I would doubt the validity of that 'mass'
Fr Dan

Moscow Patriarch Fell During Liturgy (Video)

God bless the Holy Patriarch
Fr Dan

German Synod Breaks the Church's Neck - Cardinal Kasper

As I watch the destruction of the Church, I am more convinced that the True Church is not to be found in these crumbling institutions.