Opera 369
For the clear minded truth seekers.

The Bergoglian Anti-Papacy: Ten Years and Counting | Frontpage Mag

Between February 11th and March 1st, 2013 – ten years ago last week – Pope Benedict XVI did something of ongoing historical significance …
Rand Miller
I find this theory absolutely nonsensical.
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Opera 369
I won't say what my thoughts are about Bergogliot and Roche; but I'm sure most of you would totally agree with me. Long live the Tridentine Mass even beyond those above-mentioned.

Liverpool and Leeds crack down on Latin Mass in parish churches - Catholic Herald

The bishops of Liverpool and Leeds have cancelled Traditional Latin Masses in their parish churches in the wake of …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Dear God, take away Pope Francis. Bless a new CATHOLIC POPE, and let him have the courage to sack all the Francis cardinals and bishops....especially …More
Dear God, take away Pope Francis. Bless a new CATHOLIC POPE, and let him have the courage to sack all the Francis cardinals and bishops....especially scum like Roche.