Quo Primum
Urgent need to Home School. olvs.org ...or, find an SSPX School ASAP Archbishop Lefebvre's 50th Jubilee Sermon All those who do the retreat at Ridgefield have to listen to this reading, which may be …More
Urgent need to Home School.
...or, find an SSPX School ASAP
Archbishop Lefebvre's 50th Jubilee Sermon
All those who do the retreat at Ridgefield have to listen to this reading, which may be helpful in your discussion with parents.
"...And if it is necessary, yes, you yourselves will make the school for your children. If the schools should corrupt your children, what are you going to do? Deliver them to the corrupters? To those who teach these abominable sexual practices in the schools? To the so-called “Catholic” schools run by religious men and women where they simply teach sin? In reality that is what they are teaching to the children: they corrupt them from their tenderest youth. Are you to put up with that? It is inconceivable! Rather that your children be poor—that they be removed from this apparent science that the world possesses—but that they be good children, Christian children, Catholic children, who love their holy religion, who love to pray, and who love to work; …More
Credo .
Examples please? 🤔
Credo .
Examples please?
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Quo Primum
Rabbi gets Fatima
These two men do indeed understand the will of God
Quo Primum
Forced experimental vaccine. VAX ETHNIC CLEANSING: HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra confirms vaccines are KILLING BLACKS and LATINOS at “two times the rate of white Americans” VAX ETHNIC CLEANSING: HHS …More
Forced experimental vaccine.
VAX ETHNIC CLEANSING: HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra confirms vaccines are KILLING BLACKS and LATINOS at “two times the rate of white Americans”
VAX ETHNIC CLEANSING: HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra confirms vaccines are KILLING BLACKS and LATINOS at "two times the rate of white Americans"
Kathleen J B
Im assuming that is Tiffany Dover , noone seems to know here whereabouts these days............since the shot
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Quo Primum
Six point plan for True World Order. Excellent talk in April 2022. Speaker wants anonymity. SSPXAsia.com: Father Denis Fahey The Program of Christ Against the Plans of Satan, By Father Denis FaheyMore
Six point plan for True World Order.
Excellent talk in April 2022.
Speaker wants anonymity.
SSPXAsia.com: Father Denis Fahey
The Program of Christ Against the Plans of Satan, By Father Denis Fahey
Prophecy of Pope St. Pius X
In his letter to the French bishops on the errors of the ecumenical Sillon group, the Pope foresaw and cast judgment on today’s clerical traitors who say they are friends of “the people”: “The true friends of the people are not the innovators nor the revolutionaries, but the Traditionalist”! (12)
In the same document, he analyses the structure of this new church which is a clear description of the post Vatican II conciliar church: “(By the) enemies of the church…(is the) great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a one world church, which shall have neither dogmas nor hierarchy neither discipline for the mind nor curb for the passion;
Quo Primum
Covid And Vaccine is snake venom! At 45 minutes, Dr. A. shows that nicotine is the best remedy. No Smoking poster Monoclonal Antibodies IS mRNA Gene Knockdown Tech, Encoding HIV – Patent Review "Like …More
Covid And Vaccine is snake venom!
At 45 minutes, Dr. A. shows that nicotine is the best remedy.
No Smoking poster
Monoclonal Antibodies IS mRNA Gene Knockdown Tech, Encoding HIV – Patent Review
"Like Venom Coursing Through the Body" - Remdesivir's Unnerving Resemblances to the Toxin of a Snake
Dr. Bryan Ardis: "When [the University of Arizona] actually evaluated the blood samples in tissues of people who died, hundreds of them, from two different hospitals, after being treated for COVID [with] remdesivir... [they titled] their published article ['Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality']."
@VigilantFox | Rumble | Full Video
Quo Primum
Rand Miller
Vaccines perpetuate the diseases they claim to prevent, and have done so throughout history. (Jeff Green)
Evelyn Scaevola
Humanized mice used to make monoclonal antibodies. fetalindustry.com
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Quo Primum
Fr. Isaac sermon in North Caldwell NJ Gaudete Sunday
LisaHart shares this
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Quo Primum
Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea on evolution. Great explanation of Humani Generis 35More
Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea on evolution.
Great explanation of Humani Generis 35
Militia Immaculata Knight shares this
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Quo Primum
Australia is fallen. Here's why
Quo Primum
Tucker takes on Vaccine industry with RFK Jr.
Quo Primum
Covid death jabs affect children in Gulag public schools
work to reform the education system but until this Marxist control is removed, take your children out........... homeschool !
I can the sick main media tolerate such evil
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Quo Primum
Vote 1 Jim Caviezel. Best speech this year.More
Vote 1 Jim Caviezel.
Best speech this year.
Jim Caviezel should run for president. Imagine what he'd do to Joe or Kamala in a debate.
Quo Primum
Why I will never go back to my beloved former home, Australia. Please pray for these enslaved people.More
Why I will never go back to my beloved former home, Australia.
Please pray for these enslaved people.
i dont think she is in power anymore
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Quo Primum
Vote 1, Dave Reilly. Dave Reilly @realDaveReilly · Oct 11 The parents of Kootenai County have spoken! On November 2nd, we're going to take back our schools!More
Vote 1, Dave Reilly.
Dave Reilly

Oct 11
The parents of Kootenai County have spoken! On November 2nd, we're going to take back our schools!
Jeffrey Ade
Thanks, Nextdoor app bashes him! Good to hear what he has to say. But don't you think the Military/Admiralty flag has got to go!
Facts Not Lies
Somebody has to grow a pair. Remove the distractions and get back to real life and prevent the federal goal of national oligarchy.More
Somebody has to grow a pair.
Remove the distractions and get back to real life and prevent the federal goal of national oligarchy.
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Quo Primum
Best video summary of Covid-19 scam
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
Facts Not Lies
We need this message to be accepted and action taken Now. Sad that so many educated people world wide fell for a Simpsons paradox Scam.More
We need this message to be accepted and action taken Now.
Sad that so many educated people world wide fell for a Simpsons paradox Scam.
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Quo Primum
Health authority phone call, showing ridiculous vaccine rules.
Facts Not Lies
Many of the 'swabs' in use for the nasal tests are Graphene-base. They are already shown as a tool to perform 'bio sensing' (Still learning how it would …More
Many of the 'swabs' in use for the nasal tests are Graphene-base.
They are already shown as a tool to perform 'bio sensing' (Still learning how it would be used)
But it is made from Quarts it seems.
upenn.edu/poster/biosensing-graphene (we put Glass (quartz block) into ...) to make Graphene
Why isn't the gargle test used to rather than force glass up our noses?
3rd Order Postulant shares this
Quo Primum
St. Pius X anti modernist
Quo Primum
Smoking suppresses covid and helps with 27 other conditions: nih.gov/32720486/ smoking not a sin. www.prisonplanet.com/…/090205coffinnai… -Tobacco p…
Quo Primum
Take your spiritual MEDS How do I persevere. breggin.com/…eactions-side-effects-and-medication-spellbinding/More
Quo Primum
18 lies in the Mt. Carmel Motu. Glitch near the end, one minute missing, while reading: fsspx.news/…events/news/should-we-fear-threat-latin-mass-66747 "...all the intimidations or threats, even the …More
18 lies in the Mt. Carmel Motu.
Glitch near the end, one minute missing, while reading:
"...all the intimidations or threats, even the prohibitions carried out by bishops against the celebration of the Tridentine Mass, are pure abuses of power: a form of episcopal tyranny. Or to use a word dear to Francis: clericalism of the worst kind.
If, as one might fear, a limitation were made to the letter of the motu proprio of Benedict XVI, it would be abusive. And since it would be directed against the common good of the Church, null in itself: there is no valid law against the common good according to the doctrine of St. Thomas. Instead, the Tridentine Mass is at the heart of the common good of the Church.
Even if the Society of Saint Pius X should not feel concerned, it would deeply regret such a limitation, because it would be a step back on the way back to Tradition which would delay the solution of the crisis of the Church …More
Ave Crux shares this
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Quo Primum
Sermon on Motu Proprio and obituary of Archbishop Lefebvre
Quo Primum
10 paragraph of the letter contains a lie about St Pius V. The rite he promulgated was the normal Roman Rite for at least 4 centuries BEFORE TRENT: …More
10 paragraph of the letter contains a lie about St Pius V. The rite he promulgated was the normal Roman Rite for at least 4 centuries BEFORE TRENT:
Tridentine Mass Pre-Trent.
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