
EWTN Prayers

Regina Coeli Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. / For He whom you did merit to bear, alleluia. Has risen, as he said, alleluia. / Pray for us to God, alleluia. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin …

Scalfari y Bergoglio: colaboradores cercanos unidos en una causa común

Comentario de un usuario de Gloria TV: “Francisco está profundamente influenciado por el peronismo, donde la confusión, el embrollo …
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El Santo Viacrucis (EWTN) 🙏 🙏More
El Santo Viacrucis (EWTN)
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Católicos Apostólicos
🙏 Te adoramos, oh Cristo, y te bendecimos. R. Pues por tu santa cruz redimiste al mundo. ✞ ✞ ✞More
🙏 Te adoramos, oh Cristo, y te bendecimos. R. Pues por tu santa cruz redimiste al mundo. ✞ ✞ ✞

Pieces of plaster of St Peter’s Basilica rained down on tourists - as Bergoglio denies Hell exists

The Sun The Vatican was forced to seal off part of the basilica after chunks of plaster rained down on …
They are lucky God didn't cause the whole thing to fall down.
Católicos Apostólicos
El Jueves Santo cayeron Pedazos del Techo de la basilica de San Pedro sobre los turistas el mismo día en que se difundió la noticia donde el periodista …More
El Jueves Santo cayeron Pedazos del Techo de la basilica de San Pedro sobre los turistas el mismo día en que se difundió la noticia donde el periodista Scalfari afirma que Bergoglio niega el Infierno.
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Bergoglio began desecrating Holy Thursday by washing the feet of the prisoners to imitate a Cardinal …

"He told La Repubblica that he was inspired by the late Cardinal Agostino Casaroli". "Francis responds …
Bergoglio doesn't love Catholic liturgy.
I wonder why Francis refuses to genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament?
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Pope Bergoglio Spouts the Annihilationist Heresy—Again

On Holy Thursday the world awoke to find that during his fifth interview with his friend Eugenio Scalfari, Italy’s most famous atheist, Pope …
Poor Francis, he is as blind as a can be.
adeste fideles
Sólo un Hereje puede ser promotor de la "doctrina" del Aniquilacionismo
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El Lavatorio de los pies que realiza Bergoglio es ilícito, para que este sea válido y lícito se debe …

Argumentos procedentes de “La Gran Babilonia”, Tomo II, de Consuelo (2017), y “Schauen auf den …
adeste fideles
🙂 👍
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
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Blasphemy at Holy Cross College in Worcester...

A Holy Cross professor www.breitbart.com/…/holy-cross-theo… that, "Jesus was a ‘Drag King’ with ‘Queer Desires’." The Catechism of the Catholic Church …

Italian News Website Accuses Vatican News Editor of Manipulation - OnePeterFive

As we reported on 23 March, Father Bernd Hagenkord, S.J., the high-ranking managing editor of the official Vatican news …

Bergoglio ‘manda al psicólogo a los sacerdotes fieles y los doctores de la Iglesia y maestros de …

El libro-entrevista de Dominique Wolton a Bergoglio dijo que él permite la “unión civil” homosexual …
🤐 🤐 🤐
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Los Sacerdotes que le lavan los pies a mujeres contradicen la Escritura y profanan el Jueves Santo

Los fieles católicos deben huir de todas los sacerdotes heréticos modernistas que profanan el Jueves …
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Católicos Apostólicos
🤨 ✍️

Aciprensa utilizó la foto de Bergoglio lavándole los pies al travesti sodomita.

Nuestros Señor Jesucristo le lavó los pies a sus apóstoles como ritual de purificación sacerdotal. Los herejes modernistas …
Católicos Apostólicos
Hermanos católicos abran los ojos de que otra manera afirmamos los católicos bíblicamente que Jesucristo instituyó la Eucaristía y el sacerdocio el …More
Hermanos católicos abran los ojos de que otra manera afirmamos los católicos bíblicamente que Jesucristo instituyó la Eucaristía y el sacerdocio el Jueves Santo?
Nuestros Señor Jesucristo le lavó los pies a sus apóstoles como ritual de purificación sacerdotal.
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Bergoglio escribió ‘Dios es joven’ con periodista Pro-Gay

es.news Sólo 25 personas asistieron a la presentación de un nuevo libro-entrevista del papa Francisco, “Dio è giovane” [Dios es joven], según …
En febrero de 2017, Bergoglio citó al marxista Bauman delante de los estudiantes de la universidad pública de Roma. UN DEVOTO DEL MARXISMO.

Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where (homosexualist) James Martin Speaks

The American TFP | March 26, 2018 | William Gossett Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where Controversial Jesuit Speaks in Chicago, Ill. Nearly 200 Catholics prayed across from Holy Name Cathedral in …More
The American TFP | March 26, 2018 | William Gossett
Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where Controversial Jesuit Speaks in Chicago, Ill.
Nearly 200 Catholics prayed across from Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago on March 22, where Father James Martin, S.J. gave a Lenten talk. The invitation to speak caused an uproar since the outspoken Jesuit priest is an open and active promoter of pro-homosexual issues. He has been banned from speaking at several Catholic venues.
The protesters across from the cathedral braved the frigid weather to gather and pray a rosary of reparation in the Windy City in the hour before Fr. Martin talked. The rally of reparation was organized by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). Over 7,500 concerned Catholics had signed an online TFP petition to protest and make reparation for the scheduled talk.
The controversial priest was invited to speak by Blase Cardinal Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago. Father Martin is the author of …More
Joseph a' Christian
@CarolineA03 - Caroline, your statement is obviously truthful, and as you well know, our Holy Lord Jesus proclaimed: I Am The Truth. Since we have so …More
@CarolineA03 - Caroline, your statement is obviously truthful, and as you well know, our Holy Lord Jesus proclaimed: I Am The Truth.
Since we have so many deceitful false priests and worldly false catholic laity, i cherish strong - faithful statements.
Almighty God bless you- daughter of Christ.
your brother, Joseph
Now THIS is where it should be obvious to ALL that there clearly IS something terribly wrong at Rome. Why oh WHY - isn't this public heretic defrocked …More
Now THIS is where it should be obvious to ALL that there clearly IS something terribly wrong at Rome. Why oh WHY - isn't this public heretic defrocked? Come on you eternal optimists - explain WHY Francis publicly rebukes the pious Traditionalists, yet sinners such as James Martin are allowed to preach doctrines that clearly originate with Satan? Christ said "man can not serve two Masters....." Since they don't preach Christian Doctrines - clearly despising the real Christ - they clearly do the will of Satan. As Our Lady said to Sr Lucia of Fatima - from now on there are only TWO choices - you're either with Christ or the Devil - no other possibilities exist.
These people are obviously not "Christ's" so they must be the "Devil's"
Where is the Roman Emperor when you need him? Where the vote of "no confidence"? Where are the Traditional Catholic led Inquisitions?
Ah me!
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Bergoglianism: An effort to rewrite the Divine Law

Bergoglianism: An effort to rewrite the Divine Law In his homily for Palm Sunday, His Humbleness once again succumbed to the temptation to use the …

Youth Synod Fiasco: The Facebook Magisterium?

by Christopher A. Ferrara March 27, 2018 The Vicar of Christ with a “Prophet of Facebook” As described here by John Allen, the pre-Synodal meeting of “young people” in Rome to prepare for the upcoming …More
by Christopher A. Ferrara
March 27, 2018
The Vicar of Christ with a “Prophet of Facebook”
As described here by John Allen, the pre-Synodal meeting of “young people” in Rome to prepare for the upcoming “summit of Catholic bishops on youth,” was an even bigger fiasco than I had thought. It was, in fact, a preposterous inversion of the proper order of things in the Church. As Allen writes:
“Some 300 young people from all over the world from different backgrounds and even different religions, gathered this week in Rome to provide advice to an upcoming summit of Catholic bishops on youth, have discussed a wide array of topics, and among other points plan to offer the bishops a frank admission that they simply couldn’t reach consensus on hot-button issues of sexual morality. On Thursday, they debated over a first draft of the document they’re going to present to Pope Francis, who will then pass it on to a Synod of Bishops on youth and discernment that will take place in Rome in October.”

Theologian criticized in Benedict’s letter had ‘seismic’ influence on Amoris Laetitia: report

This means that the pseudo-magisterium of Bergoglio is heretical because an Apostolic Exhortation compromises …
Católicos Apostólicos
✍️ 🤨 🤦

Bergoglio conobbe il teologo criticato da Benedetto XVI - CR - Agenzia di informazione settimanale

27 marzo 2018 - 14:15 Fu proprio la Pontificia Università Cattolica argentina, di cui l’allora card. …

La Iglesia recomienda el ayuno para dominar las pasiones, reparar los pecados y para liberación

Ha de consistir mucho más en la privación de nuestros vicios que en la de los alimentos (San León Magno …
Bergoglio trae en su sotana: El fracaso de su dios y el su rosario de una santita. Que no es el Santísimo Rosario ni el Santo Viacrucis.
Católicos Apostólicos
Lucas 8:17 "Pues nada hay oculto que no quede manifiesto, y nada secreto que no venga a ser conocido y descubierto" web.archive.org/…/papa-francisco-…More
Lucas 8:17
"Pues nada hay oculto que no quede manifiesto, y nada secreto que no venga a ser conocido y descubierto"
Bergoglio: «Yo les comparto dos preocupaciones. Una es una corriente pelagiana que hay en la Iglesia en este momento. Hay ciertos grupos restauracionistas. Yo conozco algunos, me tocó recibirlos en Buenos Aires. ¡Y uno siente que es como volver 60 años atrás! Antes del Concilio… Uno se siente en 1940… Una anécdota, sólo para ilustrar, no es para reírse, yo la tomé con respeto, pero me preocupa; cuando me eligieron, recibí una carta de uno de estos grupos, y me decían; “Santidad, le ofrecemos este tesoro espiritual; 3.525 rosarios”. Por qué no dicen rezamos por usted, pedimos… pero esto de llevar las cuentas… Y estos grupos vuelven a prácticas y a disciplinas que yo viví –ustedes no, porque ninguno es viejo– a disciplinas, a cosas que en ese momento se vivían, pero no ahora, hoy ya no son…
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CISMA: Magister: "Amoris laetitia" retoma y hace propias algunas tesis de la "Declaración de Colonia"

Cisma Cuando pasan los días es cada vez más evidente que Francisco no ha despedido ni castigado en …
Católicos Apostólicos
Rubén pica La misma Virgen Maria le llamó a esos sacerdotes apostatas impuros "cloacas de impureza" PROFECÍA DE LA VIRGEN DE LA SALETTE, FRANCIA (1846).More
Rubén pica La misma Virgen Maria le llamó a esos sacerdotes apostatas impuros "cloacas de impureza"
PROFECÍA DE LA VIRGEN DE LA SALETTE, FRANCIA (1846). Los Sacerdotes, Ministros de mi Hijo, los Sacerdotes, por su mala vida, por sus irreverencias e impiedad al celebrar los santos misterios por su amor al dinero, a los honores y a los placeres, se han convertido en cloacas de impureza, sí, los Sacerdotes piden venganza y la venganza pende de sus cabezas. Ay de los sacerdotes y personas consagradas a Dios que por sus infidelidades y mala vida crucifican de nuevo a Mi Hijo! Los pecados de las personas consagradas a Dios claman al Cielo y piden venganza
Católicos Apostólicos
Rubén pica No existe papa en contra de Cristo se llama APOSTATA
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