Denis Efimov

Jesus ignored : damned souls - 437

So is Judas in hell? There is a title at the back, but the topic is not revealed 🤔
Denis Efimov

Pope Francis: ‘Knowledge must be inclusive’ - Vatican News

Toxic, unhealthy and violent information is much more likely to be found in Francis' official documents than anywhere else.
Denis Efimov

Vatican Places Emphasis on Pilgrimages to Holy Sites and How to Obtain Jubilee Indulgence

Nowadays, a pilgrimage to the Vatican is not safe, because you might accidentally meet Francis there 😬
Denis Efimov

Swiss Bishops Want Female Deacons

These bishops, whether they realize it or not, are without a doubt the servants of the devil. Accordingly, what they profess is the religion of satan. In other words, they are satanists, even if they don't realize it.
Denis Efimov

Is This Operation Suicide?

Archbishop Lefebvre did very well when he refused the agreement.
"For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?" (2 Cor. 6, 14-15).More
Archbishop Lefebvre did very well when he refused the agreement.

"For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?" (2 Cor. 6, 14-15).
Denis Efimov

Two different beliefs

Yes, on the left is the true, on the right is the heretical. Holy Mass is not the Last Supper.
Denis Efimov

Where is Christ?

Maybe He is with those two guards who are running away from Parolin? Everyone else in the photo looks like servants of the devil.
Denis Efimov

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Now they are happy in the photo, but in hell these three will not be able to smile.
Denis Efimov

Creating a new Church

This is true.
Denis Efimov

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain

God is infinitely wise, but the devil is not wise. The satan in the person of Francis is attacking the Church, but he did not take into account that the monstrous heresy and apostasy of Francis will make the latter a “great awakener”, thanks to which many Catholics will finally open their eyes and understand that the conciliar church, which arose 60 years ago, this is the path to hell.
Denis Efimov

Fiducia Supplicans: Another Homosex-Blasphemy in a Church

During the heyday of the Arian heresy, our Catholic churches were also occupied by heretics, about which Saint Athanasius wrote a very precise letter.
Denis Efimov

Former US diplomat warns Israel is committing 'national suicide' by continuing war in Gaza - LifeSite

"Anti-Semitism is not the same as anti-Zionism" 👏 👏 👏
Denis Efimov

New Study Suggests Rampant ‘Cafeteria Catholicism’

They calculated 1% on the condition that the Church, in their opinion, teaches that the death penalty is unacceptable. But the teaching of the Church is that the death penalty is permissible. The opinions of heretics who preach masonic ideas are not and cannot be the teachings of the Church.
Denis Efimov

Pondering the restoration of a papal title

Francis did not restore the title "Patriarch of the West" at all. He simply included it in the list of so-called "historical titles" of the Popes. In fact, Francis renounced all these titles (including the title of Vicar of Christ) as confirmed by Cardinal Cantalamessa:
"Ho notato con gioia che nell’Annuario Pontificio, sotto il nome del papa, c’è il solo titolo “Vescovo di Roma”; tutti gli altri …More
Francis did not restore the title "Patriarch of the West" at all. He simply included it in the list of so-called "historical titles" of the Popes. In fact, Francis renounced all these titles (including the title of Vicar of Christ) as confirmed by Cardinal Cantalamessa:

"Ho notato con gioia che nell’Annuario Pontificio, sotto il nome del papa, c’è il solo titolo “Vescovo di Roma”; tutti gli altri titoli – Vicario di Gesú Cristo, Sommo Pontefice della Chiesa Universale, Primate d’Italia ecc. – sono elencati come “titoli storici” alla pagina seguente. Mi sembra giusto, soprattutto riguardo a “Vicario di Gesú Cristo”. Vicario è uno che fa le veci in assenza del capo, ma Gesù Cristo non si mai assentato e mai si assenterà dalla sua Chiesa. Con la sua morte e risurrezione, egli è divenuto “capo del corpo che è la Chiesa” (Col 1,18) e tale continuerà ad essere fino alla fine del mondo: il vero e unico Signore della Chiesa".
Denis Efimov

Chiarimenti sulla mancata pubblicazione della versione italiana del Documento apparso in inglese a …

@Jan Joseph
Misschien geven de auteurs iedereen de kans om dit document te ondertekenen. Je kunt ook een andere petitie voor hetzelfde onderwerp aanmaken op een van de petitiesites.
Denis Efimov

MAJOR STATEMENT: The Crimes and Heresies of Pope Francis, Their Causes and Effects, and the Action to …

From this document:
"The Catholic Church has always held that popes can be heretics, and that a pope who commits the public crime of heresy loses the papal office thereby. This belief is based on the teachings of the Scriptures, which assert that the heretic separates himself from the Church by committing the sin of heresy.
Theologians and canonists have disagreed on the details of how a heretical …More
From this document:
"The Catholic Church has always held that popes can be heretics, and that a pope who commits the public crime of heresy loses the papal office thereby. This belief is based on the teachings of the Scriptures, which assert that the heretic separates himself from the Church by committing the sin of heresy.
Theologians and canonists have disagreed on the details of how a heretical pope falls from office".

Well, based on what was said in the first paragraph, the authors of the document, if I understood them correctly, still reached a consensus that Francis, being a public and notorious heretic, fell away from the Church according to Divine Law. The only difficulty (noted in the second paragraph) is the question of how to remove a heretic (who has already fallen away from the Church) from the position he occupies. It seems to me that despite the difficulty noted, consensus on the first point is important.
Denis Efimov

WATCH: Former Methodist Minister, Partner Receive Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Blessing in Chicago Parish

The saddest and most wrong thing is that someone continues to think that this is happening in the Catholic Church, the Holy and Immaculate Bride of Christ.
Denis Efimov

Pope Francis pens preface to book on 'Conversation in the Spirit' - Vatican News

The Catholic Church did not undertake the synodal path. He writes some nonsense. It is the modernists who invented and practice synodal madness. He shouldn't attribute this crap to the Catholic Church.
Denis Efimov

Germany: Day of Deaconesses With Clown Dance

Looks like a coven of obsessed feminists