
Will Francis Abolish Benedicts’ “Pope Emeritus”?

I think a retired pope - if there has to be such a thing - should be a simple priest. No honours, nothing. Merely what he is.

Will Francis Abolish Benedicts’ “Pope Emeritus”?

The present ridiculous situation is intolerable. JP2 was very explicit that popes could not resign - then, lo and behold, his immediate successor does precisely that. Such self-contradiction makes the papacy laughable.

Vatican’s Declaration of War: Old Rite Superiors Meet to Discuss Situation

"until they have received a canonical visitation."
Them's chilling words.More
"until they have received a canonical visitation."

Them's chilling words.

Vatican II Was Worst Spasm of Iconoclasm in History

"confirming their belief that the NO Eucharist “represents a new religion"
- the "NO Eucharist" ? What a very appropriate name.More
"confirming their belief that the NO Eucharist “represents a new religion"

- the "NO Eucharist" ? What a very appropriate name.

Traditionis Custodes: Schneider Contradicts Zen

I think Card. Zen was being charitable, and trying to relieve Bergoglio of the responsibility for Traditionis Destructores.

“Unique Expression Of Roman Rite”: Beach Baptism With Seawater

Someone should summon Roncalli back from the dead, and ask him what he thinks of his "New Pentecost" 😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫🥺🥺😳😳😳🙄🙄

Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter: "To Accuse Us of Schism Is Unjust"

STM they are slowly being forced into the position of the SSPX in 1988. I respect the FSSP, but I think their position, though admirable, is ultimately untenable. I think they will eventually have to choose between the SSPX, and post-Catholic Rome.

"A dog at each Mass"

I would rather look after my cat - my neighbour who is close to me - than give to “good causes“ that benefit strangers of whom I know nothing. papal and episcopal charities are morally dubious.

Argentine Diocese Mocking Our Lady with "Pachamama Prayer"

So bishops get away with allowing idolatrous and blasphemous prayers, whereas the traditional Roman Mass is made difficult or impossible for Catholics to attend.
To call this debased and perverted doesn’t begin to cover it. Is this what Bad Pope John meant by a “new Pentecost” ?More
So bishops get away with allowing idolatrous and blasphemous prayers, whereas the traditional Roman Mass is made difficult or impossible for Catholics to attend.

To call this debased and perverted doesn’t begin to cover it. Is this what Bad Pope John meant by a “new Pentecost” ?

More Purges: Sunday Mass Suppressed In Scotland

A few years ago this would have shocked me speechless. Now, It is not in the least surprising to see a supposedly Catholic bishop depriving Catholics of the opportunity to assist at mass in the Traditional Roman Rite. Stopping Catholics going to mass appears to be what bishops do these days.
The Scottish so-called bishops have never been enthusiastic for the TRM. I hope that the SSPX expands …More
A few years ago this would have shocked me speechless. Now, It is not in the least surprising to see a supposedly Catholic bishop depriving Catholics of the opportunity to assist at mass in the Traditional Roman Rite. Stopping Catholics going to mass appears to be what bishops do these days.

The Scottish so-called bishops have never been enthusiastic for the TRM. I hope that the SSPX expands enormously.

India: Helpers of the "Poor" - Beaten up by Them

India is overwhelmingly a Hindu country, and Christians of all sorts get trouble from some Hindus. So Muslims are not likely to have been involved.

Francis Has Just Presented His “Final Solution” For Catholics

The only question is, which of them is which ?

Mercy in Action: Cardinal Burke Criticises Francis' HARSHENSS

He forgot the "Catholics need not apply" bit.
If only we had an Abp Lefebvre today.........More
He forgot the "Catholics need not apply" bit.

If only we had an Abp Lefebvre today.........

Mercy in Action: Cardinal Burke Criticises Francis' HARSHENSS

Manky Franky keeps showing his true colors. He is a Modernist who shows he is no pope. To be a lawful, a man must be a Catholic, and he is no Catholic. A very very very liberal Protestant, maybe.

Traditionis Custodes: The New Atom Bomb

That motu proprio should be taken in association with the motu proprio Spiritus Domini, modifying canon 230.1 of the 1983 Code to allow altar-girls: vatican.va/…ancesco-motu-proprio-20210110_spiritus-domini.html
It is dated 15 January 2021.
Apparently it was written by some bloke called Francis. Whoever that may be.More
That motu proprio should be taken in association with the motu proprio Spiritus Domini, modifying canon 230.1 of the 1983 Code to allow altar-girls: vatican.va/…ancesco-motu-proprio-20210110_spiritus-domini.html

It is dated 15 January 2021.

Apparently it was written by some bloke called Francis. Whoever that may be.

Papa locuto - Roma finita: Francis Declares War On the Church

Roncalli by his rashness and folly made the destruction possible.
The other two were architects of the destruction, and promoted it further.
Manky Franky is merely continuing their evil work.More
Roncalli by his rashness and folly made the destruction possible.

The other two were architects of the destruction, and promoted it further.

Manky Franky is merely continuing their evil work.

Nudity May Be Featured in Amazon’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ TV Series

“However, it should be noted that Tolkien does explore sexual themes in the tale of The Mariner’s Wife during The Second Age.“
That is grossly misleading. The story is about what happens when a very long-lived future King falls in love with a much shorter-lived woman. They marry, but his love of ships, and frequent voyages to Middle-earth, cause them to be estranged. And that is basically it.More
“However, it should be noted that Tolkien does explore sexual themes in the tale of The Mariner’s Wife during The Second Age.“

That is grossly misleading. The story is about what happens when a very long-lived future King falls in love with a much shorter-lived woman. They marry, but his love of ships, and frequent voyages to Middle-earth, cause them to be estranged. And that is basically it.

Ireland: More Episcopal Consecrations Than Priestly Ordinations

The OP is correct.
Ireland and the UK are entirely different nation-states; they are no more connected than Poland and Swaziland - with the exception of the 6 counties of Ulster, which are politically, but not ecclesiastically, part of the UK.
Ireland, including Ulster, forms a single province of the Catholic Church and has its own bishops. The bishops of England and Wales, and the bishops of …More
The OP is correct.

Ireland and the UK are entirely different nation-states; they are no more connected than Poland and Swaziland - with the exception of the 6 counties of Ulster, which are politically, but not ecclesiastically, part of the UK.

Ireland, including Ulster, forms a single province of the Catholic Church and has its own bishops. The bishops of England and Wales, and the bishops of Scotland, have no authority in the Church in Ireland and no influence over who is chosen to be a bishop of any of the Irish dioceses.

Francis: Our Lady Was “Not Co-Redemtrix” – Although Pius X, Pius XI, John Paul II Said It

“He vilified introducing new Marian titles and dogmas a “foolishness.””
“Vilified” is much too strong. And he has a point: the Church is not about the BVM, after all. The religion is called Christ-ianity for a reason - not Marianity.
He deserves credit for introducing new Marian feasts:
“He vilified introducing new Marian titles and dogmas a “foolishness.””

“Vilified” is much too strong. And he has a point: the Church is not about the BVM, after all. The religion is called Christ-ianity for a reason - not Marianity.

He deserves credit for introducing new Marian feasts:

