
More Purges: Sunday Mass Suppressed In Scotland

UnaVoceScotland.org (August 8) announced that Motherwell Bishop Jospeh Toal, 64, Scotland, has forbidden the 8am Sunday Roman Mass at St Mary’s in Cleland (outside Glasgow) from August 15 on. This Mass …More
UnaVoceScotland.org (August 8) announced that Motherwell Bishop Jospeh Toal, 64, Scotland, has forbidden the 8am Sunday Roman Mass at St Mary’s in Cleland (outside Glasgow) from August 15 on.
This Mass is celebrated by the parish priest, Father Liam O'Connor. He is only allowed to continue a Thursday Roman Mass at 7pm.
Toal advises all faithful to worship according to the 1970 Missal in their geographical parishes, asking them to be “home birds.”
Scotland has no seminary on home turf. That is a very good thing, judging by the output.
There is only the Royal Scots’ College in Salamanca, practically empty and soliciting students from abroad, and the Scots College in Rome, which the college authorities are looking to sell, in order to downsize.
Lack of vocations. Wonder why!
And Mr J Toal was rector of the College in Salamanca for a time.
You …More
Scotland has no seminary on home turf. That is a very good thing, judging by the output.

There is only the Royal Scots’ College in Salamanca, practically empty and soliciting students from abroad, and the Scots College in Rome, which the college authorities are looking to sell, in order to downsize.

Lack of vocations. Wonder why!

And Mr J Toal was rector of the College in Salamanca for a time.

You couldn’t make it up.
A few years ago this would have shocked me speechless. Now, It is not in the least surprising to see a supposedly Catholic bishop depriving Catholics of the opportunity to assist at mass in the Traditional Roman Rite. Stopping Catholics going to mass appears to be what bishops do these days.
The Scottish so-called bishops have never been enthusiastic for the TRM. I hope that the SSPX expands …More
A few years ago this would have shocked me speechless. Now, It is not in the least surprising to see a supposedly Catholic bishop depriving Catholics of the opportunity to assist at mass in the Traditional Roman Rite. Stopping Catholics going to mass appears to be what bishops do these days.

The Scottish so-called bishops have never been enthusiastic for the TRM. I hope that the SSPX expands enormously.
So the Bishop is forbidding Catholics from going to Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation? On what grounds? Scotland, like most of the UK, is doomed.
Most places in the UK seemed unchanged, although 'unchanged' can be not much, which is how it is much of Ireland. Dublin unchanged. One daily and one weekly on Saturday. Hope Leicester keeps it Dominican Low Mass, but I suppose the motu proprio is for diocesan and approved Masses.
Defeat Modernism
"What we must ask for, what we should look for as the Jews wait for the Messiah, is a POPE according to our needs." - Masonic document planning for the infiltration and subversion of the Church. Mission accomplished.
This post has nothing to do with "Jews" or "Masons" and your conspiracy theories are as stupid and fraudulent as you are. Go shill your Facebook page in your own posts. Don't hijack this one for a free audience.
Defeat Modernism
This is from a masonic document that Pius IX and Leo XIII had published to warn the Church. Your complete ignorance of Church history, the enemies of Christ (namely Judaism and Freemasonry) is shocking and very telling. You are either completely ignorant or one of these enemies. My guess is you are just a loud mouthed fool. I have actual Church documents, teachings and quotes from Saints and Popes …More
This is from a masonic document that Pius IX and Leo XIII had published to warn the Church. Your complete ignorance of Church history, the enemies of Christ (namely Judaism and Freemasonry) is shocking and very telling. You are either completely ignorant or one of these enemies. My guess is you are just a loud mouthed fool. I have actual Church documents, teachings and quotes from Saints and Popes to back me up. You have nothing but your mouth of which you dig your own grave with.
Where it is from does not prove it is relevant here, you moron. This is a Catholic problem caused by Catholic clergy. Not "jooz not "masons". The document you quote might be from Pius IX but it's irrelevant to Scotland. Go be a stupid Jew-hating consprirtard over on Prison Planet. I defy you to quote Christ stating "the Jews" are his enemies. Good luck with that, amigo... since His Apostles …More
Where it is from does not prove it is relevant here, you moron. This is a Catholic problem caused by Catholic clergy. Not "jooz not "masons". The document you quote might be from Pius IX but it's irrelevant to Scotland. Go be a stupid Jew-hating consprirtard over on Prison Planet. I defy you to quote Christ stating "the Jews" are his enemies. Good luck with that, amigo... since His Apostles were mostly Jews, as was His earthly family and He was raised as a Jew. No, you anti-Semites are simply putting your own filth in Christ's mouth like usual.

You are either completely ignorant or one of these enemies."

Your Fallacy Is. pic related. Stay classy, Puerto Rico. Stupidos like you are why America doesn't need a 51st state. :D
Francis has no authority to forbid the mass; The priests should say it anyway. Better to obey God than an apostate.
Yes, but for not he has a power.
Hugh N. Cry
It’s sodo-Masonic modernism
It's about more than "hatred for the Mass" itself. It's about hatred for the theology, which the traditional Mass contains and expresses -- namely, the worship of God, and especially of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Sacrificial Self-offering on the Cross and in the Mass. By contrast, the so-called "novus ordo" rite encourages an anthropocentric humanism - and opens the door for equating all religions …More
It's about more than "hatred for the Mass" itself. It's about hatred for the theology, which the traditional Mass contains and expresses -- namely, the worship of God, and especially of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Sacrificial Self-offering on the Cross and in the Mass. By contrast, the so-called "novus ordo" rite encourages an anthropocentric humanism - and opens the door for equating all religions as "valid" expressions of worship and paths to God. Thus, the emphasis on the One and Perfect Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ, required for salvation and union with Almighty God, has been eliminated - over time - since Vatican II. It is now open wide the door to the Pachamama - instead of to Christ! Beware the desolating sacrilege is being set up where it ought not to be.
Ipsa conteret
There is no room for the true Mass, due to the ever-increasing heresy of religious indifferentism on the part of Francis and his crew. "Official" open communion with Lutherans and other Protestants will be next.
It’s hard to understand what goes on in the mind of diocesan bureaucrats doing this. It’s solely out of pure hatred for the Mass.
How is the One True Council of Vatican II served by this? It isn’t. People may just get curious about what this fuss is all about.