
Dutch Bishop: Does Francis WANT Empty Churches?

Traditionis Custodes (TC) contains contradictions and should be corrected, writes ‘s-Hertogenbosch Auxiliary Bishop Rob Mutsaerts, Netherlands, in a second statement (VitamineXp.Blogspot.com, August 3).

In TC 1, Francis claims that the Novus Ordo is the only form ("unique expression") of the Roman Rite but Mutsaerts calls this strange because Francis himself has promoted the missal of the Ordinariate for Former Anglicans which is a part of the Roman Rite. Therefore, Mutsaerts asks whether TC 1 abolishes this missal.

Further, only in 2020, Francis approved a number of new prefaces for the Old Mass, thus confirming that the Old Mass belongs to the Roman Rite.

Mutsaerts concludes that the bishops have to choose between being custodians of the Tradition or obeying Francis and thereby destroying the Tradition. Many bishops have decided to be generous, in violation of TC.

For Mutsaerts it is difficult to understand the reasons for TC which doesn't serve unity. Francis declares war on some of his own faithful while in the same month “praising James Martin's rainbow liturgy to the skies.”

“He wants to get rid of the Mass that has been an expression of the Catholic faith for centuries," Mutsaerts resumes,

"Perhaps he doesn't like large families (‘they don't have to breed like rabbits’), perhaps he's not keen on priestly vocations, or on full churches (which makes the empty rainbow churches look even emptier than they already are....).”


Angelo Santelli and one more user link to this post
Rand Miller
You forgot- he especially cuddles Jews
De Profundis
He cuddles Communists, atheists, abortionists, apostates, and homosexuals. He hates and persecutes faithful, orthodox, conservative, traditionalist Catholics.
Well, more non Catholics than no Catholics. Francis likes money. The filthy gay life needs money.
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Blase Cupich continues to sell historic churches, desecrating them to be converted into public parking lots. 😡
Sensus Fidelium shares this
No they don't.@Defeat Modernism Moreover, you're not qualified to decide "heresy" in the Catholic sense of the word, either.
Defeat Modernism
The entire Vatican II documents and the New Mass contains contradictions and heresies. They need to be obliterated.
Does Francis want empty churches? Not if they're filled with protestants, et. al.
Wat een moedige bisschop. Is deze bisschop de toekomstige paus van de nieuwe Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke kerk?