
Dutch Bishop On Francis: Aggressive, Merciless, Unpastoral, Contradictory

Archbishop Roche’s application document for Traditionis custodes has “hardened the front" between the Vatican and the Catholics, is "highly aggressive," and a “pastoral faux pas,” Dutch Auxiliary …More
Archbishop Roche’s application document for Traditionis custodes has “hardened the front" between the Vatican and the Catholics, is "highly aggressive," and a “pastoral faux pas,” Dutch Auxiliary Bishop Rob Mutsaerts writes on his VitamineXp.Blogspot.com (January 3).
He notices a “barely concealed impatience" to wipe out the Roman Mass. “The ‘pope of mercy’ shows little mercy for those who embrace the Traditional Latin Mass.”
Mutsaerts locates an increasing “loss of confidence” among Catholics, “If what was recommended yesterday no longer applies today, nothing is certain.” He asks if “everything from before Vatican II is deleted.”
The faithful may receive the Roman Rite sacraments of confession and marriage at the Society of PiusX, he stresses, but not in canonically recognised communities such as the Fraternity of St Peter.
Further, priests who occasionally celebrate the Roman Rite must explicitly endorse Vatican II while "those celebrating the Novus Ordo - I am one of them - are not …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
‘Liturgy is not a toy of popes; it is the heritage of the Church. The Old Mass is not about nostalgia or taste. The pope should be the guardian of Tradition; the pope is a gardener, not a manufacturer. Canon law is not merely a matter of positive law; there is also such a thing as natural law and divine law, and, moreover, there is such a thing as Tradition that cannot simply be brushed aside.’ (…More
‘Liturgy is not a toy of popes; it is the heritage of the Church. The Old Mass is not about nostalgia or taste. The pope should be the guardian of Tradition; the pope is a gardener, not a manufacturer. Canon law is not merely a matter of positive law; there is also such a thing as natural law and divine law, and, moreover, there is such a thing as Tradition that cannot simply be brushed aside.’ (Bishop Rob Mutsaerts, Auxiliary Bishop of ‘s-Hertogenbosch)
...because most of the Catholic world aren't homicidally obsessed idiots like you @Angelo Santelli Why don't YOU go do something besides all your murder talk?
Angelo Santelli
What many of us have said all along. So this question-- why is the corpulent Argentinian still evacuating his bowels instead of being in a crypt? Why is he not interred aready?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I know many people feel like you, and I too, would rather much see Francis gone because he has done trememdous harm to the Church, and with him gone, I'd like his people gone as well-fired from office. But I admit I felt like laughing when I read you speaking about "his bowels". His disease I think last Summer was of that disorder, and from what I read, for him it will only get worse. The operation …More
I know many people feel like you, and I too, would rather much see Francis gone because he has done trememdous harm to the Church, and with him gone, I'd like his people gone as well-fired from office. But I admit I felt like laughing when I read you speaking about "his bowels". His disease I think last Summer was of that disorder, and from what I read, for him it will only get worse. The operation was putting the disease on hold, but not a cure, and sooner or later nothing will help, and he will pass. Just pray that it's not prolonged, because from when I read, it is a very painful death which even the worst of Popes....and Francis falls under that name, I don't wish for him. Just a fast passing....probably soon. So much so that maybe one morning we all wake up and hear on the news on FOX NEWS and CNN that Pope Francis is in hospital again, and this time, is dying.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This bishop is a true Pastor and shepherd, and he is not too old either. He has spoken out against Francis before. I think he is right about hardening the front between the Vatican and Catholics, on both sides. The Vatican has issued their garbage rules against the LAtin Mass, but on the other hand, the millions who love the LAtin Mass are not bowing down in obedience to Francis either. I have read …More
This bishop is a true Pastor and shepherd, and he is not too old either. He has spoken out against Francis before. I think he is right about hardening the front between the Vatican and Catholics, on both sides. The Vatican has issued their garbage rules against the LAtin Mass, but on the other hand, the millions who love the LAtin Mass are not bowing down in obedience to Francis either. I have read here and other internets that for the most part the traditional Orders of priests, friars, and nuns, monks and active sisters are saying basically " Go to H---, Francis" and continuing as always. The March planned from PAris to Rome sounds like is is growing to a massive affair, an embarassment to Francis and his radical Vatican.
I wish there was a way to force him out, and his people.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, he is a very good mman. The Cardinal in the Netherlands, I think his name is Eijk, is also of the same mind, and has spoken against Francis before. So many I know pray for Francis to be dead, and I am guilty of that too. I do not think he has long to go, moths perhaps. So his people should not feel so confident. I think that Francis is beyond prayers for his conversion. I an many think he is …More
Yes, he is a very good mman. The Cardinal in the Netherlands, I think his name is Eijk, is also of the same mind, and has spoken against Francis before. So many I know pray for Francis to be dead, and I am guilty of that too. I do not think he has long to go, moths perhaps. So his people should not feel so confident. I think that Francis is beyond prayers for his conversion. I an many think he is genuinely evil, and is his agenda also. Because he is Pope does not make him more worthy of obedience if he teaches and preactes evil, and by his actions contrary to the Catholic Faith and tradition. He (Francis) was elected to teach and preserve the Faith as it was passed on, not to create a new "synodal church", etc. and reject our tradition. He is doomed to failure. I do pray for him, not for conversion because for him and his people I think that is not of the possibles. Rather, I pray that when he dies soon, he doesn't suffer. I've seen people with his illness who have, and I don't wish that on him. Peaceful soon passing of Francis, and the election of a true CAtholic Pope who loves our CAtholic tradition entirely....including the Latin Mass (even thoughhe will still be of the generation who gives weak obedience to the ideas of Vatican II).
Jan Joseph
Uitstekende bisschop met een duidelijk verhaal.
God Bless you - your Excellency! May Our Lady bless and protect you always!
Tony Smith
Well summed up !
In a perverse way, perhaps Francis is the wake up call the Church, needed. He’s like a flocculant, an agent that causes crystals to come out of solution.