
Francis: Big Words, No Facts – Former Francis Devotee Criticises

In his Epiphany homily, Francis said “very true things about the Church” but opened up “many questions” about his pontificate, the former Francis outlet IlSismografo.Blogspot.com (January 7) writes.

Francis spoke about the "journey of faith," stimulating the desire for God, counteracting a “parked spirit,” being moved by Christ, and removing a closed mind.

But IlSismografo asks the hard question, “What has Francis done to change this” beyond the hurrah coverage of the oligarch media which is extolling him.

It emphasises that, for eight years, Francis "has ruled unchallenged as he wished; he decided as he wished; he said what he wanted" and didn’t have to face more resistance than his predecessors [on the contrary].

IlSismografo expects a turning point only if the Synod on Synodality will be a transparent and honest confrontation between all the components of the Church about these matters.

“But it must be an authentic, free and sincere Synod and not a theatre where a script is recited”, IlSismografo insists.


Tony M
To think that any Synod called by Jorge could turn out to be "an authentic, free and sincere Synod and not a theatre where a script is recited”, is pure fantasy, particularly one named 'Synod on Synodality'.
Why does it take these supposedly intelligent & supposedly highly informed commentators so long to pick up on the pattern of behaviour by Jorgy???
For 9 years Bergogi boy has been playing you …More
To think that any Synod called by Jorge could turn out to be "an authentic, free and sincere Synod and not a theatre where a script is recited”, is pure fantasy, particularly one named 'Synod on Synodality'.
Why does it take these supposedly intelligent & supposedly highly informed commentators so long to pick up on the pattern of behaviour by Jorgy???
For 9 years Bergogi boy has been playing you, @IlSismografo.Blogspot.com, and you have been putty in his hands....and if in this case, you give him in any benefit of the doubt....sorry to have to say it....even though you may seem to be waking up....YOU ARE STILL PUTTY IN HIS HANDS!!!
The Pope's name is not "Bergoglio". St. Francis of Assisi's prophecy could apply to the last two popes before the current one. "His name choice is also a message from God" --God does not encourage "demons" to mock saints. Your second claim contradicts your first.
Les Crispi
God sends messages through prophecies that are unheeded. That's prophecy 101. The choosing of that name directs us to the prophecy that no one paid attention too.
Nowhere did I say he "encouraged" demons. That is absolute garbage. But God allows evil for His purpose and always brings good out of it.
The Pope's name is Benedict. Bergolio is an antipope at best, heretic at worse. And that's just the …More
God sends messages through prophecies that are unheeded. That's prophecy 101. The choosing of that name directs us to the prophecy that no one paid attention too.

Nowhere did I say he "encouraged" demons. That is absolute garbage. But God allows evil for His purpose and always brings good out of it.

The Pope's name is Benedict. Bergolio is an antipope at best, heretic at worse. And that's just the reality.
Prophets speak for God. Prophets are never wrong. You ain't a prophet, bro.
"Nowhere did I say he "encouraged" demons."
I didn’t say that YOU said it. My statement was a correction of what you DID say.
"That is absolute garbage."
Self-criticism is the best criticism, eh? ;-)
"But God allows evil for His purpose and always brings good out of it."
If God allows something to happen then it isn't a …More
Prophets speak for God. Prophets are never wrong. You ain't a prophet, bro.

"Nowhere did I say he "encouraged" demons."

I didn’t say that YOU said it. My statement was a correction of what you DID say.

"That is absolute garbage."

Self-criticism is the best criticism, eh? ;-)

"But God allows evil for His purpose and always brings good out of it."

If God allows something to happen then it isn't a "message" because sending a message is a positive act. If the devil prompted Cardinal Bergoglio to mock Francis, then God had no part in it because God is all-good.

"The Pope's name is Benedict. Bergolio is an antipope at best, heretic at worse. And that's just the reality."

Benedict XVI resigned. Francis isn't an "anti-pope" and The Church hasn't declared him a heretic either". The reality is every idiot who's ever tried arguing against any of these points loses.
Les Crispi
His name is Bergolio. The reason why he chose the name "Francis" was to mock Saint Francis, who accurately predicted this demon's rise:
St Francis of Assisi (1182- 1226) shortly before his death, prophesied that at the time of the Tribulation a man would be raised to the Pontificate, "...who by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death...Some preachers will keep silence about …More
His name is Bergolio. The reason why he chose the name "Francis" was to mock Saint Francis, who accurately predicted this demon's rise:

St Francis of Assisi (1182- 1226) shortly before his death, prophesied that at the time of the Tribulation a man would be raised to the Pontificate, "...who by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death...Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. For in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor but a destroyer."

His name choice is also a message from God that we can actually call this man what he is.

And, here we are.
Angelo Santelli
Well said, Les Crispi. Ultraviolet seems to forget repeatedly that Bergoglio had the chutzpah to say that Christ did not compose, pray, the "Our Father" correctly. Not even the Borgia family of Cardinals and Popes-- a filth ridden cesspool of immorality-- had the gall to question the Savior's words. One has to wonder whence poster Ultraviolet emerges. I personally am waiting for the corpulent …More
Well said, Les Crispi. Ultraviolet seems to forget repeatedly that Bergoglio had the chutzpah to say that Christ did not compose, pray, the "Our Father" correctly. Not even the Borgia family of Cardinals and Popes-- a filth ridden cesspool of immorality-- had the gall to question the Savior's words. One has to wonder whence poster Ultraviolet emerges. I personally am waiting for the corpulent Argentinian to rewrite Moses' composition of the 10 commandments (Deverim in Hebrew). Bergoglio's apostasy (the heresy that all religions are acceptable routes to eternal felicity) is another of his pathetically laughable expectorations.
Les Crispi
note: the quote from St Francis is accurate, but I got it from some looney tune protestant talking about the end times. That is why the links in the quote I pasted go to his site. It's a funny yet sad read. Anyway, the quote is correct.
@Angelo Santelli It's actually a myth about Pope Borgia. He was the Pope who chose to have his Papal bedchamber decorated with depictions of Our Lord's Nativity. The Propaganda about him is now considered "fake news" He was hated by Rome because he was a Spaniard - and they thought that if they lied and slandered him, someone would forcibly evict him from the See and a new Pope - ie an ITALIAN might …More
@Angelo Santelli It's actually a myth about Pope Borgia. He was the Pope who chose to have his Papal bedchamber decorated with depictions of Our Lord's Nativity. The Propaganda about him is now considered "fake news" He was hated by Rome because he was a Spaniard - and they thought that if they lied and slandered him, someone would forcibly evict him from the See and a new Pope - ie an ITALIAN might be put in his place. As for Lucretia Borgia, that is definitely ALSO a lie! The truth is that when she died in 1519, the entire town mourned for her publicly! Her husband was devastated at her death , for the REAL Lucretia Borgia was considered a woman of great piety, humility and charity. It is now believed that the black legend originated in a play written by Victor Hugo' entitled, "Lucrece Borgia," It appears to be a similar wilful character assassination that occurred later when a play called "The Deputy" reinvented the character of Pope Pius XII. After that play, Pius was viewed as being as depicted in the play. Borgia has no doubt been reinvented by the enemies of the Church in a similar manner.
Borgia actually did absolutely NOTHING to change any aspect of Church teaching. At the end of his Papacy, all was in order Doctrinally. So let THAT be how we remember him since the accusations thrown into the MSM by the Church's enemies are (like those concerning Pius XII) complete rubbish!
I haven't forgotten what fallacies are @Angelo Santelli You're making a big one here called a Non-Sequitur. Nothing you mentioned shows ANY support for Les Crispi's claims.
Francis' error don't show "he chose the name "Francis" was to mock Saint Francis." It doesn't show " His name choice is also a message from God".
You don't know what you're talking about. As usual.
"One has to wonder whence …More
I haven't forgotten what fallacies are @Angelo Santelli You're making a big one here called a Non-Sequitur. Nothing you mentioned shows ANY support for Les Crispi's claims.

Francis' error don't show "he chose the name "Francis" was to mock Saint Francis." It doesn't show " His name choice is also a message from God".

You don't know what you're talking about. As usual.

"One has to wonder whence poster Ultraviolet emerges."

From reason and the truth, not the pathetic juvenile murder-fantasies you foul this site with on a regular basis. That should clarify your wonderment. If you need any further clarification, please ask.
The very concept of a "Synod on Synodality" is already a meme-style joke and another move in the wrong directiion, conceived by Francis. The Church needs unity and traditon, not more ideological fragmentation. Nothing good will come from this. You heard it here first. Some "German"/ EU Catholics want to abandon nearly all of The Church's traditional social teachings. There is nothing of value they …More
The very concept of a "Synod on Synodality" is already a meme-style joke and another move in the wrong directiion, conceived by Francis. The Church needs unity and traditon, not more ideological fragmentation. Nothing good will come from this. You heard it here first. Some "German"/ EU Catholics want to abandon nearly all of The Church's traditional social teachings. There is nothing of value they could contribute to a synod, nothing any faithful Catholic could "compromise" with them upon.
Great satire on the Francis' Vatican
Utter genius!! Read to the end. (fun)
Angelo Santelli
THE DICTATOR POPE-- get it from Amazon. Fascinating read about Bergoglio the filth pot.
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus heeft een gespleten persoonlijkheid.