Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Consecrated Hosts Used For "Drag Queen Eucharist"

Who gave them the pre-consecrated hosts? That person will ultimately be responsible for this sacrilege and blasphemy. May the Lord have mercy on them all. Arise O Lord and let thine enemies be scattered and let them that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face!
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

French Catholics loyal to the Latin Mass and the FSSP prayed outside the bishop's house today in Dijon …

He is unhappy because these people know the truth about the conciliar church and refuse to acknowledge Vatican II as the magisterium of the true Catholic Church.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Nuns in traditional habits

And the rubber tipped pointers! One day in 4th grade, Sister Agatha hit Matthew C so hard on the back while he was at the chalkboard ( yes, back when you could use chalk in school)with the pointer that the rubber tip flew out the window (yes, back in the days when you could open windows in a school) . That was 50 years ago and I still remember it!
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Massachusetts records nearly 4,000 positive COVID-19 tests among fully vaccinated

Or maybe coming down with Covid is just another of the many side effects
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Some US bishops warn proposed Eucharistic document, Communion ban for abortion supporters ‘does not …

1 Corinthians 11:27-29
St Paul warns those who eat and drink of the body and blood of our Lord unworthily that they eat and drink judgement to themselves.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Church of Love: Why The Fraternity Is Expelled From Dijon

Unfortunately, the FSSP signed an agreement with the devil, oh sorry, I meant the Vatican, saying they would con celebrate one Novus Ordo Mass per year with the conciliar Church, the Chrism Mass. You make a deal with the devil and you always lose, as he is the father of lies.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Fr. James Martin attacked the icon of Jesus and Mary, so please sign this peaceful protest …

He’s not Protestant, he is heretical and demonic. Everything he says and believes is of the devil.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

VirusChurch: Look How I Have To Go To Confession If I Don’t Wear The Mask! – The Stumbling Block

Time to find the real Catholic Church , not the faux Novus Ordo faith
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Fr Chris Alar - Understanding Fatima..
Fake Sr. Lucia, If the consecration had been made we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Rand Paul Blasts Trans Biden Nominee For Backing Sex Changes In Kids

Unfortunately, Rand Paul was one of the many who turned coat and allowed Biden’s “election “to be certified. He then is in a way complicit to this man’s sins.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

What should be done with the growing heresy in the Church? Bishop Athanasius Schneider in the Fatima …

It may be that he is awakening from his modernist mindset and finally seeing Truth.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

They've all been vaccinated, they're more than 6 feet apart, they're eating, and still they're wearing …

Catholic Biden shouldn’t be eating meat on Friday under pain of sin.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

A generalisation, yes, but much the same could be said for the Church

Linoleum was before my time and I was born in 1960.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Joe Biden Will Make Americans Fund Research Using Body Parts From Aborted Babies

The body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

2ⁿᵈ Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) 2021

“St Faustina’s” diary was on the list of forbidden books because of errors and heretical statements. JPII brought it back, but he was heretical with his Assisi meeting and kissing the Karan.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Irish State Refuses to Allow Man to See Dying Father — Catholic Arena

Trump was complicit, never did anything in response to the stolen election except bluster. He also was the one who rushed the vaccines.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop


Another Satanist burning in hell for eternity