Simple but orthodox Catholic

America Needs Fatima opposes blasphemous 'Our Lady' exhibit in Ireland

Hi IRA, YES!!!!!! 😇 🤗 👍
May God continue to bless you.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus iumperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

America Needs Fatima opposes blasphemous 'Our Lady' exhibit in Ireland

Yes, we should alll oppose this blasphemy! It is incomprehensible to me that no-one would dare [these days!] do something similar about Islam and Judaism [and rightly so, we should have respect for all religions though we know that they do not have the fullness of truth] yet it is perfectly acceptable, in fact seemingly encouraged, to attack, mock and defame the Christian Religion and especially …More
Yes, we should alll oppose this blasphemy! It is incomprehensible to me that no-one would dare [these days!] do something similar about Islam and Judaism [and rightly so, we should have respect for all religions though we know that they do not have the fullness of truth] yet it is perfectly acceptable, in fact seemingly encouraged, to attack, mock and defame the Christian Religion and especially the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith!!!
Cristus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Fears Grow for Sinead in Pope Threat

Hi ACL 😇 🤗 👍
Definitely mentally ill! It's something going round!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Berlin: Pope Gives Communion in the Hand

@tbswv Without wanting to be offensive to you, I have to say that your comments about the Holy Father are bordering on the disrespectful. Are you suggesting that we, the laity, know better than the Supreme Pontiff of God's Church on Earth and can do a better job at restoring and preserving our Catholic Tradition? Remember that Christ founded His Church on the Rock and Benedict is Peter today ... he …More
@tbswv Without wanting to be offensive to you, I have to say that your comments about the Holy Father are bordering on the disrespectful. Are you suggesting that we, the laity, know better than the Supreme Pontiff of God's Church on Earth and can do a better job at restoring and preserving our Catholic Tradition? Remember that Christ founded His Church on the Rock and Benedict is Peter today ... he, and he alone under Christ, is the Rock. We as faithful Catholics should respect, revere and obey him, support him with our prayers and defend him from his enemies. Otherwise we might as well be protestants or orthodox ... and look at the sorry mess they are in!!!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Berlin: Pope Gives Communion in the Hand

Alleluia! It is great that Communion on the tongue while kneeling will become the norm at Pontifical Masses. It is as it should be. In fact, always and everywhere we should kneel and receive the Most Blessed Sacrament on the tongue. We must restore reverence and veneration for the Sacred Species.
I would like to clarify one thing though. When people kneel to receive the Eucharist at Papal Liturgies …More
Alleluia! It is great that Communion on the tongue while kneeling will become the norm at Pontifical Masses. It is as it should be. In fact, always and everywhere we should kneel and receive the Most Blessed Sacrament on the tongue. We must restore reverence and veneration for the Sacred Species.
I would like to clarify one thing though. When people kneel to receive the Eucharist at Papal Liturgies, they are doing so not because it is the Pope who is giving Communion but because it is Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that they are receiving. We have the utmost respect for Christ's Vicar on Earth but we adore Christ Himself. So, in receiving on the tongue while kneeling, Queens and Presidents are not humbling themselves before the Pope but before their God. Is that too much to ask? Doesn't the logic of that demand uniformity throughout the Universal Church and not just where and when the Pope is distributing communion?
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

2012 Synod. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, talks …

Dear Rhemes,
Firstly, let me say how happy I am that we can engage in a respectful conversation as Catholic gentlemen even though we have disagreed. I am relatively new to this site and I haven't seen too many of these "pro-life videos". My comments were specific to this particular one. Taken in isolation, one cannot accuse it of "indifferentism" but I take your point that when I see more, I'll …More
Dear Rhemes,
Firstly, let me say how happy I am that we can engage in a respectful conversation as Catholic gentlemen even though we have disagreed. I am relatively new to this site and I haven't seen too many of these "pro-life videos". My comments were specific to this particular one. Taken in isolation, one cannot accuse it of "indifferentism" but I take your point that when I see more, I'll notice whether there is a strong "indifferentist" element. If that is the case, then naturally I would also criticise them.
Perhaps there is a difference between the "pro-life movement" in Australia and the USA. In Oz, though we are most happy to join with all men and women of good will in opposition to the murder of the unborn and we are very grateful for the added support, we do so very much as Catholics ... very proudly so as Catholics. Our very clear sense of identity as Catholics - due to the great number of Catholic Schools, the existence of strongly orthodox new religious orders and seminaries, the great success of WYD Sydney 2008 and the strong leadership of orthodox religious leaders like Cardinal Pell - maybe allows us to join other believers in common endeavours without the fear that our own beliefs might have to be watered down or have to be compromised.
Christus vincit Christus regant Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

2012 Synod. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, talks …

I really don't understand what you find so objectionable about this video. There is no sense of "indifferentism" in it. The video is under 3 minutes long and "non-Catholics" are first mentioned only at the 1.29 mark. In fact, and please look/listen to it again, anything that could be classified as specifically "non-Catholic" is mentioned only that one time. The video deals with the …More
I really don't understand what you find so objectionable about this video. There is no sense of "indifferentism" in it. The video is under 3 minutes long and "non-Catholics" are first mentioned only at the 1.29 mark. In fact, and please look/listen to it again, anything that could be classified as specifically "non-Catholic" is mentioned only that one time. The video deals with the upcoming "World Synod of Catholic Bishops" with its theme of "The New Evangelization" and Fr Pavone is asking pro-lifers to contribute to its agenda. He is a Catholic priest and the founder and Director of a Catholic organization called "Priests for Life". The Gospel, the Church, Rome, the Vatican, Pope John Paul, "the present Holy Father" and "Catholic events" are all mentioned. Finally, the Synod is placed in the context of the need to re-evangelize a secularised world where relativism and a culture of death reign. How more "Catholic" do you want the video to be? How more Catholic can it be? Furthermore, isn't one of the fundamental tenets of our Catholic Faith that God is the Creator? What is wrong in mentioning this? Since it is a video about pro-life issues it makes sense that "God as Creator" would feature prominently. Isn't it a blesssing that Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Moslems can all join together under this common belief to defend the unborn creatures of our common Creator? Can anyone mention meaningfully all the cardinal elements of our Holy Faith in under 3 minutes? Should anyone be offended because the most Blessed Sacrament isn't mentioned? Or the most Holy Mother of God?
I agree with your sentiments that our endeavours should have a Catholic basis but I do think that you are aiming your criticisms at the wrong video.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

2012 Synod. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, talks …

@ Rhemes 1582 😇 🤗 👍 Hi!
I agree with you that as Catholics we should profess publicly and proudly ALL that we believe. Finding common ground with men and women of all faiths for a common cause, such as the ending of abortion, should NOT mean that we ignore what it is that gives us our very identity. On the other hand, we cannot expect Jews, Moslems, Protestants to ignore their own identity …More
@ Rhemes 1582 😇 🤗 👍 Hi!
I agree with you that as Catholics we should profess publicly and proudly ALL that we believe. Finding common ground with men and women of all faiths for a common cause, such as the ending of abortion, should NOT mean that we ignore what it is that gives us our very identity. On the other hand, we cannot expect Jews, Moslems, Protestants to ignore their own identity either. So, don't you think that if we are joining for a common purpose with others we should all concentrate on that, the common purpose, rather than on our differences? Defeating our real enemies, atheists and militant secularists, is our immediate need. Once that is achieved, converting those who believe in God but have yet to embrace the One True Faith can then become the primary focus of all our endeavours.
Christus regnat Christus vincit Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Father Pavone - Group Will Picket Parishes

Gregory, amice, your distinction is most apposite. The Church, for instance, cannot proffer advice or presume to tell us how to behave on secular matters. Nevertheless, it is often difficult to tell where the purely secular ends and the religious/spiritual/moral begins since they are so interwoven. For example, though Holy Mother Church cannot tell us who to vote for it can, and should, insist that …More
Gregory, amice, your distinction is most apposite. The Church, for instance, cannot proffer advice or presume to tell us how to behave on secular matters. Nevertheless, it is often difficult to tell where the purely secular ends and the religious/spiritual/moral begins since they are so interwoven. For example, though Holy Mother Church cannot tell us who to vote for it can, and should, insist that Her children must not vote for pro-abortion candidates. The Episcopal Conference in any country cannot tell Catholic politicians what to discuss in Parliament but it does have a duty to tell them not to vote for measures that are against the teachings of the Church. It gets even more difficult to delineate what a Bishop can or cannot expect, under holy obedience, from any of his priests. That is a really hard matter. My sense is, however, that unless [as you so very rightly put it] a bishop orders his priests to do something forbidden by the law of God [and that would seem hard to envisage] then whether a priest likes it or not, he must obey his Ordinary's request without causing scandal by publicly commenting on it or, let alone, protesting about it. I don't know what Canon Law says about "appeals to Rome" but surely a Bishop is far, far more than a mere Papal delegate in his own diocese? So, can a priest effectively say: "I don't want to do what you are requesting me to do as my Bishop and if you force me to do it I'll appeal to Rome"? That is not a polemical question on my part. I would really like to know. Are there any Canon Lawyers out there who know the full ramifications of making an "appeal to Rome"?
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Archdiocese Postpones Priests for Life Mass

I have to confess, obviously, to being naive. I would never in my worst nightmare have thought such an event possible. That a Prelate of Holy Mother Church would, without a second's demur, give the Consacrated Species to two men not only dressed as women, and wearing make-up, but also mockingly parodying nuns, is beyond believable. And yet, there we have it on camera. I am in no position to judge …More
I have to confess, obviously, to being naive. I would never in my worst nightmare have thought such an event possible. That a Prelate of Holy Mother Church would, without a second's demur, give the Consacrated Species to two men not only dressed as women, and wearing make-up, but also mockingly parodying nuns, is beyond believable. And yet, there we have it on camera. I am in no position to judge Archbishop Niederauer's motives nor do I know anything about the pressures he faced and, above all, I will not attack him. Nevertheless, what happened should never have happened, ever! Is this true "acceptance" or mere indulging of capricious and rebellious behaviour which even adolescents would baulk at???
Gay Catholics need pastoral understanding coupled with tough love and clear teaching that forgiveness of the sin must be followed by the sinner's metanoia.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Father Pavone - Group Will Picket Parishes

@Gregory: 😇 🤗 👍 The "Good" Pope Blessed John XXIII chose as his Papal Motto "Obedientia et Pax". It doesn't just have its literal meaning, "Obedience and Peace", but it goes far deeper. It is only through obedience to God and to the legitimate religious authority that He has constituted on earth, the Magisterium - the Holy Father and the Bishops in Communion with him - that we can and will find …More
@Gregory: 😇 🤗 👍 The "Good" Pope Blessed John XXIII chose as his Papal Motto "Obedientia et Pax". It doesn't just have its literal meaning, "Obedience and Peace", but it goes far deeper. It is only through obedience to God and to the legitimate religious authority that He has constituted on earth, the Magisterium - the Holy Father and the Bishops in Communion with him - that we can and will find peace. This applies to everything: how we pray liturgically, what we do in politics, all matters of faith and morals ... and also how a good and holy priest should respond when his bishop calls him back home and away from even the most worthwhile of apostolates. Any response other than obedience leads effectively to "protestantism" and eventual disintegration into ever smaller "isms". For us there can be only one "ism" ... the One, True and Apostolic Catholicism.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

President of Bundestag, accidentally steps on pope's cassock

But now that I look at it again ... notice the Holy Father's total poise and composure? He doesn't even look around. He simply stops, waiting for the "bogman" to remove his hoof! Fantastic!!! I did find Merkle's smirk as she looks at the situation a bit much, though! And she's the Chancellor from the "supposedly" pro-Church party! Give me a Spanish Conservative politician anytime!!!
Christus vincit …More
But now that I look at it again ... notice the Holy Father's total poise and composure? He doesn't even look around. He simply stops, waiting for the "bogman" to remove his hoof! Fantastic!!! I did find Merkle's smirk as she looks at the situation a bit much, though! And she's the Chancellor from the "supposedly" pro-Church party! Give me a Spanish Conservative politician anytime!!!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

President of Bundestag, accidentally steps on pope's cassock

Though I did see the Holy Father's speech to the German Bundestang live ... I was late and so did not catch this totally inexcusable act of "lese majeste". In Thailand they would know how to deal with this kind of absolutely unacceptable behaviour most appropriately - the offending buffoon would be thrown in jail for 3 to 14 years! How dare anyone do this to the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal …More
Though I did see the Holy Father's speech to the German Bundestang live ... I was late and so did not catch this totally inexcusable act of "lese majeste". In Thailand they would know how to deal with this kind of absolutely unacceptable behaviour most appropriately - the offending buffoon would be thrown in jail for 3 to 14 years! How dare anyone do this to the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Catholic Orthodoxy is Not Bigotry

You're right ... King Juan Carlos of Spain was pressured by that crypto-Communist Zapatero to sign all sorts of laws that are against Catholic teaching [though I am impressed that the King insisted on meeting the Pope at every opportunity in Spain during WYD despite an accident that would have made walking considerably painful] ... but remember the saintly King Baudouin of the Belgians …More
You're right ... King Juan Carlos of Spain was pressured by that crypto-Communist Zapatero to sign all sorts of laws that are against Catholic teaching [though I am impressed that the King insisted on meeting the Pope at every opportunity in Spain during WYD despite an accident that would have made walking considerably painful] ... but remember the saintly King Baudouin of the Belgians? He abdicated for a day rather than sign an abortion law. OK, the law was still passed ... but at least he stood on Catholic principles ... if only more Catholic leaders and politicians were to do the same!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Catholic Orthodoxy is Not Bigotry

Yes, ACL, THAT is a point ... protecting children from having to witness inappropriate sexual display in a PUBLIC space. I think that parents should have the right to remonstrate with overly "passionate" couples [of whatever persuasion] and politely ask them to desist.
Changing the topic just a little, but staying on the theme that "Catholic Orthodoxy is NOT Bigotry", ACL, did you see the wonderful …More
Yes, ACL, THAT is a point ... protecting children from having to witness inappropriate sexual display in a PUBLIC space. I think that parents should have the right to remonstrate with overly "passionate" couples [of whatever persuasion] and politely ask them to desist.
Changing the topic just a little, but staying on the theme that "Catholic Orthodoxy is NOT Bigotry", ACL, did you see the wonderful news about tiny Lietchtenstein showing the rest of Europe the way? A referendum to legalise abortion was defeated by the overwhelmingly Catholic, if tiny, electorate. And what about the Prince showing how Catholic leaders should behave when he publicly said BEFORE the referendum that he would NOT sign that proposal into law EVEN if it were passed in the referendum!!! Great!!!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Gloria TV News on 20th of September

The Holy Father looks so old in this film clip. May the Lord continue to guide and sustain him and protect him and our Holy Catholic Church from all enemies.
Ad multos annos, Sancte Pater!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Grandpa Gets a Webcam. An older couple accidently record themselves while trying to figure out how to …

@holyrope3, this is hilarious!!!
😇 🤗 👍
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Catholic Orthodoxy is Not Bigotry

@ ACL,
Yes ... I think about what Christ would do ... and what He would want to do through us ...
The words He spoke are pretty strong ... "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Isn't the Church all about condemning the sin but converting the sinner?
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic

Chartres Cathedral. unesco | June 03, 2010 | 2:57 Partly built starting in 1145, and then reconstructed …

@ ACL, great story!
@Irapuato, thanks for uploading that video - wow!
😇 🤗 👍
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!