Faustina Kowalska’s unbelievable hubris

The Mother of God at Fatima spoke of the coming punishments, the signs foreshadowing them. And so it happened – World War II came. However, just before it, in 1937, St. Faustina foretells a time of …More
The Mother of God at Fatima spoke of the coming punishments, the signs foreshadowing them. And so it happened – World War II came. However, just before it, in 1937, St. Faustina foretells a time of mercy and exaltation for Poland. The opposite of Heaven is Hell, so she was talking about one thing, and something quite the opposite came. Besides, with these arguments of hers about mercy, she contradicted the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, who spoke of punishments, and therefore of justice.
The unbelievable hubris that can be seen in her led her to a situation where she accepted everything her mind told her as coming from God:
“...tell the Superior General, let her count on you as the most faithful daughter in the Order…” (Acts 1130)
God does not confirm anyone in pride – this is probably clear. And these words, as well as others she wrote down in the Diary, are intended to make Faustina feel special. A normal priest is able to tell this right away.
As even followers of Felix …More
English Catholic
@Maria delos Angeles You are obviously hell-bent on baiting me despite my comment on this other thread Defeating the Accuser currently towards the top …More
@Maria delos Angeles You are obviously hell-bent on baiting me despite my comment on this other thread Defeating the Accuser currently towards the top of the page. There are criticisms of the Divine Mercy Devotion from several people on this thread, but as usual, you zoom in on me, and only me. Why not complain about what they say? Please just get on with your necromancy Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer and false apparitions and leave me alone. I don't want to have any communication with you. As I stated, I blocked you because of your behaviour on another thread, and then you blocked me, so why do you keep trolling me? I can only assume it is because you are infested with evil, which I have suspected ever since you told me you commune with dead spirits.
Maria delos Angeles
i have personal proof of the truth of this Devotion. @English Catholic what you mean by saying it is verbal prayer? Does that mean it has no theological …More
i have personal proof of the truth of this Devotion. @English Catholic what you mean by saying it is verbal prayer? Does that mean it has no theological content? I undertook to pray, for example, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy x3 per day for a period of time for Boris Johnson when i was shown his heart had turned, kind of done a flip - and was not for the interests of the people, and, lo, a short time later he was fired by his own party. He had been working to block peace between Ukraine and Russia behind the scenes apparently. And the rest. He is an apostate. Talk about a fall from grace.
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Christianity is a religion, leading mankind to a supernatural purpose and supernatural life. We are human beings. Human beings are made up of body and soul. Beings without a body are not human beings.…More
Christianity is a religion, leading mankind to a supernatural purpose and supernatural life. We are human beings. Human beings are made up of body and soul. Beings without a body are not human beings. Beings without a soul are not human beings. So one without the other does not exist. Body and soul together is only a human being, a natural man, coming into the world.
But that is not all. Having been born once, we are born a second time. We are born of water and the Holy Spirit. We are baptized. We become Christians. What is a Christian, a saint, a scholar said: a Christian is a soul in the body, and in this soul God resides. As the body without a soul is not a man, but a rotting and decaying corpse, so the soul without God is not Christian. The second life is missing. It will lack God. The soul without God has the first, natural life. But the second life, beginning with baptism, it has lost. When God leaves the soul, there is death, yes, the second death, supernatural: godlessness, …More

In the supernatural world – Rev. R. Mäder

Two gospels are fighting for the future: the gospel of the modern superhuman and the gospel of the holy man.Between these two the battle will be decided.The …
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are …More
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are lackeys in the field of the press, lackeys in literature, lackeys in broad politics, in economic matters.They command – we listen, sometimes perhaps murmuring, but we listen.
You can not embellish the sad fact, you can not deceive yourself and your own that everything is fine because we go to church on Sunday, perform some deeds of love of neighbor or hold a meeting. All this will not help, will not change the fact that in public life we mean terribly little. Catholicism lives in Egypt and groans under the political and social yoke of the rulers of the present day. Worse, the degrading policy of compromise plays the silent role of servants of his majesty – the spirit of the times.
If we had become a people of martyrs in Egypt! It would not have been a disgrace but an honor. But we have …More

We will rise again! – Rev. R. Mäder

Easter is the arch-holiday of Christianity, as it was once the arch-holiday of the old law. You shall celebrate it solemnly from generation to generation with perpetual …
Time of gentiles coming to an end just like the temple was destroyed so well the gentile nations.
Ivan Tomas shares this
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: …More
The Church today lives in Egypt.We have become a nation of slaves.We are not masters, but lackeys.We do what the rulers of the world tell us to do: Protestants, liberals, Freemasons, socialists. We are lackeys in the field of the press, lackeys in literature, lackeys in broad politics, in economic matters.They command – we listen, sometimes perhaps murmuring, but we listen.
You can not embellish the sad fact, you can not deceive yourself and your own that everything is fine because we go to church on Sunday, perform some deeds of love of neighbor or hold a meeting. All this will not help, will not change the fact that in public life we mean terribly little. Catholicism lives in Egypt and groans under the political and social yoke of the rulers of the present day. Worse, the degrading policy of compromise plays the silent role of servants of his majesty – the spirit of the times.
If we had become a people of martyrs in Egypt! It would not have been a disgrace but an honor. But we have …More
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This does not surprise me personally at all, because our enemies know what people who consider themselves Catholic have forgotten. Having run the website niewonikmaryi.com for several years, I have …More
This does not surprise me personally at all, because our enemies know what people who consider themselves Catholic have forgotten. Having run the website niewonikmaryi.com for several years, I have noticed that they argue about the outward manifestations of the faith forgetting that everything has its beginning and end in our souls, so in them we should worship God, because otherwise everything we do has no meaning and may even offend our Lord Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately for us, our enemies have not forgotten this and they know very well that the real victory must be achieved precisely in the spiritual battle. This is why our website is constantly being blocked, and this time my book has been banned.

Loneliness of the Soul – Forbidden E-book

My e-book: Loneliness of the Soul. How to save your life after contact with witchcraft, parapsychology, and other facets of evil has been removed by Amazon.This …
Jesus Christ must be born in your soul and together with Him you must build your Church on the rock of your faith. No matter where you are in your journey through life right now. Stop and find the …More
Jesus Christ must be born in your soul and together with Him you must build your Church on the rock of your faith.
No matter where you are in your journey through life right now. Stop and find the child Jesus in your soul. And it is then, as you meditate on the Passion of the Lord, that you will see His glory and the path to your salvation, strewn with thorns, but how beautifully completed.
It is amazing how many people seek priests, communities, charismatics, some kind of apparition, and how few simply seek God in their souls.

When you look at the Cross you must see the Resurrection!

You cannot fully contemplate the Passion of Christ if He has not even been born in your soul before. If He has not been born in your soul, you …
On the occasion of the Resurrection, wishes for my readers expressed in the beautiful words of 17O years ago: Christian! thou hast the assurance of thy redemption in the passion and death of Christ, …More
On the occasion of the Resurrection, wishes for my readers expressed in the beautiful words of 17O years ago:
Christian! thou hast the assurance of thy redemption in the passion and death of Christ, and the hope and ground of thy faith in His resurrection. He suffered for thy sake; show Him reciprocity by suffering willingly the tribulations of mortal life for His glory. He died that He might deliver thee from eternal death; die daily to the senses of thy flesh by holy mortification, for the sake of showing love to thy eternal Bridegroom. He rose from death to eternal life that He might assure thee of thy once resurrection; rise thou also from the grave of thy sins by holy repentance.
Christ is risen once, and dies no more; behold, your rising is to be like this, so that you die no more through your falls to God’s grace. If, therefore, last holy week you suffered and died with Jesus by meditating on his passion and death, begin from this day to live with him in true love. He has not …More

Christ is risen! – Do not return to the grave and you!

On the occasion of the Resurrection, wishes for my readers expressed in the beautiful words of 17O years ago: Christian! thou hast the assurance of …
O my beloved brothers, all of you who have the cross of Christ expressed in your hearts, show in your lives that you are his followers and imitators; continue steadily on the path of virtue, go boldly …More
O my beloved brothers, all of you who have the cross of Christ expressed in your hearts, show in your lives that you are his followers and imitators; continue steadily on the path of virtue, go boldly on into the world, and if you find people who have the traits of Christ on them, and, for the love of God, do not pass them by, or else you would miss Christ!Pay close attention, for every virtuous and poor man is Christ, holy and having nowhere to bow his head; every distressed and sad man is Christ, mourning in the Garden of Olives; the persecuted is Christ, bearing his cross; the dying in pain is Christ, dying on the cross!
Let every misery move you, every crime terrify you, every holiness edify you, every love inflame you, and you will faithfully express on yourselves the Passion of Jesus, which will sanctify and save you for ever!Oh, let us always keep the cross of Christ before us, let us carry it in our hearts, let us carry it in our souls; let us follow this banner in our lives, …More

The seven words of the Church of Christ

“Who will give my eyes a source of tears and I shall weep day and night?” .Jerem. IX. 1. These are the words of Jeremiah the prophet, weeping over the anger of …
O what a sweet consolation! Jesus takes my sins upon Himself and stands as a sinner burdened with the weight of my sins! For if the Lord Jesus had not taken upon Himself this burden of the cross we …More
O what a sweet consolation! Jesus takes my sins upon Himself and stands as a sinner burdened with the weight of my sins! For if the Lord Jesus had not taken upon Himself this burden of the cross we would still be lying in our sins and would be slaves of Satan.
This cross, however, is not a means of salvation for everyone, but only for those who bear it with love and sorrow for their sins;
But for those who lie in grave sins and bear the cross from God with reluctance and complaint, and even blasphemy, it is the beginning of eternal pain! For even beside the Lord Jesus two scoundrels carried their crosses. One calmly, recognising the rightness of the punishment for his criminal life and offering his sufferings in reparation for his sins, and the other with anger, resentment and blasphemy. That one became a partaker of eternal glory, while this one, rejected from God! And when this sign of salvation appears in the final judgment – the lovers of the cross will rejoice and be glad, because …More

Jesus goes to death – About the way of the cross

Saint Andrew the Apostle, who later, like his master Jesus, died the death of the cross, having seen the cross prepared for him from afar, cried out with …
O how great the grace and love You have shown us ! Why then, with our sins, do we hammer more nails into Your innocent Body ? Thou, our Lord Jesus Christ, lovingly accepted the Cross, suffering and …More
O how great the grace and love You have shown us !
Why then, with our sins, do we hammer more nails into Your innocent Body ?
Thou, our Lord Jesus Christ, lovingly accepted the Cross, suffering and cruel torments. For us, Your Blood dearest, invaluable treasure into the soil of Golgotha seeped. It marked not the winding paths by which people follow, but the straight road to Salvation.
Who wants to follow this path now? Who wants to help carry the burden of the cross?
Three times you fell, but you got up. And people have stopped rising from their sins. They seek justification by rejecting Your Heart, they do not wash their souls in Your Blood shed for them after all, they only wallow in the sins of this world.

For the love of us you suffered so much God!

The way of the cross, Lord, you have chosen For love of us you have defeated death But where are we ? Do we accept the burdens of daily crosses ? With the …
Forgive us Lord
In the hustle and bustle of my own thoughts I find only darkness Everything is dirty and evil Only Your words are light The reward for suffering In them I find myself I am becoming rejected Yet it is …More
In the hustle and bustle of my own thoughts
I find only darkness
Everything is dirty and evil
Only Your words are light
The reward for suffering
In them I find myself
I am becoming rejected
Yet it is the hope of salvation I will not cry though tears fill my soul

Faith Hope Love

I immerse myself in myself I cut myself off from the world Life goes on from the side And I want to be close to You In the recesses of my soul Where I’ve buried Memories of bad and good …
The slogans thrown into the crowd were intended to incite people to support the murder of the Innocent One. The same principle is always used by communists. In the French Revolution, or the Bolshevik …More
The slogans thrown into the crowd were intended to incite people to support the murder of the Innocent One. The same principle is always used by communists. In the French Revolution, or the Bolshevik Revolution – always the same. Lying accusations led the crowd to allow the murder of the innocent. Now it may seem that no one kills; but are you sure? Don’t slogans about freedom kill millions of unborn children? What about the elderly, the ailing and euthanasia? The same mechanism has been used, aiming at the perdition of souls, something much worse than the murder of the body. Key words and images have been introduced into our minds, to which we react like trained animals. There are many, but I will remind you of a few of the most important: rainbow, love, freedom, equality and brotherhood. Beautiful words, but in the system of evil they always mean one thing-love everyone and everything, except Christians and the laws established by Jesus Christ.
So people are happy to use slogans like …More

Are “traditional” Catholics Pharisees?

So people are happy to use slogans like “Pharisees,” “don’t judge,” because they provide a veil for their ignorance, but especially for the lies they live in. …
Perhaps in Our Lord’s day the conveyors of the One True Faith, the Pharisees, the Jews believed there was no development to God’s plan of Salvation, …More
Perhaps in Our Lord’s day the conveyors of the One True Faith, the Pharisees, the Jews believed there was no development to God’s plan of Salvation, everything was set in concrete and it all ended in them. Can we have the same attitude? Or do we say “Jesus I trust in Thee”? Can we limit what is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Moses didn’t have the Blessed Sacrament because it was not yet time. Are there elements in the Our Father that we don’t have because simply it is not yet time? What God has given He has given. He has given all the gifts Adam received (and rejected) He has given us the New Adam and Eve and the Sacraments. So all of these gifts can be returned and the promised “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” will happen. How disposed are you to begging, supplicating the fulfilment of the Our Father? We witness the destruction of Rome like they witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem. Our attitude is to be like the Essenes.
Ivan Tomas
Freemasons have said they will (try!) take the Church down with - obedience.
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There is pain hiding in the shadows. The pain of forgetting and the pain of remembering In the darkness memories awaken And the dawn brings oblivion The eternal Sisyphean labors Like life they go round …More
There is pain hiding in the shadows.
The pain of forgetting and the pain of remembering
In the darkness memories awaken
And the dawn brings oblivion
The eternal Sisyphean labors
Like life they go round and round
With darkness you fight being a part of it
Loser you fall you give up everything And though the light sets you free The shadow of darkness remains As a memory of former strength Illusory as houses on sand But real in black dreams Humility gives oblivion But only faith respite A shadow marked soul...

Shadow of the soul

There is pain hiding in the shadows. The pain of forgetting and the pain of remembering In the darkness memories awaken And the dawn brings oblivion The eternal Sisyphean labors Like …
among the ruins of faith walks the successor of Judas his soul is burned and the body is consumed by the leprosy of the world with him goes not the Cross only eternal death . behind him rushes the …More
among the ruins of faith
walks the successor of Judas
his soul is burned
and the body is consumed by the leprosy of the world
with him goes not the Cross
only eternal death
behind him rushes the deviating crowd those who pray to the ground around you can hear the frantic singing the terrible howling of damned souls . who am I to judge ? a lying hiss comes out of his mouth does not judge heretics and blasphemers but destroys all who pay homage to God and Tradition . his end is near on the edge of hell – gallows for cursed as Paul said

Apocalypse – the world tempts and kills too!

you take a slow step sometimes you think you are going backwards but your faith is like a hammer that shatters the wall of heresy . Lot’s wife looked back …
At night when the world sleeps And people along with it I watch the stars full of hope for tomorrow’s new day Sleep does not come In the firmament dark clouds The stars have long since faded Yet I …More
At night when the world sleeps
And people along with it
I watch the stars full of hope for tomorrow’s new day
Sleep does not come
In the firmament dark clouds
The stars have long since faded
Yet I search with my soul’s eyes
What has passed what will be Knowing that the most important thing is what is here and now The past may be dark and evil will invariably remain so The future though unknown is being built now There remains a hope that is within us Just like everything that matters is in our souls Close and yet so far away I am tired Everyone is running, they think they are fighting In the wheel of life and death of worthless bodies The time of oblivion is coming The leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees Their green fades and flashes gold However, this marks the end of life Like old men returning to God When the call of youth AND the world falls silent I will sit somewhere off to the side, invisible forgotten And I will wait until that day comes

Hope Remains

At night when the world sleeps And people along with it I watch the stars full of hope for tomorrow’s new day Sleep does not come In the firmament dark clouds The stars have long since faded …
Just look at those who claim to be defenders of the faith . What are they fighting relentless battles about? About the Truth or about money? Can it not be seen that for the sake of popularity, and …More
Just look at those who claim to be defenders of the faith . What are they fighting relentless battles about? About the Truth or about money? Can it not be seen that for the sake of popularity, and therefore for the sake of money, they omit inconvenient facts? Do they not keep silent on important matters for fear of losing their income? Weeds should be pulled out by the roots, not trampled on so that no one sees. One cannot serve two masters-Truth and Mammon. Silence and omission of the truth is also a lie, and the money thus gained is not a gift for telling the truth, but for not pulling out the whole lie from the roots . If you leave even a tiny piece of the root of a weed in the ground, it will regrow and after a while it will grow so big that it will cover up all the other plants. It is the same with a lie. One gives birth to another and you don’t even know when you are a victim in the web of lies and Satan like a spider is quietly waiting for you to stop tugging.
Do not trust those …More

Spiritual suicides

Life passes like loose sand in an hourglass. No matter what you do it flows inexorably leaving us less time each day to repent and receive the grace of salvation. So often we forget …
What does it matter the position, or whether he was rightly chosen or not, if he is stuck in sin and heresy? All that matters to God is the soul – pure, untainted by sin – not human positions. One …More
What does it matter the position, or whether he was rightly chosen or not, if he is stuck in sin and heresy? All that matters to God is the soul – pure, untainted by sin – not human positions. One would have to be crazy to claim that if someone utters blasphemies and heresies in public, or even in private, he or she is someone of value to God. We are not talking here about ordinary people, but about those who have been called to lead and guard the sheep. Those who deceive the little ones, and so had better hang a stone around their necks – as our Lord said. Those who twist, falsify the Gospel, are simply cursed as St Paul says.
The resistance movement against the invasion of the deviants is arguing about something that is completely irrelevant to God. And if it is not for Him, why argue about something that is unimportant. All that matters is God and His most holy will, and the rest is just the dust of this earth and worthless human talk.
Some lecture and write entire books, claiming …More

There is one God and one enemy, and the rest are worthless human disputes

And it is precisely by raising awareness and converting, not by exalting and closing oneself within the walls of one’s own …
The apostasy of the clergy does not justify the Masonic mentality of the faithful. This is not about intricate theological dilemmas, just simple basics . One can clearly see why people want to change …More
The apostasy of the clergy does not justify the Masonic mentality of the faithful. This is not about intricate theological dilemmas, just simple basics . One can clearly see why people want to change rather than simply leave to some Protestant denomination. None tolerate all aspects of the modernist sewage of heresy. Joining Freemasonry, which alone combines everything, is not an option. A Catholic – albeit in name only – will not openly admit that he is a mental Freemason. There is only one way out left – to support the modernist sect praised by the Freemasons, which justifies all human sins and even, instead of fighting them, confirms them.
People rejected God and the faith, not as a result of the clergy’s deviation, but because they did not want to admit their own sins and transgressions – let alone hear about them in sermons. They accepted evil in exchange for forgiveness of punishment for their sins . The removal of Justice for the idea of mercy and salvation “in spite of everything …More

Does the betrayal of the shepherds justify the faithful ?

Is the apostasy of the clergy associated with today’s modernist church, which illegally uses the name Catholic Church, the biggest problem? It …
Jeffrey Ade
@Catholic during the Great Apostasy Thank you for posting these links. I find them very edifying and thought provoking! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima …More
@Catholic during the Great Apostasy Thank you for posting these links. I find them very edifying and thought provoking! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
The Word was the first and the Word will be the last they will not accept the Word and they will perish in their sins Word you look and you speak and they run away You close your eyes and speak and they …More
The Word was the first and the Word will be the last
they will not accept the Word and they will perish in their sins
you look and you speak and they run away
You close your eyes and speak and they do not see
The Word they do not listen and it is the Word that will kill them

The Word was first and the Word will be last

I send thee among the wolves I send thee because thou hast been cursed I send thee where others would fall and you would rise I send thee to their doom I send …
What is a poor man to do seeing the lies and hypocrisy Those who called themselves successors of Peter? They have many supporters In the colors of the rainbow clothed There are also those who chastise them …More
What is a poor man to do
seeing the lies and hypocrisy
Those who called themselves successors of Peter?
They have many supporters
In the colors of the rainbow clothed
There are also those who chastise them
but in the name of their own glory
. and a handful of us remain those of us who keep our eyes fixed on you On this rocky path strewn with thorns . but weak , exhausted we fall more and more Mother watches over us lifts us up we ask you Lord God do not forget the children and old people murdered mercilessly! Don’t look at us time is running out We will crouch on this rock from which everyone has fallen We’ll wait for death to save us

Please, God!

Say God, do you see ? What they have made of this world those who have torn your heart out and rose from their knees those who stretch out their hands and they have already razed You to the …
How many baptise their own children simply because that is the custom and there is nothing in their intentions in line with Catholic teaching. Godparents are just random people, often chosen through …More
How many baptise their own children simply because that is the custom and there is nothing in their intentions in line with Catholic teaching. Godparents are just random people, often chosen through the prism of their wealth, so they too treat participation in this sacrament as a necessary evil from which they could not escape. A priest imbued with modernist heresies cannot have intentions in line with the true Catholic Church. It is enough, for example. that he is an advocate of false ecumenism – the first commandment of God so commonly broken today – and automatically does not belong to the Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ. So who will bring up such a baptised person to the true Catholic faith? We can see that this beginning of our lives is not always what we think it is. One can even assume that those who were not born into so-called Catholic families have a better start because they are not contaminated by heretical modernism, or in the words of Pope Pius X, the sewage of …More

Sectarian escape from the truth

Let us immerse ourselves in the Truth. Let us reject lies. Let us believe that everything our Lord Jesus Christ has communicated to us is the highest good. Let us remember …