
Francis Postpones the Useless Ex-Synod

He's already issued FS. No need for any more window-dressing is there. It was simply a distraction from the very start. I would not be surprised FS was already written well before the first session.

Parolin: For the Pope, negotiation is not surrender, but a condition for just and lasting peace

Chinese Catholics - we will never forget!

Robots Doing Stuff #62 - This One or That One

A chinese worker would run rings around that thing, take up a fraction of the space, self medicate, self heal, self charge, and is never likely to crush a coworker by a lethal pinch!

Even Oligarchs Admit Failure of Novus Ordo

Oh but it's not a bug, it's a feature.

Next Shock Ahead: Tucho Wants Civil War in the Church

They operate with a notable pattern. There is an Issuing of disgusting documents timed so as to draw you away from Christ at the high points of the liturgical year. The mainstream media has operated in like manner for many years.

U.S. Under Secretary Victoria Nuland resigns

“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves”

Listen, listen.....(from someone who just discovered the Faith, through his wife)

He needs to practise what he preaches. If he believed it he would convert to Catholicism.

Trump meets Argentina's Javier Milei

Poor selection of music in the background there 🥴

A map of monasteries dissolved by King Henry VIII

Shocking to see!

Poland: While the Vatican 'Blesses' Homosexual Sin..

Many young Poles have emigrated and have having babies elsewhere.

The study of philosophy aims not at knowing what men feel, but at what is the truth of things

With people who insist that there is no objective truth, simply ask "but is that true?" Works every time.

Michael Haynes (LifeSite) on Twitter: Gloria Branciani spoke at a press conference today in Rome about …

While the pit she allowed herself to fall into is dreadful, repentance and sacramental confession is the place for this filth. The age of reason is 7 years old.

Young priest remembers his First Traditional Latin mass as a Teenager

Well now. Where is there any contrition or embarrassment for disturbing other people with their behaviour. The discomfort they felt is simply hurt pride and they blame other people for that. Both men obviously persisted in their behaviour pretending to be friendly and pius. They sure must have noticed that no one was giving the sign of peace or singing the Pater Noster but they in their "wisdom" …More
Well now. Where is there any contrition or embarrassment for disturbing other people with their behaviour. The discomfort they felt is simply hurt pride and they blame other people for that. Both men obviously persisted in their behaviour pretending to be friendly and pius. They sure must have noticed that no one was giving the sign of peace or singing the Pater Noster but they in their "wisdom" knew better of course and persisted. Me Me Me Me Me. As always they are the rigid yardstick but project that on others. We should all be okay with doing whatever they want. Of course they can be forgiven for not knowing but whose fault is that - their own.

Painting Restoration done right

Bad job! Should have removed the marigold gloves from Our Lady's hands. He's meticulous though I'll give him that. 🥴

No Other Problems? Tucho Chases Mystical Abuse

He may start with his own books

Tactical Embrace: Francis And Milei Meet

Seems a rather warm encounter.