
Francis to Mother: "Maybe We’ll See Each Other in Hell"

Could you imagine St. JP2 saying that?

At Least Once: Police Showed Up in Vain to Disperse the Faithful

NWO Masons at work....

Bishop Puts Even Priests Under Holy Week Interdict


They Know It: Coronavirus Is "Invitation" - NOT Divine Punishment

They've obviously never read the Bible?

Historic: United States Celebrate 50th anniversary Of Novus Ordo With Cancellation of ALL MASSES

Angel appeared to Seer in Akita in October and indicated Chastisements now here post-Pachamama Idol Worship at the Vatican-- appeared on that day!!!

Historic: United States Celebrate 50th anniversary Of Novus Ordo With Cancellation of ALL MASSES

God is in the process of doing that....

He Knows It: Coronavirus is “NOT" Punishment from God - Cardinal Marx

Is he a Mason? Pro-Homosexual Pro-Globalist "Cardinal"....

Wrath of God? Earth Quake Hits Only New Rite

50 Years to the day -- NO NOMass

Another Bergoglio Critical Bishop Gets Muzzled


Exorcist Fantasises: Coronavirus “Comes from Satan, Produced in Laboratory”

Vaccines loaded with poison and viruses -- shoot it right up!

“I Don’t Care for A Second About the Coronavirus”

It is a Cold Virus--90% death and serious illness Italy admits now were already SERIOUSLY ILL!!!-- Elderly smokers and sick and immune impaired HIV POS (80-20 men to women in Italy? Why? HIV?) --same hit EVERY FLU and Cold Virus Season without hysteria-- lunatics and fools led by them --- and the numbers have been hyped and lied about-- there will be another Cold Virus next year--going to tank the …More
It is a Cold Virus--90% death and serious illness Italy admits now were already SERIOUSLY ILL!!!-- Elderly smokers and sick and immune impaired HIV POS (80-20 men to women in Italy? Why? HIV?) --same hit EVERY FLU and Cold Virus Season without hysteria-- lunatics and fools led by them --- and the numbers have been hyped and lied about-- there will be another Cold Virus next year--going to tank the Economy again? He makes valid points, you just call names -- so easy to get the world to kow tow to this decree over a Cold Virus-- nice trial run here started by the NWO ChiComs and fanned by the Vatican NWO types etc....-- think this is going to go away now instituted? LOL -- think will now be the "new normal"....

“I Don’t Care for A Second About the Coronavirus”

Your wrong-- the Earthquakes hitting all over -- Utah yesterday, San Diego today....Volcanoes coming to life-- numberous plagues and locusts plague is not "usual" in any are completely wrong. There is another ChiCom plague in Mongolia oil fields --bleed out thru your eyes etc.-- nothing in "normal" now....

Coronavirus: "Outgoing Church" And "Field Hospital" Have Evaporated

The Pachamama Idol Worship conducted by Pope F at the Vatican was the trigger for all this-- the start of the terrible Chastisements prophesied years ago to the seer of Akita--now we're seeing them and the truth as to the FrancisChurch....

Father Schmidberger attacks Archbishop Lenga

Archbishop Lenga is actually Catholic...this is a problem these days in the Catholic Church where the people who "run" it are not -- Pope F ordered/approved that a red Martin Luther statue should be put in the Vatican and that Luther and another heretic should be put on a Vatican Postage Stamp at the foot of the Cross where Our Lady and Saint John should be--no "Catholic" would do this-- if you …More
Archbishop Lenga is actually Catholic...this is a problem these days in the Catholic Church where the people who "run" it are not -- Pope F ordered/approved that a red Martin Luther statue should be put in the Vatican and that Luther and another heretic should be put on a Vatican Postage Stamp at the foot of the Cross where Our Lady and Saint John should be--no "Catholic" would do this-- if you disagree please enlighten me....

Father Schmidberger attacks Archbishop Lenga

Pope F is "friendly" to SSPX due to some past "favor" they did him is what I understand-- they obviously don't want to see that "relationship" crumble so they do things like this to curry favor-- see my comment above....

Father Schmidberger attacks Archbishop Lenga

I do thing, with all due respect, that contrary to Father Schmidberger -- from what I've read -- Archbishop L would not be on the Lavender Mafia side here nor supporting the current Pachamama Idol Worshiping Vatican/Pope we now all know we actually do have despite all the smoke that is pushed forward from "catholic media" and Vatican toadies to try and hide same....My understanding is SSPX supported …More
I do thing, with all due respect, that contrary to Father Schmidberger -- from what I've read -- Archbishop L would not be on the Lavender Mafia side here nor supporting the current Pachamama Idol Worshiping Vatican/Pope we now all know we actually do have despite all the smoke that is pushed forward from "catholic media" and Vatican toadies to try and hide same....My understanding is SSPX supported Pope F somehow in Argentina over whatever -- and due to that he has been "friendly" to them ever since--where he actually detests the Traditional Mass and the Traditional Catholic Religion (and Traditional Catholics from some of what he has said..."rigid" etc. blah blah) but here "politics", being a "Peronist" and politician first and foremost it seems, trumps even far....

Fake News Cardinal Aviz Exposed: His "Prostitute Nuns" Are a Lie

Here's the NO"mass"-- Cardinal Marx style:

German Bishops Use Lawyer Against PiusX Youth

This is Cardinal Marx -- his NO"mass"-- this is what the German Bishops, who were behind the Amazon Synod and work hand in glove with Pope F, have in mind for the Church:

Shock Visitation In German Charterhouse: Homosex Visitator, Monks Flee

Obviously not if Francis and his posse can help it....He is targeting Contemplatives/their Orders for destruction from what I've read.... -- this is beyond stupid as Mystics/Saints have been told us that they are the ones who hold back the "arm of God's Justice" from us-- he is removing them as he believes they are useless as compared to SJW "Nuns on the Bus" and Globalist promoting "clergy" LGBQTP …More
Obviously not if Francis and his posse can help it....He is targeting Contemplatives/their Orders for destruction from what I've read.... -- this is beyond stupid as Mystics/Saints have been told us that they are the ones who hold back the "arm of God's Justice" from us-- he is removing them as he believes they are useless as compared to SJW "Nuns on the Bus" and Globalist promoting "clergy" LGBQTP etc.... He will soon have us all badly Chastised post his Pachamama Worship stunt at the Vatican where St. Peter was crucified by Pagans-- the "Abomination Of Desolation" for Our End Times Now--triggering event of the coming Chastisements....Prayers for all especially him and his Globalist NWO NGO "katholic clergy"....

Australia's Regime Uses Pretext to Move Cardinal Pell to Even Harsher Prison

Australia became a Leftist cesspool, Cardinal Pell was railroaded on totally bogus and lacking "evidence" -- now Australia burning up like Hell...funny how that works....