
Father Schmidberger attacks Archbishop Lenga

Father Franz Schmidberger, the rector of the PiusX-Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany, attacked in his Monday letter (March 2) Archbishop Emeritus Jan Lenga of Karaganda. Lenga called Francis an antichrist …More
Father Franz Schmidberger, the rector of the PiusX-Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany, attacked in his Monday letter (March 2) Archbishop Emeritus Jan Lenga of Karaganda.
Lenga called Francis an antichrist and heretic. In Mass, he names Benedict XVI, not Francis,
"With such untenable highhandedness no problem in the Church will be solved, rather the confusion will only increase," Schmidberger writes,
“Archbishop Lefebvre has never given in to such schismatic thinking, and neither does the Society he founded.”
Picture: Franz Schmidberger, © FSSPX.org, #newsXslhrbavvq
Memento Mori 2
"My dear friends,
The See of Peter and the posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs..."
These are the word of archbishop Lefebvre in 1987.
Would p. Schmidberger care to explain would he consider the founder of FSSPX a schismatic for this kind of language as well??More
"My dear friends,
The See of Peter and the posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs..."

These are the word of archbishop Lefebvre in 1987.


Would p. Schmidberger care to explain would he consider the founder of FSSPX a schismatic for this kind of language as well??
But Schmidberger is ill-advised because he himself was a traitor to his boss, Archbishop Lefebvre, barely deceased, and it was he and Fellay who led the Brotherhood to death; this traitor is no more and no less than an infiltrator: do not listen to him at all!
No surprise, spin doctors Salza&Siscoe layed reasoning for many Catholics based on the hypothesis of Peaceful&Universal Acceptance of Francis' election and promote as if it was "superdogma". The theory is not fully applicable in this extraordinary situation for reason of existing facts and evidence of highly probable invalid abdication. Thereon pope Benedict XVI has himself decided to remain enclosed …More
No surprise, spin doctors Salza&Siscoe layed reasoning for many Catholics based on the hypothesis of Peaceful&Universal Acceptance of Francis' election and promote as if it was "superdogma". The theory is not fully applicable in this extraordinary situation for reason of existing facts and evidence of highly probable invalid abdication. Thereon pope Benedict XVI has himself decided to remain enclosed in the Petrine Office due to extreme attacks and impedement. In their reflections there are illogical arguments, out of context reasoning and left out parts of quotes to support the conclusion. In reality each year there is greater division and material schsim in the Church than peace. Does again today supreme authority in the Church reside with majority bishops, apart from, or even against, the pope?
Archbishop Lenga is actually Catholic...this is a problem these days in the Catholic Church where the people who "run" it are not -- Pope F ordered/approved that a red Martin Luther statue should be put in the Vatican and that Luther and another heretic should be put on a Vatican Postage Stamp at the foot of the Cross where Our Lady and Saint John should be--no "Catholic" would do this-- if you …More
Archbishop Lenga is actually Catholic...this is a problem these days in the Catholic Church where the people who "run" it are not -- Pope F ordered/approved that a red Martin Luther statue should be put in the Vatican and that Luther and another heretic should be put on a Vatican Postage Stamp at the foot of the Cross where Our Lady and Saint John should be--no "Catholic" would do this-- if you disagree please enlighten me....
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Shameless. What about Canon Law. Do you think your Archbishop cared nothing for Canon Law. He would repudiate the whole lot of you fakers.
I do thing, with all due respect, that contrary to Father Schmidberger -- from what I've read -- Archbishop L would not be on the Lavender Mafia side here nor supporting the current Pachamama Idol Worshiping Vatican/Pope we now all know we actually do have despite all the smoke that is pushed forward from "catholic media" and Vatican toadies to try and hide same....My understanding is SSPX supported …More
I do thing, with all due respect, that contrary to Father Schmidberger -- from what I've read -- Archbishop L would not be on the Lavender Mafia side here nor supporting the current Pachamama Idol Worshiping Vatican/Pope we now all know we actually do have despite all the smoke that is pushed forward from "catholic media" and Vatican toadies to try and hide same....My understanding is SSPX supported Pope F somehow in Argentina over whatever -- and due to that he has been "friendly" to them ever since--where he actually detests the Traditional Mass and the Traditional Catholic Religion (and Traditional Catholics from some of what he has said..."rigid" etc. blah blah) but here "politics", being a "Peronist" and politician first and foremost it seems, trumps even that...so far....
SSPX behavior is difficult to understand. They are willing to call errors of Vatican II, yet they are unwilling to call those who are implementing them. The right Catholic response to Francis is the following:
A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that such a one is subverted and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment. (Titus 3:10-11)
We do not have …More
SSPX behavior is difficult to understand. They are willing to call errors of Vatican II, yet they are unwilling to call those who are implementing them. The right Catholic response to Francis is the following:

A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that such a one is subverted and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment. (Titus 3:10-11)

We do not have to wait for formal declaration of the whole church that pope is heretic because he is ‘ condemned by his own judgment’. SSPX attitude is very wrong!
Pope F is "friendly" to SSPX due to some past "favor" they did him is what I understand-- they obviously don't want to see that "relationship" crumble so they do things like this to curry favor-- see my comment above....
Even the elect will be deceived, sspx in general who should know better have been deceived by paying alleganc to an anti pope. Only those who want to be confused will be confused, the sspx are in great confusion not bishop Jan Lenga.
That's hilarious.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Antipope Bergoglio has deceived most priests and bishops .
Should any ordained cleric challenge him directly they are immediately “excommunicated “.
Of course the schismatic Bergoglio has no power to do this but these poorly cathecized priests think he does.