Again the Same Lame Excuse: "I Was Only 36 When I Wrote It"

Tucho Fernández - instead of resigning, apologising and disappearing into a cloistered monastery to do penance, not only for his sins but also for his unbridled stupidity - defended his porn fantasiesMore
Tucho Fernández - instead of resigning, apologising and disappearing into a cloistered monastery to do penance, not only for his sins but also for his unbridled stupidity - defended his porn fantasies, which he collected in the 1998 book "Pasíon Mística", which has recently been rediscovered.
Speaking to, he said he was "still young" - he was 36 and had been a priest for 12 years - when he wrote the book.
"I certainly would not write it now," he protests. This is the same excuse he used to justify his other pornographic book, "Sáname con tu boca - el arte de besar" (Heal me with the kiss of your mouth - the art of kissing).
Now he says that he withdrew 'Pasión Mística' shortly after its publication and never allowed it to be reprinted.
Nevertheless, he continues to claim that the porn book "made sense" at the time because he was talking to young couples "who wanted to better understand the spiritual meaning of their relationships" [although he never mentions the goal of such …More
Crimes against humanity.
Cornelio Nino Morales
Tucho's defense of Toucho-Gate: "It made sense at the time."
John A Cassani
36 is not an age for which one may claim youthful indiscretion, especially with what one has published.