
Benedict Resigned Because He Saw "No Danger For The Church"

Once a Modernist always a Modernist!
Yes, he lifted the illegal excommunications of Archbishop Lefebvre, re-instated the TLM, and indirectly, gave the FSSPX a green light. For those actions I am very thankful.
But many of my relatives have abandoned the faith because of the demonically-inspired Second Vatican Council of which he played a critical role as a peritus.
He conveniently forgets, therefore …More
Once a Modernist always a Modernist!

Yes, he lifted the illegal excommunications of Archbishop Lefebvre, re-instated the TLM, and indirectly, gave the FSSPX a green light. For those actions I am very thankful.

But many of my relatives have abandoned the faith because of the demonically-inspired Second Vatican Council of which he played a critical role as a peritus.

He conveniently forgets, therefore, that he was part of the evil pack that created the problems in the first place. For that reason he is every bit as responsible as anyone else for bringing the Church to her knees.

We pray for his immortal soul and hopefully he asked Jesus Christ for His forgiveness before He faced Him at his Immediate Judgment.

Michael Voris Fired After "Breaching Morality Clause"

Thank you for confirming my thoughts exactly!

Michael Voris Fired After "Breaching Morality Clause"

I wonder if Voris and Niles were the source of the problem with Church Militant, or has whatever Voris created become the problem which will continue to undermine traditional Catholic organizations and beliefs even with their exit?

Shame: Francis Removed Strickland

Please God he makes the right decisions going forward. He could be an important instrument of God for starting the change that is needed to lead many back in the right direction.

Burke, “Loss Of Respect For Blessed Sacrament”

Yet, he refuses to condemn Vatican II and all the novelties that gave rise to the rejection of the Real Presence.

Another Cardinal Buries Traditionis Custodes

Pope Francis, and all other Modernists despise the Traditional Latin Mass and would love to shut it down completely. The Pope could shut down the FSSP and the other priestly societies in so-called "full communion" with the stoke of a pen.
Yet, he hesitates to do so? Why? He must be aware that traditionalism is growing rapidly and will only grow more so in the foreseeable future. Is he waiting to …More
Pope Francis, and all other Modernists despise the Traditional Latin Mass and would love to shut it down completely. The Pope could shut down the FSSP and the other priestly societies in so-called "full communion" with the stoke of a pen.
Yet, he hesitates to do so? Why? He must be aware that traditionalism is growing rapidly and will only grow more so in the foreseeable future. Is he waiting to use the Synod for this evil purpose?
I'd like to hear what other traditional Catholics suspect might be the motivating reasons behind his hesitation in taking this step that he desperately wants to take.

Francis Retires One Of The Best Bishops in Europe

Be careful, Kenjiro. The Catholic Church (which many Catholics still follow) teaches that a duly elected pope, even one that teaches heresy, is still the pope and must be accepted as pope.
I’m not one of Bishop Schneider’s biggest fans, but he’s talking straight Catholic with this post.
If you missed this link on this issue, take a look at it. It’s worth the time and effort.
Bishop Athanasius …More
Be careful, Kenjiro. The Catholic Church (which many Catholics still follow) teaches that a duly elected pope, even one that teaches heresy, is still the pope and must be accepted as pope.
I’m not one of Bishop Schneider’s biggest fans, but he’s talking straight Catholic with this post.
If you missed this link on this issue, take a look at it. It’s worth the time and effort.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the Validity of Pope Francis - OnePeterFive

The Catholic Church has installed a new automatic confession service

Respectfully, making fun of one of our great Sacraments is not a good Catholic practice. We should not lower our standards to the level of the Conciliarists or the secular world.

The Disastrous Legacy of the Pre-Conciliar Popes

Every lie has an element of truth. What this character has published are the half-truths of many damnable lies. One would have thought this article was written by someone from the New York Times or The Washington Post. I wonder if Gloria TV would be so quick to publish some of the distortions that are created by the writers of those publications as well?

Brave Burke: Francis Uses Populist Rhetoric to Undermine Doctrine

3 words: “Demonically Inspired Council”

Brave Burke: Francis Uses Populist Rhetoric to Undermine Doctrine

Well said, Opera 369! The bishops ARE the problem—especially those prelates who sound so “traditional” but do absolutely nothing to address the problem.
The ONLY bishop (currently alive) that has denounced Vatican II and recognized the Conciliar church in Rome as a schismatic church has been Archbishop Mario Vigano. Absolutely every other bishop alive today is either incapable of realizing what …More
Well said, Opera 369! The bishops ARE the problem—especially those prelates who sound so “traditional” but do absolutely nothing to address the problem.
The ONLY bishop (currently alive) that has denounced Vatican II and recognized the Conciliar church in Rome as a schismatic church has been Archbishop Mario Vigano. Absolutely every other bishop alive today is either incapable of realizing what has happened to the Church or is fearful of losing the undeserved respect and authority he presently enjoys.

These bishops will fool many people, that’s for sure, but they wont fool God.

Francis at WYD: Porn and Superstition

The one in white, Tony Dee? That is the pope.

Largest "Catholic" US Hospital Network Performs Gender Mutilations

Check out the CommonSpirit Health Network site, What's Behind a Name? CommonSpirit Health, and you’ll see they acknowledge “conservative” bishop Salvatore Cordileone gave them the green light to be called a “Catholic” health care network.So much for “conservative” prelates.

Chicago: Socialist Defends Mass Against Cupich

So while Cupich has little if any concern for the spiritual needs of faithful Catholics, let’s see if he feels the same way about the concerns of a non-Catholic Socialist whose only concern appears to be the loss of business being experienced by some of her constituents. My guess is that Cupich will respond to the secular leader.

US Bishop: “Francis Undermines the Faith”

I’m curious as to how Sedevacantists believe the Church will ever have a legitimate pope. After Pope Francis leaves the Holy Office, his successor will be chosen by the College of Cardinals, the majority of whom were selected by Pope Francis. But if Francis is an illegitimate pope, the cardinals he has appointed are also not legitimate.. Do Sedevacantists simply ignore this issue, or do they believe …More
I’m curious as to how Sedevacantists believe the Church will ever have a legitimate pope. After Pope Francis leaves the Holy Office, his successor will be chosen by the College of Cardinals, the majority of whom were selected by Pope Francis. But if Francis is an illegitimate pope, the cardinals he has appointed are also not legitimate.. Do Sedevacantists simply ignore this issue, or do they believe that there is something like “supplied jurisdiction” that legitimizes the next conclave?

Francis Includes Heretics and Schismatics in Roman Martyrology

Maggie, there are two Coptic Churches. The Eastern or Catholic Coptic Church (about one million followers) and the much larger Orthodox Coptic Church (about 10 million followers). Pope Francis was praying with the heretical Orthodox version.

PiusX: Preparing for New Bishops?

Fr Gleize of the Society has defined the conditions that must be fulfilled before the SSPX enters in to so-called "full communion" with Rome. There is virtually no chance of those conditions ever even starting to be fulfilled. You have beed sadly misled if you think otherwise. Fr. Superior Pagliarni will do what is best for the Church--which will be best for the Society. I will joyfully prepare …More
Fr Gleize of the Society has defined the conditions that must be fulfilled before the SSPX enters in to so-called "full communion" with Rome. There is virtually no chance of those conditions ever even starting to be fulfilled. You have beed sadly misled if you think otherwise. Fr. Superior Pagliarni will do what is best for the Church--which will be best for the Society. I will joyfully prepare myself for the new bishops.

PiusX: Preparing for New Bishops?

Not sure I'd be raising anything Williamson or the Novus Ordo Watch up to level of "rumor." "imagination" may be a better word.

Saint John in Lutheran: Lay-Bishop Presides Eucharist

What is a lay bishop? Is Baker a member of the laity or the clergy? I couldn't find any special title like that in the Anglican religion glossary.

Cardinal Burke Feels Sorry for German Priests

Thank you, both Ivan Tomas and Kenjiro Yoshimori for your wise recognition of the truth about the closet-Conciliarist, Cardinal Raymond Burke. If there was a sincere bone in his body (and others like him) he would immediately abandon Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass and return to the true teachings of the Catholic Church. But sadly, he and the other bishops care more about their sinecure than the …More
Thank you, both Ivan Tomas and Kenjiro Yoshimori for your wise recognition of the truth about the closet-Conciliarist, Cardinal Raymond Burke. If there was a sincere bone in his body (and others like him) he would immediately abandon Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass and return to the true teachings of the Catholic Church. But sadly, he and the other bishops care more about their sinecure than the flock they were given to lead to salvation.

The Church and the secular world in which we live are both collapsing before our very eyes. And while stopping any of this seems virtually impossible, it would all come to an end almost overnight if the majority of the bishops of the Catholic Church would simply walk away from the diabolically-inspired Conciliar religion and returned to the true Catholic faith.

A day will come when all will realize that the Second Vatican Council was inspired by Satan, not the Holy Ghost. Unfortunately, however, for most it will only be when they stand before Jesus Christ and face their Immediate Judgment.