
Bishop Schneider Doesn't Believe in "The Three Days Of Darkness"

Thank you, English Catholic. Those were some very thoughtful comments.

Vatican Refuses ALL Requests To Celebrate Mass

Unfortunately, despite what Canonical authority may or may not allow, I'm afraid the reality is that it's the rare priest who will not do what his bishop wants him to do. And, as a practical matter, most bishops will do what they believe Rome wants them to do.

Schneider, Francis Will Go Down In History As Abuser of Power

That really depends on who writes the history books.
If the current crop of feckless bishops continue along with their business-as-usual, regularly carping about how bad Pope Francis is and doing absolutely nothing about it that might possibly upset their personal sinecure, Pope Francis will be sainted and hailed as the hero of the coming “one-world church”—whatever it may be called.
On the other …More
That really depends on who writes the history books.

If the current crop of feckless bishops continue along with their business-as-usual, regularly carping about how bad Pope Francis is and doing absolutely nothing about it that might possibly upset their personal sinecure, Pope Francis will be sainted and hailed as the hero of the coming “one-world church”—whatever it may be called.

On the other hand, if each and every one of you pitiful "conservative" bishops were ever able to muster the individual and collective courage to come out from hiding and reject the Protestantized Novus Ordo Mass, condemn the diabolic teachings of the Second Vatican Council, and preach the Catholic truth on the issues of homosexuality, birth control, abortion, marriage, euthanasia etc. etc. etc. there would be a drastic change.

Perhaps even the history that seems to concern you so much would call out Pope Francis for what he is. But far more importantly, however, not only would many souls be saved (including the souls of you weak-kneed prelates who now live to fulfill John Crysostom’s oft-quoted warning), God would be most pleased.

Benedict XVI Resigned Because Of Insomnia

I should say, I don't doubt he had insomnia (almost half of the population suffers from it); I simply don't believe for a moment that it was insomnia that drove him out of the Vatican.

Benedict XVI Resigned Because Of Insomnia

Respectfully, I have come to believe little of what any of these men have to tell us--either dead or alive.

Posthumous Book: Bishops Reject Catholicism, Seminary Education Has Collapsed

Well said and spot on!

Vincentian Sister: World's Oldest Person Has Died

No, you are correct an I am wrong.

Vincentian Sister: World's Oldest Person Has Died

You may be getting the Daughters of Charity confused with the Sisters of Charity. My recollection is that the large starched bonnets were worn by the Sisters of Charity...but I could be wrong.

The legacy of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. By Athanasius Schneider

Tony, you're asking me to prove the negative. You're the one who is suggesting that Vigano is a Sedevacantist. My question is fairly straightforward: what, specifically, in that paragraph led you to reach that conclusion?

Funeral of Benedict XVI: Santo Subito

Lisa, the “horrors of the past decade” grew out of the Second Vatican Council. As such, they could never “overshadow” it. And not only did Pope Benedict fail to denounce a single one of those many errors of Vatican II, he doubled down on many of them over the years.

The legacy of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. By Athanasius Schneider

What, specifically, in that answer to question #7 prompted you to conclude that Archbishop Vigano believes that Pope Francis is not a legitimate pope--suggesting, of course, that Vigano is a Sedevacantist?

Gänswein Remembers Benedict

...and the Modernist spin not only continues, it will do so for as long as there are a sufficient number of foolish Catholics around that will believe it.

Has Francis Found a New Smurf for the CDF?

No one should believe that the Modernist errors started with Vatican II. They merely came into full bloom with the Council. They had been growing steadily within the papacies of the 3 preceding pontiffs, Pius Xii, Pius XI and Benedict XV.

Japan: Bishops Lead Their Flock "to Eternal Damnation"

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There are many issues that you’ve raised that should be addressed, but this forum is not the best place to have an in-depth discussion. Nevertheless, you fight with the army you have not the one you want.
Respectfully, the Church is not the popes or bishops in Rome, nor is she the SSPX or any other earthly entity. As St Paul tells us the “Church is the Bride of Christ”—and …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori

There are many issues that you’ve raised that should be addressed, but this forum is not the best place to have an in-depth discussion. Nevertheless, you fight with the army you have not the one you want.

Respectfully, the Church is not the popes or bishops in Rome, nor is she the SSPX or any other earthly entity. As St Paul tells us the “Church is the Bride of Christ”—and Christ is never wrong. Chirst and His Bride are always perfect.

The Church, however is very different than the “leaders” of the Church—all of whom are flawed hunan beings, whether they be the very weak and compromised men (like all of the post-Conciliar popes), or the incredibly strong and faithful men like the last two great sainted popes, St. Pius V and St. Pius X.

As for the SSPX, in spite of the fact that they are the only priestly organization that is faithfully following all of the true traditions, practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church that were extant prior to Vatican II, they’re are not the Church. Indeed, their avowed mission is that of forming faithful priests and insuring that the Holy Mass and the sacraments are made available for the faithful.

You mentioned sedevantists. That is not Catholic teaching. As absolutely outrageous as this disgraceful pope is, and despite the fact he and the Modernist bishops are almost certainly entered into a “soft schism” during Vatican II when they set up their counterfeit religion (the Conciliar religion) to ultimately replace the Catholic Church, he is still the pope. That is Catholic teaching. Novus Ordo Watch and Louie Verrechio from AKA Catholic will tell you that they know differently, but they are simply wrong. Until the Magiterium of the church declares otherwise, a faithful Catholic must receive him as the pope.

Japan: Bishops Lead Their Flock "to Eternal Damnation"

Your anger is misdirected. The Catholic Church is perfect and always will be. All that is going wrong within the Catholic Church has been caused by the Modernist popes and bishops since the Second Vatican Council.
Many faithful Catholics (especially those in the SSPX) recognize that the Modernist bishops of Vatican II entered into a “soft schism” and surreptitiously established a counterfeit religion …More
Your anger is misdirected. The Catholic Church is perfect and always will be. All that is going wrong within the Catholic Church has been caused by the Modernist popes and bishops since the Second Vatican Council.

Many faithful Catholics (especially those in the SSPX) recognize that the Modernist bishops of Vatican II entered into a “soft schism” and surreptitiously established a counterfeit religion known by many as the Conciliar religion. The leaders in Rome phave been quietly substituting the false and heretical teachings of their Conciliar religion for the true teachings of the Church since Vatican II. They has misled many otherwise good and faithful Catholics.

The real evil is not the Church, but the Vatican II supporting popes and bishops who hold themselves out as Catholics. And the worst offenders anyone those bishops are the ones who have convinced many that they are “conservative”, yet still support Vatican II and all its evil. Indeed there is only one faithful bishop among them and that is Archbishop Carlo, Maria Vigano. The rest are pretenders.

Sedevacantist Consecration with John Paul II Music

We were told there would be “diabolical disorientation”. We now witness it.

Yearning for Peace: French Bishops Reject Francis' Liturgical Wars

You may revise your thinking after reviewing the potential make-up of voting cardinals in a future conclave.

Benedict XVI Has Himself Portrayed As "Pope emeritus"

They want us to compare Pope Benedict XVI with Pope Francis and come away believing the former was actually a great pope. Absolutely false. Not only did he abandon his role as Supreme Pontiff allowing the Conciliar church to become even more powerful, at an earlier time in his life he was one of the key Modernists who gave us Vatican II.
Certainly we should and do appreciate his Summorum Pontificum…More
They want us to compare Pope Benedict XVI with Pope Francis and come away believing the former was actually a great pope. Absolutely false. Not only did he abandon his role as Supreme Pontiff allowing the Conciliar church to become even more powerful, at an earlier time in his life he was one of the key Modernists who gave us Vatican II.

Certainly we should and do appreciate his Summorum Pontificum, so perhaps by that time in his life he recognized how misled he was at the time for pushing the Modernist views of the Council.

Nevertheless, like so many of the rest of the Conciliarists, he refuses to absolutely condemn the great many false and heretical teachings of the Second Vatican Council and acknowledge that what grew out of it was an evil that will likely lead more souls to hell than any other evil in the history of the world—and there were many.

Kremlin: Putin Open to Talks With Pope And Biden

God fearing people are sitting on the edge of their seats hoping that four individuals who have demonstrated a far closer relationship with Satan than God will agree on the best way to resolve the war questions in Ukraine. Perhaps if they reached an impasse in their talks they could to turn to George Soros or Klaus Schwab for help.