
Brave Burke: Francis Uses Populist Rhetoric to Undermine Doctrine

Cardinal Raymond Burke criticises a “populist rhetoric” in the Church (CardinalBurke.com, August 9). He lists populist vocabulary like “pastoral,” “mercy,” “listening,” “discernment,” “accompaniment …More
Cardinal Raymond Burke criticises a “populist rhetoric” in the Church (CardinalBurke.com, August 9).
He lists populist vocabulary like “pastoral,” “mercy,” “listening,” “discernment,” “accompaniment,” and “integration”, used [by Francis] to promote an ideology that replaces Catholic doctrine and discipline, which [Francis] characterises as "pharisaical.”
To promote this erroneous view, "mercy" is set against justice, "listening" against teaching, and "discernment" against judgment, Burke notes,
“The matter is complicated because the rhetoric is often attached to language used by Pope Francis in a colloquial manner, whether during interviews given on airplanes or to news outlets, or in spontaneous remarks to various groups.”
Therefore, Burke sees a need to distinguish between Francis' private views and those belonging to his office. He refers to the Middle Ages, when the Church distinguished two bodies of a pope: the body of the man and the body of the Vicar of Christ.
Francis “has chosen …More
Simon North
Cardinal Burke....OH! This Cardinal Burke: the one who in 2002 accepted the vows of a "nun" who was a "transgendered" biological male (he claims after consultation with JP II's Vatican). He was and remains part of the "New church" fomented and institutionalized by Montini, Wojtyla and Ratzinger.
It was a mistake. Cut His Eminence a little slack.
Simon North
If His Eminence has not the Catholic instinct to scope out the obvious dystopian dimension of that situation, I'd say he's part of the problem, not the solution.
Boanerges Boanerges
How many souls have been lost to Our Lord over the past 10 years due to inactivity and cowardice of our cardinals and bishops? They will find out when they face Him. Burke & Co have one foot in the Church and the other one in the demonic anti-church. But no one can serve two masters. They will not muster up until Bergoglio brings down the whole edifice of Catholic Church and then the underground …More
How many souls have been lost to Our Lord over the past 10 years due to inactivity and cowardice of our cardinals and bishops? They will find out when they face Him. Burke & Co have one foot in the Church and the other one in the demonic anti-church. But no one can serve two masters. They will not muster up until Bergoglio brings down the whole edifice of Catholic Church and then the underground remnant will be led not by cardinals and bishops who betrayed Him but by cancelled priests. Amen.
Opera 369
My issue with Burke and his colleagues is this: they all know that that man dressed in white, wearing a masonic (not Catholic) Cross, does not look like a Pope, does not act like a Pope, does not preach like a pope, does not pray like a Pope! Thus: how can he be called 'Pope' and be obeyed like a Pope?! Are Burke and Co., 'under a spell' or hypnotized? Or, most importantly: have they just grown …More
My issue with Burke and his colleagues is this: they all know that that man dressed in white, wearing a masonic (not Catholic) Cross, does not look like a Pope, does not act like a Pope, does not preach like a pope, does not pray like a Pope! Thus: how can he be called 'Pope' and be obeyed like a Pope?! Are Burke and Co., 'under a spell' or hypnotized? Or, most importantly: have they just grown out of their Faith or deep in their heart, they probably even like some aspects of the Bergo-Circus? They need to 'snap out and come out of their comfy zone, if they still want to 'represent' the Catholic communities with some credibility....before their human time will be up...!
The distinction theory of 2 bodies attributed to Petrine Office being should be limited by prudency and common sense which excludes complete contradiction. Otherwise if satan himself would appear as beautiful angel and trick Cardinals to elect him to the Office, then could they justify according to such theory the need to distinguish the angel creature attached to the Creator and evil acts to the …More
The distinction theory of 2 bodies attributed to Petrine Office being should be limited by prudency and common sense which excludes complete contradiction. Otherwise if satan himself would appear as beautiful angel and trick Cardinals to elect him to the Office, then could they justify according to such theory the need to distinguish the angel creature attached to the Creator and evil acts to the satan being ? Thus allowing to materially destroy Church due to lack of formal contradiction of faith ... ? As the devil was damned by God for his own revolutionary thinking against His Kigdom likewise Mother Church should not allow for any rebelling usurper of the Office that harms Her.
Obviously neither lies coming out of the devil nor any occupant of the Office acting against Church Constitution in accordance with global agenda can be objectively justified...
Finally, eventhough the nature of the Petrine Office and the pope are distinct and separate form the other , the 2 natures of pope and Petrine Office should be truly united (but not combined) within the Vicar of Christ and His Church, Mystical Body of Christ. Thus whatever is true of the nature of the Petrine Office should be true of the nature of the pope.
Naomi Arai
I wish he was more consistent....
Opera 369
OH, please. All these (traditionalists) High Prelates....still hide behind useless rhetoric! Just come out and call for a new Conclave to have BergFrancis ..out!
Well said, Opera 369! The bishops ARE the problem—especially those prelates who sound so “traditional” but do absolutely nothing to address the problem.
The ONLY bishop (currently alive) that has denounced Vatican II and recognized the Conciliar church in Rome as a schismatic church has been Archbishop Mario Vigano. Absolutely every other bishop alive today is either incapable of realizing what …More
Well said, Opera 369! The bishops ARE the problem—especially those prelates who sound so “traditional” but do absolutely nothing to address the problem.
The ONLY bishop (currently alive) that has denounced Vatican II and recognized the Conciliar church in Rome as a schismatic church has been Archbishop Mario Vigano. Absolutely every other bishop alive today is either incapable of realizing what has happened to the Church or is fearful of losing the undeserved respect and authority he presently enjoys.

These bishops will fool many people, that’s for sure, but they wont fool God.
Vigano for pope
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Too bad Vigano is too old!
Opera 369
ArcBis Vigano' has been a great voice for humanity, during the last dramatic years. However, I feel that with all his ecclesiastical and political clout, he has not yet done what he should've done starting especially in 2018, when pachamama was 'celebrated' in St. Peter. Vigano' has enough 'investigative ammunition' in his homeland of Italy, where many journalists/writers/canon lawyers/Latin experts …More
ArcBis Vigano' has been a great voice for humanity, during the last dramatic years. However, I feel that with all his ecclesiastical and political clout, he has not yet done what he should've done starting especially in 2018, when pachamama was 'celebrated' in St. Peter. Vigano' has enough 'investigative ammunition' in his homeland of Italy, where many journalists/writers/canon lawyers/Latin experts/ have demonstrated that the Conclave of 2013 was an orchestrated one. It has been said by different channels that the 2013 conclave was worse than of the 2020 US elections! In both cases we ended up with ...globalist of the same kind.
Ivan Tomas
2 words: Imperfect Council!
Jan Joseph
Uitstekende visie. Maar we wisten al dat we een ketterse Paus hebben.
3 words: “Demonically Inspired Council”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
No, not Imperfect Council but instead three other words, Apostate Heretical Council!! That covers it all I think 🤪
Ivan Tomas
@Irishpol and @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori , what I mean with those two words is that our holy Catholic Church need and must hold an Imperfect Council with the bishops and cardinals who are still loyal to the Church, to proclaim the impostater for that what he really is, an imposter, heretic, apostate, Christ-hater, in short - an anti-paus.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Ivan Tomas -That's a good idea, but will never happen. The fairly good Cardinals and bishops are too much wimps.
Ivan Tomas
Never say never. For God is anything possible. And we should keep traying to be of great Faith. Not of the little.
What we see and hear here is just one part of the whole. There are still Church Penitant and Church Triumphant above us down here in the Church Militant.
So, put your trust in God, because God is always in Charge. The only one important question for all of us: Are we with God?
If we …More
Never say never. For God is anything possible. And we should keep traying to be of great Faith. Not of the little.
What we see and hear here is just one part of the whole. There are still Church Penitant and Church Triumphant above us down here in the Church Militant.

So, put your trust in God, because God is always in Charge. The only one important question for all of us: Are we with God?

If we are Children of God we should and in fact must be. And therefore we should and must al the time, no matter what, have a trust in Him.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Eminence Cardinal Burke said very important truth....but I think not enough....all Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops are against to Bergoglio's wrong Agenda.....but most are silence....so we are going to much horrible way...hmm....I really hope....lately...lately..before US President election..next year....we will see the Real Pope, Orthodox Pope....fast....before finish this year.…More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Eminence Cardinal Burke said very important truth....but I think not enough....all Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops are against to Bergoglio's wrong Agenda.....but most are silence....so we are going to much horrible way...hmm....I really hope....lately...lately..before US President election..next year....we will see the Real Pope, Orthodox Pope....fast....before finish this year..we will meet to Orthodox Pope...if, if US president election season...until Bergolio staying to Papacy...make me so angry...I can't imagine that.....I told you many times.....Eminence Cardinal Muller, Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary), Eminence Cardinal Eijk(Archbishop of Utrecht, Nehterlands), Eminence Cardinal Burke....I think Muller, Burke are much older....maybe Erdo or Eijk will be much better...even though not them....just really hope Lord will send to us Orthodox Pope..Fast time...many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!