
Saint John in Lutheran: Lay-Bishop Presides Eucharist

Anglican lay bishop Jonathan Baker of Fulham, England, who lives in adultery, presided at an April 18 Anglican service at St John Lutheran, Francis' Cathedral Church in Rome. Thirty Anglican preachers …More
Anglican lay bishop Jonathan Baker of Fulham, England, who lives in adultery, presided at an April 18 Anglican service at St John Lutheran, Francis' Cathedral Church in Rome.
Thirty Anglican preachers helped lead the service. Baker belongs to a "conservative" branch of the Anglicans who oppose the ordination of women, Anglican ordinations being null and void anyway. The Anglican and Novus Ordo services look much the same.
Francis received Baker and his colleague, lay bishop Glyn Webster, after Wednesday's general audience. The group was also hosted for dinner with Cardinal Müller.
Baker's appointment as lay bishop of Ebbsfleet in 2011 sparked controversy among Anglicans, despite the fact that he is an active and senior Freemason and "Worshipful Master" of Apollo University Lodge.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
They might as well had my dog, Musachi, celebrate their "Eucharist". She is as much a bishop as they are.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Vatican authorities gave the Anglican clergy permission to say ‘Mass’ in St. John Lateran’s, the ‘Mother of all the Churches of Rome and of the world.’ Pope Francis later greeted the group after his weekly general audience.
You would have the polizia called on you for having a TLM at St. John's, but Pope Francis' brother Anglican layman bishop can have his schismatic service there in the heart of the Roman Catholic Church. It's scandalous!
John A Cassani
It was probably close to 15 years ago now that Rowan Williams celebrated from the BCP at St. Sabina’s in Rome. That was pretty bad, but using a Patriarchal Basilica is worse. I remember that there was a photo of Williams with his “canonical digits” held together while elevating the chalice, and I remember someone commenting that it was the first time that happened in that church in decades.
What is a lay bishop? Is Baker a member of the laity or the clergy? I couldn't find any special title like that in the Anglican religion glossary.
John A Cassani
@Irishpol He is a lay man by Catholic standards, as Anglican orders are “completely null, and utterly void,” according to Pope Leo XIII. He was simulating the Eucharist.
Wilma Lopez
Another pic
Sandy Barrett
Thanks for reporting. Accountability matters especially in the Papal churches.
paul arten
Looks like a Novus Ordo concelebration
Hound of Heaven
This is the difference between our Lord's ecumenical outreach and the one's who do such a shabby, diluted mockery of it today. Jesus left the other changed by His charitable application and modeling of His Truth; He did not change or modify His message to suit the other.