Cardinal Gregory: Respectfully invite LGBTQ community to accept Church’s moral teaching

DC cardinal says LGBTQ Catholics are welcome, but Church has its rules

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington has praised a new Vatican document on human dignity and addressed topics including the upcoming …
English Catholic
And Cardinal Wilton Gregory thinks the 'LGBTQ' Catholics will obey? Get real. What planet is this Cardinal on? The group in London has been openly …More
And Cardinal Wilton Gregory thinks the 'LGBTQ' Catholics will obey? Get real. What planet is this Cardinal on? The group in London has been openly flouting Catholic teaching for a quarter of a century, and have bragged that no member of the hierarchy has ever told them they have to remain celibate.

Pope Francis meets with relatives of hostages held by Hamas

Pope Francis meets with relatives of hostages held by Hamas since the start of the Israeli war against the organization. The private audience …
That's a smaller number, isn't it?
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Another publicity stunt to get attention. For Francis, it is more important to meet with the non believing Jews than with the Catholic Cardinals who …More
Another publicity stunt to get attention. For Francis, it is more important to meet with the non believing Jews than with the Catholic Cardinals who believe in the Catholic faith.
The Jesuits.

Notre Dame historian reveals institutional flaws and failures within Jesuit order behind current …

The pattern of behaviour shown by Jesuit leadership in the management of the high-profile Rupnik …

Liberal group claims Good Friday homily of crucifixion is anti-Semitic

On Friday, a radical liberal "Catholic" group issued a post on social media that claimed the "homily" given on Good Friday is "…
It's been well established that this "Catholics for Choice" is a front group meant to undermine Church teaching - especially sexual morality. It is …More
It's been well established that this "Catholics for Choice" is a front group meant to undermine Church teaching - especially sexual morality. It is funded by some subversive individuals such as Soros or Podesta. In saner times, it was specifically condemned by bishops - now, I suppose, they "dialogue" & "accompany" them!!
Everyday for Life Canada
These people are not truly “Catholics” for choice because if they were, they would have nothing to say. They are antiCatholic.
Cardinal Müller denounced the ‘German Synodalists’ for blasphemously viewing Christ as ‘the author of sin against God’ by falsely attributing the sexual abuse crisis to His Commandments.

Cardinal Müller slams ‘disgraceful’ Vatican meeting with German bishops to ‘negotiate faith and …

Wed Mar 27, 2024 - 2:05 pm EDTWed Mar 27, 2024 - 4:03 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Gerhard Müller …

Hey Matt, What Happens when an Intellectual Welterweight Trades Blows with a Heavyweight?

Destiny really think he ate with this "insight" that the Catholic Church but Jordan Peterson ain't having it. …
The American birth rate is spiraling — except among a small group of women. This academic set out to discover why.

Most Women Have 1.7 Kids. These Women Chose to Have 5 or More.

Why do some women choose to have large families? As the American birth rate declines, academic Catherine Ruth Pakaluk decided to look at …
All Saints
You aren’t supposed to “choose” to have children.🙄

Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus: Anatomy of a Takeover – Part One -

A Documented Report by Randy Engel NOTE: It is my great honor and privilege to publish here the first installment of a nine-part …
Taxpayer-funded lobbyists have had far too much influence for too long, writes Michael Kelly

Referendum shows it’s time to let NGOs sink or swim

Young Aontú members and candidates celebrate the result of the March 8 referenda at Dublin Castle. Taxpayer-funded lobbyists have had far too much …

Analysis: The ever-changing College of Cardinals

Were a conclave to begin today, there would be 94 cardinal-electors created by Pope Francis, 27 created by Benedict XVI, and eight made by John Paul II.…

Analysis: The ever-changing College of Cardinals

The College of Cardinals celebrates Mass on March 12, 2013, before entering the Sistine Chapel for the papal conclave. / Credit: Jeffrey Bruno/CNA Vatican …
The Coptic Orthodox Church has confirmed that its decision last week to suspend dialogue with the Catholic Church was due to Rome’s “change of position” on homosexuality.

Coptic Orthodox Church confirms dialogue with Catholic Church suspended over same-sex blessings

Vatican City, Mar 12, 2024 / 12:00 pm The Coptic Orthodox Church has confirmed that its decision last week …
You know it’s bad when even the schismatic heretics drop you because of your embrace of sodomy. 😳😐
Cardinal Parolin addresses papal “white flag” interview

Parolin: For the Pope, negotiation is not surrender, but a condition for just and lasting peace

Following Pope Francis' interview on the war in Ukraine with Radio Télévision Suisse, Cardinal Secretary …
Klaus Elmar Müller
One should not forget the context, says the cardinal? Perhaps the Pope should avoid such contexts and chatter less.
Chinese Catholics - we will never forget!
The Greek Orthodox diocese of Corfu has announced that two lawmakers who voted in support of legal recognition for same-sex marriage “cannot consider themselves active members of the Church.” The two …More
The Greek Orthodox diocese of Corfu has announced that two lawmakers who voted in support of legal recognition for same-sex marriage “cannot consider themselves active members of the Church.”
The two politicians were guilty of “the deepest spiritual and moral error” when they voted in favor of the measure, the Orthodox Church declared. The proposal, which won approval last month, made Greece the first predominantly Orthodox country to accept same-sex marriage.

Church authorities in Greece slap religious ban on local politicians who backed same-sex marriage

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Church authorities on the northwestern island of Corfu accused the two opposition …
New Vatican document on 'human dignity' is expected for release this month, apparently from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

The other Argentinian who is shaking up the Vatican

Suddenly, all eyes are turned to a tall and slender figure who has just taken the floor in the expansive Paul VI Hall. He's Cardinal Victor Manuel …
Denis Efimov
They probably decided to further deepen the apostate ideas from "Dignitatis humanae"
"Fewer than 20 people showed up"

Feminist theologians express frustration, hopes for October’s synodal assembly

Synod on Synodality delegates seated at discussion tables inside Paul VI Hall at the Vatican in October 2023. / Credit: …
Two of Rupnik’s alleged victims speak out

Two of Rupnik’s alleged victims speak out

Five years after Pope Francis convened a global summit on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, two previously anonymous alleged victims of Father Marko Rupnik …
And once they have married priests, the next issue will be: Should married priests be allowed to get divorced?

The Catholic Church needs married priests now

(RNS) — Without the Eucharist, it seems obvious: There is no Catholic Church. It feeds us as a community of believers and transforms us into the body of …

Endgame for a papacy of contradictions

Taken together these two short essays convey the impression that the contradictions of this pontificate may be reaching a critical mass; the Pope’s credibility is …
“The super-consultative synodal process will never recover. After all, how will the Holy Father and his advisors respond when, in the first days of the synodal assembly this coming October, someone …More
“The super-consultative synodal process will never recover. After all, how will the Holy Father and his advisors respond when, in the first days of the synodal assembly this coming October, someone asks, “What secret projects are the Holy Father and Roman Curia working on right now that take no account of the synod process, contradict its decisions, and undermine its credibility?”
Denials can be offered aplenty, but once that clandestine horse has bolted from the synodal barn, it is hard to get it back. Especially since the African bishops shot it dead at point-blank range. The synodal managers are desperately trying to breathe life into the expired steed, but trying to revive a dead horse is even more pointless than flogging it.”

Dead Synodality - The Catholic Thing

Sacrilege and synodality have come to the fore these last days. For years the annual Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles has been a regular source of liturgical …
Sandy Barrett
This piece by Father de Souza, on the perils of "synodalilty" today, is not bad. Worth reading.