
mRNA future

God’s design is - The Central Dogma states that genetic information flows in specific directions: From existing DNA to make new DNA (a process called DNA replication) From DNA to make new RNA (transcription) From RNA to make new proteins (translation).
Disorientation of the above is Reverse transcriptase has a high error rate when transcribing RNA into DNA since, unlike most other DNA polymerases …More
God’s design is - The Central Dogma states that genetic information flows in specific directions: From existing DNA to make new DNA (a process called DNA replication) From DNA to make new RNA (transcription) From RNA to make new proteins (translation).

Disorientation of the above is Reverse transcriptase has a high error rate when transcribing RNA into DNA since, unlike most other DNA polymerases, it has no proofreading ability. This high error rate allows mutations to accumulate at an accelerated rate relative to proofread forms of replication.

Francis Sets Internet Ablaze As He Proves Malachi Martin Right

Francis has a real issue with the analogy of the Rock being “ridged”!

Investiture and Vows: Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Narni, Italy)

Impressive, Our Lord must just love it. Those Sisters are looking like their Divine Master. DG

Martin Mosebach: Catholic Art Shows Eyeless Dolls

“those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world,”
4 PM: The Burial of Jesus
“Heavenly Mother, your hands make ready to clean the clotted blood from Jesus' eyes-those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world, O Mother, I unite myself with You. Let us kiss them together!”
From The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.More
“those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world,”

4 PM: The Burial of Jesus
“Heavenly Mother, your hands make ready to clean the clotted blood from Jesus' eyes-those darkened and lifeless eyes that used to give light to the whole world, O Mother, I unite myself with You. Let us kiss them together!”
From The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rradical Protestant broadcastet his interaction with an unassuming Catholic named Dave. Despite just …

Well done Dave. Remembrance of Me, is Our Lord referring to the Sacrifice of the Cross?

“Sudden And Unexpected” @toobaffled Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar Accurately Predicted Death of CNN Anchor …

Please spare an Ave for Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar, he lay down his life to warn others. Kyrie Eleison RIP

Woman had 69 children

DG for motherhood.

The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019

E C. A most joyous feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to you.

The Miracle of the Sun MEDJUGORJE JULY 2, 2019

Never seen this before and it looks legitimate.

Mayor of Derry, Ireland, with family. Thoughts?

God gives you what you want.

Claude Monet’s Poppy Field is the latest to receive the inbred-looking cave dweller ‘climate action …

Such a joyful scene and vibrant colours. The mind of the artist.

Keep Your Mouth Shut

“Spectators who shame whistleblowers into silence betray the fact that all Catholics have a moral duty to speak up when they have knowledge of sexual abuse lest they commit a grave sin of omission.”

Witnesses for the unborn in New York

Thank you Lord for your brave children.