
Ash Wednesday and Lent Columbia Catholic Ministry

You seemed to have overlooked one of the messages you quoted. When you fast don't let others know you're fasting. Jesus is saying we should wash the ashes off our foreheads before we leave church.
Prayer is talking to GOD and it doesn't have to be memorized text in fact, it'll mean more to GOD if it's coming from the heart. Actually we don't even need to say any words. GOD knows our thoughts. …More

You seemed to have overlooked one of the messages you quoted. When you fast don't let others know you're fasting. Jesus is saying we should wash the ashes off our foreheads before we leave church.

Prayer is talking to GOD and it doesn't have to be memorized text in fact, it'll mean more to GOD if it's coming from the heart. Actually we don't even need to say any words. GOD knows our thoughts. Just thinking about thanking GOD, thinking about how you're going to do something and at the same time thinking about GOD helping you with that project and giving HIM credit for what works out in life is a lot better than saying "Long winded prayers" like the Scribes and Pharisees and carrying around those fancy beads.

Jesus put much more importance on his teachings than he did on prayer. It wasn't until the Apostles ask him to teach them to pray that he actually did any teaching on prayer. We are much better off studying GOD word and Jesus' teachings than spending a lot of time praying. Once you have studied the bible, you'll know GOD better and you'll understand HIM better. You can't get that knowledge from reciting the same prayers over and over again.

Doing acts of kindness and making sacrifices to help others is even better than prayer.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

"A Building that Speaks of God" - New Seminary Project

II noticed that his video is two years old and got to thinking it's probably complete by now. So I decided to check it out.
This link (www.youtube.com/watch) takes you right to the latest information.
If you watch that video you'll get to see the building being built and the priests doing a lot of the finishing touches including making the furniture. You get to see them move from the old facility …More

II noticed that his video is two years old and got to thinking it's probably complete by now. So I decided to check it out.
This link (www.youtube.com/watch) takes you right to the latest information.
If you watch that video you'll get to see the building being built and the priests doing a lot of the finishing touches including making the furniture. You get to see them move from the old facility in the Wisconsin area to Virginia.

The church made a very wise move building this facility. There is no doubt in my mind that the economy is going to continue to decline as automation continues to reduce the need for worker. In time that'll create the poor conditions that'll encourage men to become priests. This facility will make that change easier.

The church needs to make a similar facility for nuns. Again as the country gets poorer there'll be a greater need for nuns just as there was 50 years ago. They'll be providing services like health care, food pantries, teaching in schools and assisting priests. Again once the tax base can't support a public school system anymore and/or the government starts contracting out public education the church will need to have teachers to take up that role again.

Just as men will flock to the seminary during hard times, so too will woman flock to the convent.

It's unfortunate, but hard times usually brings nations back to GOD. GOD knows it and HE'S inspired the church to build this seminary. Now it's time to build a convent for that same reasons.


Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Muslimin singt in der anglikanischen Kathedrale Koranverse, welche Gottheit Jesu leugnen

I BELIEVE in ONLY ONE GOD. The same one that Jesus prayed to. Understanding the message Jesus preached to Nicodemus, being born again is the key to understanding Jesus. GOD is a spirit and since we now almost nothing about what that means we don't really understand Jesus' message to Nicodemus in John Chapter 3.
I BELIEVE Jesus telling us that when the FATHER (GOD a spirit) adopts us (we become …More

I BELIEVE in ONLY ONE GOD. The same one that Jesus prayed to. Understanding the message Jesus preached to Nicodemus, being born again is the key to understanding Jesus. GOD is a spirit and since we now almost nothing about what that means we don't really understand Jesus' message to Nicodemus in John Chapter 3.

I BELIEVE Jesus telling us that when the FATHER (GOD a spirit) adopts us (we become born again), his spirit becomes one with us just as it was and is with Jesus. That's when we become GOD's children.

Unfortunately, we think of GOD in human terms because we don't understand a spirit. We have to know that a body like our's can't be everywhere at once but since we don't understand a spirit we have to assume that GOD as a spirit can be everywhere at once and be a part of the ones HE chooses to adopt (those born again).

JOHN 4:21-24

Jesus said to her, "Believe me, woman, the time will come when people will not worship the Father either on this mountain or in Jerusalem.

22 You Samaritans do not really know whom you worship; but we Jews know whom we worship, because it is from the Jews that salvation comes.

23 But the time is coming and is already here, when by the power of God's Spirit people will worship the Father as he really is, offering him the true worship that he wants.

24God is Spirit, and only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he really is."

JOHN 20:17

"Do not hold on to me," Jesus told her, "because I have not yet gone back up to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am returning to him who is my Father and their Father, my God and their God."

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius

I appreciate it. Don't spend to much time on it. I find that GOD makes things easy for us when we're doing HIS will. If it's too hard, it usually means HE wants us to do something else. When the time is right HE'LL gets us back on the original task and it'll almost falls right into place by itself.
It's really weird when it works that way sometimes but GOD has HIS reasons and we have …More

I appreciate it. Don't spend to much time on it. I find that GOD makes things easy for us when we're doing HIS will. If it's too hard, it usually means HE wants us to do something else. When the time is right HE'LL gets us back on the original task and it'll almost falls right into place by itself.

It's really weird when it works that way sometimes but GOD has HIS reasons and we have to trust HIM. That's really funny when you think about it. HE"S so much smarter than us and yet we don't trust HIM. We should treat GOD like we treat the computer geeks that know everything about our computers. GOD'S the geek that knows everything about everything from the beginning of the world to the end of the world and beyond.

Take care and GOD BLESS, my friend.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius

Interesting, Did you find his video from Bethlehem's cave? How about the earlier video of the church? I keep an open mind about things like this. If the spirit in me gives me some insight to believe it then I do. If not it isn't important one way or the other anyway. Believing, trusting and obeying GOD are the only things that matter.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐More

Interesting, Did you find his video from Bethlehem's cave? How about the earlier video of the church? I keep an open mind about things like this. If the spirit in me gives me some insight to believe it then I do. If not it isn't important one way or the other anyway. Believing, trusting and obeying GOD are the only things that matter.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Giving GOD Control - Homily Sunday 2016-11-13

Thanks @Abramo, glad you enjoyed it.

New hymn for a new cathedral. CNS on Nov 8, 2016 The bishop of Raleigh, N.C., has a new hymn written …

It should be I will praise the name of GOD. The psalms were written before Christ. The Jewish people were using those prayers to praise GOD. You better reread Psalm 145.

The FLAT EARTH in 5 Minutes! Open your mind and be amazed at the depth of the deception

@judypatino1 Where do you live? I know YOUTUBE blocks some videos here in America because of their concern for copyrights. Many times they block authorized videos in order to error on the safe side. I haven't had that problem with Gloria.TV. Can you download (use the +more button to select the download option) the video and watch it later on your PC?

Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. Heaven, Purgatory and Hell Sister Emmanuel Maillard

I never would have thought that the pain and suffering of Purgatory is worse than any pain and suffering we experience on earth. However, the SPIRIT OF GOD in me say now Christ's suffering the way he did when he died makes more sense. I'll have to think more about that. GOD'S messages are easily understood by humans. Kind of like a human explaining the colors of heaven.
I almost wish this video …More

I never would have thought that the pain and suffering of Purgatory is worse than any pain and suffering we experience on earth. However, the SPIRIT OF GOD in me say now Christ's suffering the way he did when he died makes more sense. I'll have to think more about that. GOD'S messages are easily understood by humans. Kind of like a human explaining the colors of heaven.

I almost wish this video was closed captioned. She can be hard to understand at times.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Italy shaken by strongest quake in years

GOD blessed them by starting with a few quakes before the biggest one. So people were expecting more quakes and didn't stay in their homes. Reports I heard said many were afraid to stay in their homes so they were living in the great plaza. That saved a lot of lives and living together helping each other is going to make them all stronger.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐More

GOD blessed them by starting with a few quakes before the biggest one. So people were expecting more quakes and didn't stay in their homes. Reports I heard said many were afraid to stay in their homes so they were living in the great plaza. That saved a lot of lives and living together helping each other is going to make them all stronger.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Jesuits. The Incredible Shrinking Religious Order

We could probably see the same kind of decline in almost every religious order. Some of them declined years ago, so today's numbers wouldn't tell the whole story.

Trump promises Catholics he’ll protect religious freedom

Yeah but can he really be trusted. He doesn't pay his employees. He's driven by greed and doesn't seem to care about anyone or anything but himself.
He kind of reminds me of a TWILIGHT ZONE episode in which aliens came to our world with a book SERVING MAN. They took shiploads of humans to their planet all assuming they were going to be treated like royalty. As the last ship was loading someone …More

Yeah but can he really be trusted. He doesn't pay his employees. He's driven by greed and doesn't seem to care about anyone or anything but himself.

He kind of reminds me of a TWILIGHT ZONE episode in which aliens came to our world with a book SERVING MAN. They took shiploads of humans to their planet all assuming they were going to be treated like royalty. As the last ship was loading someone figured out the book was a cookbook.

You've got to be careful because this world is going down hill faster and faster. I'm not sure we can turn it around even if we elect the BEST candidate if there is one.

I'm afraid things have to get a lot worse before the world is ready to make the sacrifices required to save it. Maybe we have to go back to a stone age kind of like Noah and the ark. I hope not but I won't be surprised if major disaster happens. It'll be for our own good or at least the good of those that survive and repopulate the world.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Survey Says: Religious people are skeptical about medical advances | Encounter

This could explain why the American government is discouraging religion and the belief in GOD. Once religion and the belief in GOD is removed from the public's mind and thought process, it becomes a lot easier to push the future technology that going to go against GOD'S teachings. Kind of like what the devil did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy …More

This could explain why the American government is discouraging religion and the belief in GOD. Once religion and the belief in GOD is removed from the public's mind and thought process, it becomes a lot easier to push the future technology that going to go against GOD'S teachings. Kind of like what the devil did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Hillary Clinton Wants to Make You Pay for 300,000 Abortions Each and Every Year

Actually, the day is coming when there won't be any need for an abortion. Everyone will be ordering there special order infant from a lab except GOD'S true children. They'll still do things GOD'S way and they'll trust only HIM. The rest of the world will be specifying the hair and eye color, height, ... of their babies from the factory. If machines don't completely replace the need for humans. …More

Actually, the day is coming when there won't be any need for an abortion. Everyone will be ordering there special order infant from a lab except GOD'S true children. They'll still do things GOD'S way and they'll trust only HIM. The rest of the world will be specifying the hair and eye color, height, ... of their babies from the factory. If machines don't completely replace the need for humans.

Jesus didn't waste his time on sinners, I can't understand why the modern day church wastes its time on sinners. Remember, what Jesus said to the prostitute. He wouldn't throw the first stone. He spent his time teaching the Good News and helping those that BELIEVED. He didn't worry about the sinners unless they repented and came to him. He didn't chase them down. We shouldn't either.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Our Lady and Tradition: Sermon by Fr John Chandler. A Day With Mary

@Gloria Thomas
There's actually a lot of that going on. I BELIEVE we should ONLY be praying to GOD "OUR FATHER" like Jesus taught us to. However, we should ask "OUR FATHER" in Jesus' name. Again, just as Jesus taught us too. I don't BELIEVE in praying to any saints. I don't want to put any false gods in place of the ONE TRUE GOD. It might be okay to ask saints to pray to GOD on behalf but why …More
@Gloria Thomas


There's actually a lot of that going on. I BELIEVE we should ONLY be praying to GOD "OUR FATHER" like Jesus taught us to. However, we should ask "OUR FATHER" in Jesus' name. Again, just as Jesus taught us too. I don't BELIEVE in praying to any saints. I don't want to put any false gods in place of the ONE TRUE GOD. It might be okay to ask saints to pray to GOD on behalf but why take that chance when Jesus said, anything we ask the FATHER in his name the FATHER will give us. We don't need to pray to ANYONE but GOD "OUR FATHER." The same person Jesus prayed to and told us to pray to.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Joan of Arcadia Season 02 Episode 01

@perceo3 Thanks again for the feedback.

Joan of Arcadia Season 02 Episode 02

@perceo3 Thanks again for the feedback.

Joan of Arcadia Season 01 Episode 23

@perceo3 Thanks again for the feedback.

Joan of Arcadia Season 02 Episode 14

@perceo3 Thanks for the feedback. It's nice to know people are actually viewing the videos we put online. The view counts don't really mean much. A viewer might only watch a couple of seconds before closing the application. Again thanks for the feedback.