Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius. Sant Demetrios on Jul 13, 2012. Fr. Ted shows us the cave if the Three Magi. Located in the cave is also the tomb of St. Theodosius. SAINT THEODOSIUS …More
Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius.
Sant Demetrios on Jul 13, 2012. Fr. Ted shows us the cave if the Three Magi. Located in the cave is also the tomb of St. Theodosius. SAINT THEODOSIUS, THE CENOBIARCH (423-529)-January 11
Theodosius was born in Cappadocia in 423. The example of Abraham urged him to leave his country, and his desire to follow Jesus Christ attracted him to the religious life. He placed himself under Longinus, a very holy hermit, who sent him to govern a monastery near Bethlehem. Unable to bring himself to command others, he fled to a cavern, where he lived in penance and prayer. His great charity, however, forbade him to refuse the charge of some disciples, who, few at first, became in time a vast number, and Theodosius built a large monastery and three churches for them. He became eventually Superior of the religious communities of Palestine.
Theodosius accommodated himself so carefully to the characters of his subjects that his reproofs were loved …More
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Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius.
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Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius
Cave of the Three Magi & the Tomb of St. Theodosius
I appreciate it. Don't spend to much time on it. I find that GOD makes things easy for us when we're doing HIS will. If it's too hard, it usually means HE wants us to do something else. When the time is right HE'LL gets us back on the original task and it'll almost falls right into place by itself.
It's really weird when it works that way sometimes but GOD has HIS reasons and we have …More

I appreciate it. Don't spend to much time on it. I find that GOD makes things easy for us when we're doing HIS will. If it's too hard, it usually means HE wants us to do something else. When the time is right HE'LL gets us back on the original task and it'll almost falls right into place by itself.

It's really weird when it works that way sometimes but GOD has HIS reasons and we have to trust HIM. That's really funny when you think about it. HE"S so much smarter than us and yet we don't trust HIM. We should treat GOD like we treat the computer geeks that know everything about our computers. GOD'S the geek that knows everything about everything from the beginning of the world to the end of the world and beyond.

Take care and GOD BLESS, my friend.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐
GodsCowboy 😁 🤗 ✍️ Well, I would have to do more research... ✍️ after I pray, have breakfast, grocery shop, clean house...go to post office, etc., etc... 😀 😉 👍 BUT, I am also fascinated by the Holy Magi, so will see... 😇
Interesting, Did you find his video from Bethlehem's cave? How about the earlier video of the church? I keep an open mind about things like this. If the spirit in me gives me some insight to believe it then I do. If not it isn't important one way or the other anyway. Believing, trusting and obeying GOD are the only things that matter.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐More

Interesting, Did you find his video from Bethlehem's cave? How about the earlier video of the church? I keep an open mind about things like this. If the spirit in me gives me some insight to believe it then I do. If not it isn't important one way or the other anyway. Believing, trusting and obeying GOD are the only things that matter.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐
GJA Taylor
Card. Kasper, better not see this, or anything on the Ascension as he ( being oh! so more knowledgeable) as he says it aint true, three kings??? what?