
Canadian Bishops Discussed Abolishing Celibacy

We need more priests and nuns and we need great parental examples. Allowing both groups (priests and nuns) to marry the opposite sex would solve both major problems with the Catholic church. We don't need more lesbian and homosexual examples or even the appearance of those lifestyle examples for our youth to follow.

Netherlands allows assisted suicide for 29 year old woman with mental

@RafaΕ‚_Ovile Even the Catholic Church say Biblical Law (Scripture is GOD'S Laws) can't be changed. Sorry about your Thomas Aquinas thinking.

Netherlands allows assisted suicide for 29 year old woman with mental

@RafaΕ‚_Ovile So who appointed you judge? Those are the exact words Jesus used when the two brother came to him. He said, "Who appointed me as your judge?"

Netherlands allows assisted suicide for 29 year old woman with mental

We are not to judge others. Remember, even Christ refused to judge between two brother. He also told those wanting to stone a prostitute, to let whoever is without sin cast the first stone.
So we have to ask ourselves are we without sin, before we attempt to judge our brother and/or sister.More
We are not to judge others. Remember, even Christ refused to judge between two brother. He also told those wanting to stone a prostitute, to let whoever is without sin cast the first stone.

So we have to ask ourselves are we without sin, before we attempt to judge our brother and/or sister.

Half of the Words of Jesus Are β€œFaked”

The first bibles to be written were transcribed at the direction of the king. He paid to have them prepared. You can be sure that the words transcribed were chosen with care to make sure the king was not upset with the publication.
Look at the way our government works today. Every law that's put into service as to have the approval of elected officials that don't want to upset their main contributors …More
The first bibles to be written were transcribed at the direction of the king. He paid to have them prepared. You can be sure that the words transcribed were chosen with care to make sure the king was not upset with the publication.

Look at the way our government works today. Every law that's put into service as to have the approval of elected officials that don't want to upset their main contributors. At the time of the writing bible I'm sure they knew a carefully written version of the bible was better than no bible and GOD would eventually get the words corrected. If there were no bible at all the words would eventually be lost forever.

Homosexuality and the Catholic Church

Matthew 18:6-9
6 "If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.
7 How terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith! Such things will always happen - but how terrible for the one who causes them!
8 "If your hand or your foot …More
Matthew 18:6-9
6 "If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.

7 How terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith! Such things will always happen - but how terrible for the one who causes them!

8 "If your hand or your foot makes you lose your faith, cut it off and throw it away! It is better for you to enter life without a hand or a foot than to keep both hands and both feet and be thrown into the eternal fire.

9 And if your eye makes you lose your faith, take it out and throw it away! It is better for you to enter life with only one eye than to keep both eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.

Chip My Life: Australians implanting microchips in their hands to unlock doors - TomoNews

I hope they keep track of their medial records so we can monitor the side effects that it causes. I have no doubt that it'll impact their health but I bet it'll be kept secret from the public for at least 100 years. We need to monitor how many leaders of the country get it implanted and how many rich people do it to themselves. That'll tell you how safe it really is.

Walking Tour: Daughters of Charity Chapel of the Miraculous Medal

Love the video and the commentary. I found nothing wrong with the music. I guess some people have to find something wrong with everything. In fact, I didn't even notice the music, I was to busy concentrating on the content and visuals. Maybe that person had their volume set to loud.

Matthew 21:28-32 Parable of two Sons Video Gospel Sunday 2017-10-01

@M. Jesinthasoosai Thanks, I post the Gospel video every week. Usually a week or two in advance.

Jesuit Encourages Friends To Celebrate Sin

Not exactly the kind of person Jesus would want to carry the light to the rest of the world. We all sin but most of us don't tell others it's okay to do it. I bet it's really interesting to be in his confessional. I wonder if he considers anything a sin.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐More

Not exactly the kind of person Jesus would want to carry the light to the rest of the world. We all sin but most of us don't tell others it's okay to do it. I bet it's really interesting to be in his confessional. I wonder if he considers anything a sin.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)

(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Vocations Are Declining Under Pope Francis

That might not be as bad as it seems. I'm sure the church is a lot more selective in deciding who can become a priest after all the problems they've had around Pope John Paul's time. Plus, a lot of men that might have made poor priests haven't considered the profession do to the church's new policy on exposing and not protecting them. That time period also created a black mark on the church and …More

That might not be as bad as it seems. I'm sure the church is a lot more selective in deciding who can become a priest after all the problems they've had around Pope John Paul's time. Plus, a lot of men that might have made poor priests haven't considered the profession do to the church's new policy on exposing and not protecting them. That time period also created a black mark on the church and it's going to take time to regain the confidence of the public. Once that happens more really good men will start considering the priesthood again.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Former Benedict XVI's Head "Does Not Work Entirely" Anymore

On the other hand, Benedict is very healthy for someone of his age. I'm sure he's much more religious than I'll ever be. GOD BLESS him.

Former Benedict XVI's Head "Does Not Work Entirely" Anymore

Maybe it's time for the Catholic Church to start TRUSTING and OBEYING GOD.
GOD gave us laws on what foods we should eat and which ones to avoid (Deuteronomy Chapter 14 or Leviticus Chapter 11). Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Israelite slaves captured by King Nebuchadnezzar) all refused to eat the forbidden foods provided by the Babylonians. They kept the required Jewish diet (as did …More

Maybe it's time for the Catholic Church to start TRUSTING and OBEYING GOD.

GOD gave us laws on what foods we should eat and which ones to avoid (Deuteronomy Chapter 14 or Leviticus Chapter 11). Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Israelite slaves captured by King Nebuchadnezzar) all refused to eat the forbidden foods provided by the Babylonians. They kept the required Jewish diet (as did Christ and his Apostles) and became smarter and healthier than those that ate the forbidden foods. If you want to be healthier and smarter than most of the world follow GOD'S diet spelled out in Deuteronomy Chapter 14 or read it in Leviticus Chapter 11.

Unfortunately, years and years of disobeying those laws have crippled your body. The uphill road to recovery from all those years of eating forbidden foods will take even longer to undo. GOD willing you might see some relief before you meet the maker if you quit cold turkey.

GOD'S WORDS ARE TRUTH and the truth NEVER changes. That's why GOD never broke any of HIS Covenants with man even after man broke them. HIS WORD if true FOREVER, it doesn't end and it never changes.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Jesuit Claims "Homophobia" One of the "Principal Sins of the Church"

Could someone tell me why GOD would call homosexuality an abomination.
--------Then we would decide GOD'S wrong.
--------Homosexuality should be okay.
Who are we to change GOD'S LAWS? If we change one law why not all of them. Lets get rid of the Ten Commandments and write some new ones we like better. Lets forget about trusting and obeying GOD. We know better than HIM. Sounds like Adan and Eve …More

Could someone tell me why GOD would call homosexuality an abomination.
--------Then we would decide GOD'S wrong.
--------Homosexuality should be okay.

Who are we to change GOD'S LAWS? If we change one law why not all of them. Lets get rid of the Ten Commandments and write some new ones we like better. Lets forget about trusting and obeying GOD. We know better than HIM. Sounds like Adan and Eve all over again. Doesn't it?

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

Marriage Annulment on the Rise after Francis’ Reform

When man changes one of GOD'S Laws it impacts others. It wasn't against GOD'S Laws for a man to have more than one wife (example: Moses & Jacob). That option seriously reduced the need to have a divorce. If your wife didn't want to have sex you just found a second one that did. If your wife didn't like cooking and cleaning or raising children, you just found another wife that did. You didn't need …More
When man changes one of GOD'S Laws it impacts others. It wasn't against GOD'S Laws for a man to have more than one wife (example: Moses & Jacob). That option seriously reduced the need to have a divorce. If your wife didn't want to have sex you just found a second one that did. If your wife didn't like cooking and cleaning or raising children, you just found another wife that did. You didn't need to divorce the first one. You just added a second one.

So you see the divorce problem was created by man when they made it illegal to have more than one wife. So divorce is now the acceptable option over adding a second wife. The church has put GOD'S Laws out-of-balance by changing one part of the equation without changing the other side of the equation.

Man just isn't smart enough to overrule GOD'S Laws. GOD has HIS reasons for everyone of them and we should TRUST AND OBEY HIM after all HE is GOD.

Pope Francis' video: Jesus not mentioned

Even Jesus taught us to pray to the FATHER. He did say however that whatever you ask the FATHER in my name HE will give you.

Catholic church repudiates NC female "priest"

I would think that we would see married priests being ordained before we'd see woman being ordained. I'd also like to see married nuns. We need more priests and nuns, so why not create an order of priests and an order of nuns that are allowed to marry.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐

I would think that we would see married priests being ordained before we'd see woman being ordained. I'd also like to see married nuns. We need more priests and nuns, so why not create an order of priests and an order of nuns that are allowed to marry.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐


As Moses Lifted Up The Serpent. Acts of 20/20 Vision on Apr 26, 2016 Book of Numbers 21:4-9. From …

Irapuato - May GOD continue to BLESS you also, so that you can continue to do HIS work. Amen. Happy Easter.

As Moses Lifted Up The Serpent. Acts of 20/20 Vision on Apr 26, 2016 Book of Numbers 21:4-9. From …

This message bring up one of biggest misunderstanding found in the Christian world. It is NOT Christ that will save us. It's his teachings that can save us, if we following them.
So many people falsely believe that all they have to do is say they believe and claim to be saved. I guess they haven't read Matthew 25:31-45 THE FINAL JUDGMENT (Jesus' teaching).
We have to put Jesus' teaching and all …More

This message bring up one of biggest misunderstanding found in the Christian world. It is NOT Christ that will save us. It's his teachings that can save us, if we following them.

So many people falsely believe that all they have to do is say they believe and claim to be saved. I guess they haven't read Matthew 25:31-45 THE FINAL JUDGMENT (Jesus' teaching).

We have to put Jesus' teaching and all GOD'S messages in the bible into practice to save ourselves. Jesus gave us some of the saving messages but we have to save ourselves by following his teachings and all of GOD'S messages.

So in a way Jesus and all of GOD'S messengers can save us but ONLY if we live our lives according to the teachings they brought us from GOD.

Start working on saving yourself today before your FINAL JUDGEMENT.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐