
Francis Comes Up with a Solution for the “Sign of Peace”

During his April 29 homily, Francis announced that he had received a letter from a certain 18-year old Andrea from Caravaggio, “Letters from teenagers, from children, are beautiful for the concreteness …More
During his April 29 homily, Francis announced that he had received a letter from a certain 18-year old Andrea from Caravaggio,
“Letters from teenagers, from children, are beautiful for the concreteness,” Francis raved.
Andrea wrote that the invitation during Francis' Eucharists to give a sign of peace wasn't appropriate “because with the pandemic, we can't touch each other.”
Francis replied that Andrea couldn't see from the live-stream that those attending the Eucharists, “nod at each other with their head” for the sign of peace.
In the meantime, Andrea’s mother revealed to EcoDiBergamo.it that Andrea received a phone-call from Francis while shopping at the supermarket.
On the occasion, Francis promised to send him a papal zucchetto because Andrea is a lover of ecclesiastical clothes and accessories, which likely doesn't go down well with Francis, but, seemingly, he put up a smiling front.
Novella Nurney
The best possible solution to all of this is to, pray that God's Will be Done! Not mine, not yours, not Francis'not Emeritus Pope Benedict ( as he seems to prefer to be called) BUT GOD'S WILL BE DONE.
In Vatican lives pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, still rejected and ignored. But not forgotten by God and true Catholics.
...except Benedict XVI isn't the Sovereign Pontiff anymore. @Rafał_Ovile How is your schism with the Church working out.? An easier solution to "the sign of peace" is to attend a traditional Latin Mass where such novel liturgical innovation don't occur in the first place. Traditional Latin Mass also solves many other COVID-19 related liturgical issues. Such as:
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...except Benedict XVI isn't the Sovereign Pontiff anymore. @Rafał_Ovile How is your schism with the Church working out.? An easier solution to "the sign of peace" is to attend a traditional Latin Mass where such novel liturgical innovation don't occur in the first place. Traditional Latin Mass also solves many other COVID-19 related liturgical issues. Such as:

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Ignore negative. The best positive solution is to recognize and pray for Sovereign Pontiff Benedict XVI.