A Standard of Hope - New Seminary Project Video. www.newseminaryproject.org - We live in a day and age where the priesthood is blurred. we have so many lay associations that take the place of the priest. …More
A Standard of Hope - New Seminary Project Video.
www.newseminaryproject.org - We live in a day and age where the priesthood is blurred. we have so many lay associations that take the place of the priest.
The heart of the crisis of the Church is there, which is a crisis of the priesthood; of the spirituality of the priesthood - and so the solution is there as well.
The Church, the Mass, the priesthood, that's all so interwoven, you can't have one without the other - any one of them without the other. If you get to the very heart of the Society, which is the heart of Archbishop Lefebvre, which is the heart of the Church – it's the holy Mass, and it's the Priesthood without which you cannot have the Mass and the Sacraments and that's why a seminary is so important, and this seminary project is so important because we need the best possible place for formation.
What we're witnessing is what the Church has always done in a time of great crisis, in a time when priests no longer understand what …More
Will You Support the Priesthood? - New Seminary Project. www.newseminaryproject.org – St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is building the New Seminary Project to preserve the Latin Mass, to restore the priesthood …More
Will You Support the Priesthood? - New Seminary Project.
www.newseminaryproject.org – St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is building the New Seminary Project to preserve the Latin Mass, to restore the priesthood to its true dignity, and to glorify God through the Traditional Liturgy. Will you carry your portion? Go to www.newseminaryproject.org
Angelus Press Conference 2015 - Video. angeluspress.org/The-Family-Hope-of-the-Church - In a world where the Sacrament of Marriage is being attacked, Catholics must unite as a single flame burning for …More
Angelus Press Conference 2015 - Video.
angeluspress.org/The-Family-Hope-of-the-Church - In a world where the Sacrament of Marriage is being attacked, Catholics must unite as a single flame burning for truth. Angelus Press once again brings together some of the best Catholic thinkers, speakers, and writers to consider this year’s topic: The Family – Hope for the Church.
-- Transcript of video --
Catholic education, camaraderie, and prayer. The annual Angelus Press Conference offers a rejuvenating 3-day weekend complete with lectures, socializing, and the Liturgy. This year’s focus was on the Catholic Family.
‘This year’s conference is on the family and that matters because it’s very pertinent to us in our current situation as we have a very young family and also because of the things going on socially today.’
From principles to practical tips, the conferences gave each listener a depth of knowledge on topic of the family.
My talk was the first talk of this Angelus Press Conference. And …More
very nice, would love to hear these talks... Ave Maria!
SSPX - Synod - St. Mary's Rosary Procession 2015 sspx.org/family - St. Marys hosts a Rosary Procession in honor of our Lady, calling all to hear the SSPX's call for prayer and sacrifice during the …More
SSPX - Synod - St. Mary's Rosary Procession 2015
sspx.org/family - St. Marys hosts a Rosary Procession in honor of our Lady, calling all to hear the SSPX's call for prayer and sacrifice during the Synod on the Family.
On est presqu'au Ciel !
Beautiful! I pray we have as many faithful at the Eucharistic Procession here in Virginia Beach on the 11th of October.
2 more comments
Our Lady of Sorrows - A South Phoenix Catholic Community - SSPX. www.ourladyofsorrows.org - There are few places in the entire world like Our Lady of Sorrows. Located in south Phoenix, Our Lady of …More
Our Lady of Sorrows - A South Phoenix Catholic Community - SSPX.
www.ourladyofsorrows.org - There are few places in the entire world like Our Lady of Sorrows. Located in south Phoenix, Our Lady of Sorrows is a Catholic community that offers a complete life centered around the Latin Mass and the traditions of the Faith.
- Transcript of the Video -
It towers two stories over everything else in the area. For miles in every direction you can see it rising up above the plains. This new Church is truly a testimony to the belief that the faithful have in the Catholic Mass and in the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
There are few places in the entire world like Our Lady of Sorrows. Located in south Phoenix, Our Lady of Sorrows is a Catholic community that offers a complete life centered around the Latin Mass and the traditions of the Faith.
Here at Our Lady of Sorrows, the community enjoys a vibrant Catholic environment, a priory of Traditionally formed priests, and a private school – …More
Fr. Delmanowski-he is polish! :D 👏 🤗
Dr. John Smythe
@michael newman - is there something you and @Dr Stuart Reiss would like to confess on here before it is exposed? Out of Catholic charity, I feel it …More
@michael newman - is there something you and @Dr Stuart Reiss would like to confess on here before it is exposed? Out of Catholic charity, I feel it might be a good idea to give you that chance.
5 more comments
Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos. sspx.org - As we examined in our previous video, “What is the Novus Ordo Missae?” The New Mass was created after …More
Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos.
sspx.org - As we examined in our previous video, “What is the Novus Ordo Missae?” The New Mass was created after Vatican II, under the influence of Fr. Annibale Bugnini and Pope Paul VI, both of whom wanted a liturgy that was ecumenical and would not be a “stumbling block” to Protestants.
This goal was accomplished with the new liturgy by obscuring or even removing from its prayers the Catholic doctrines concerning the propitiatory nature of the Mass, the sacrificial and mediatory character of the priesthood, and the dogma of the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
It was these alarming theological deficiencies that caused Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci to write in September 1969 to Pope Paul VI what was called the “Ottaviani Intervention.” In Part 6 we read: “It is evident that the Novus Ordo has no intention of presenting the Faith as taught by the Council of Trent, to which, …More
at0gjm shares this
SSPX, Tradition. Created, 2017-0714More
SSPX, Tradition.
Created, 2017-0714
Dr. John Smythe
@Gregory @Dr Stuart Reiss @micheal newman @Ben Martin As promised, in this post we’re going to take a more detailed look at the Novus Ordorelative …More
@Gregory @Dr Stuart Reiss @micheal newman @Ben Martin
As promised, in this post we’re going to take a more detailed look at the Novus Ordorelative to the recent SSPX video (featuring Fr. Steven McDonald, SSPX) and Michael Voris reaction to it.
Before we begin, know this:
– First, it’s not possible to do justice to a topic such as this in a couple of videos and a handful of blog posts. Those who really want to come to a fully informed understanding are going to have to dig deeper than that.
Even so, this is going to be, by necessity, a lengthy post, so grab a cup of coffee (or a cold beer or whatever suits your fancy) and settle in, this is going to take some time.
– Secondly, my purpose in this post is to explain more fully the argument put forth by the SSPX (and others) as I understand it. It’s going to be up to individual readers to educate themselves further, to evaluate the Society’s argument for what it actually is, and then to decide its merits for themselves.
– Lastly, under …More
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Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part I or II - Episode 14 - SSPX FAQ Series. sspx.org - Many Catholics wonder if they should attend the New Mass, especially to fulfill their Sunday Obligation.…More
Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part I or II - Episode 14 - SSPX FAQ Series.
sspx.org - Many Catholics wonder if they should attend the New Mass, especially to fulfill their Sunday Obligation. In these videos, we’re going to show: 1) what the Sunday Obligation is and its limits and then 2) why Catholics are not obliged to attend the New Mass and should even avoid it.
First we must understand what our Sunday Obligation is as Catholics. As the catechism teaches, the third commandment instructs us to "keep holy the Lord's day."
To keep a day “holy” means “to set it apart” from the other days to honor God in a special way as required by the virtue of religion. It also honors the mystery of God’s rest on the seventh day of creation. From this comes the divine command of refraining from unnecessary servile work.
Under the Old Covenant, the Sabbath was observed on Saturday, but with the New Covenant, the Apostles transferred the day of rest to a Sunday to commemorate the redeeming …More
Do Priests of the SSPX Have Jurisdiction? - Episode 13 - SSPX FAQ Series. sspx.org - One of the main objections to the situation and work of the Society of Saint Pius X is the problem of jurisdiction.…More
Do Priests of the SSPX Have Jurisdiction? - Episode 13 - SSPX FAQ Series.
sspx.org - One of the main objections to the situation and work of the Society of Saint Pius X is the problem of jurisdiction. Do priests of the Society of Saint Pius X have jurisdiction? This is the question we are going to answer in this video.
The crisis currently affecting the Church really justifies and even necessitates traditional priests to fulfill their duties even without ordinary jurisdiction.
Every member of the Church has the right to receive from it the doctrine and the sacraments necessary for salvation. If the normal hierarchy (pastor, bishop, etc.) do not fulfill its duty, the faithful find themselves in a state of necessity that allows them to have recourse to any Catholic priest. Because of the necessity, this priest then receives from the Church what is called supplied jurisdiction, in order to minister to the faithful.
In the current crisis, supplied jurisdiction empowers traditional priests …More
Dr. John Smythe
From Pope Francis,"... those faithful who for various reasons choose to attend churches officiated by priests of the Fraternity of St. Pius X. This …More
From Pope Francis,"... those faithful who for various reasons choose to attend churches officiated by priests of the Fraternity of St. Pius X. This Jubilee Year of Mercy excludes no one. From various quarters, several Brother Bishops have told me of their good faith and sacramental practice"
In response to this announcement, the Society of St. Pius X's General House has issued a communique expressing its gratitude to Pope Francis for this "fatherly gesture" while reminding that:
"In the ministry of the sacrament of penance, we have always relied, with all certainty, on the extraordinary jurisdiction conferred by the Normae generalesof the Code of Canon Law."
@Andrew Angelo The Pope has however denied any legitimate ability to administer the sacraments, Pope Benedict in 2009 said, " In order to make this …More
@Andrew Angelo The Pope has however denied any legitimate ability to administer the sacraments, Pope Benedict in 2009 said, " In order to make this clear once again: until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers – even though they have been freed of the ecclesiastical penalty – do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church" (w2.vatican.va/…/hf_ben-xvi_let_…).
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To Form Future Priests - New Seminary Project. www.newseminaryproject.org - It's difficult to live a Catholic life in these days - and when you see the ordinations and you see a young man being ordained …More
To Form Future Priests - New Seminary Project.
www.newseminaryproject.org - It's difficult to live a Catholic life in these days - and when you see the ordinations and you see a young man being ordained, a Day of Ordination, it's a day of great hope, because God, as we know in our minds and in our hearts that He won't abandon His people - but this is something very concrete.
Ever since the crisis in the Church, people, to show their great Faith in the Church, or great hope that the Church continues in all its doctrinal purity and missionary zeal, they now makes these pilgrimages, we can say, to ordinations, to see the priesthood conferred on these young men.
When I had joined the Benedictines in Europe, each year, the big event was to go to Econe for the ordinations. And there was such a great spirit, seeing representatives of all the orders there, the traditional orders... seeing the elders of the clergy, older priests coming in to lay their hands on the ordinands; it was the event of …More
Is There a State of Necessity Within the Church Today? - Episode 12 - SSPX FAQ Series. sspx.org/ - Whenever there is an urgent and immediate danger for the Faith, it creates a state of necessity. It …More
Is There a State of Necessity Within the Church Today? - Episode 12 - SSPX FAQ Series.
sspx.org/ - Whenever there is an urgent and immediate danger for the Faith, it creates a state of necessity. It seems that since Vatican II, a Catholic is constantly compelled, by necessity, to have to choose between Truth and “apparent obedience”, between being called a heretic or a schismatic. This extraordinary situation, in which any Catholic finds himself today, is an effect of the terrible crisis shaking the Church from top to bottom. It is a state of affairs that is neither ordinary nor regular; it creates a state of necessity.
The Faith is seriously and gravely threatened: by the new catechisms, by the sermons, by the Catholic media and notably by the so-called “Catholic Press”, by the ecumenical initiatives, which spread religious indifferentism, by the new liturgy, particularly the new rite of the Mass, etc. the danger for the Faith engenders a state of necessity.
Souls have the right to …More
What is the Problem with Collegiality? - Episode 11 - SSPX FAQ Series. sspx.org - Of the many debates that took place during the Second Vatican Council, one of the most important - and one that still …More
What is the Problem with Collegiality? - Episode 11 - SSPX FAQ Series.
sspx.org - Of the many debates that took place during the Second Vatican Council, one of the most important - and one that still goes on today - concerned collegiality, or the role of the college of bishops in leading, guiding and teaching the church. This is what we are going to explain in this video.
Catholicism and modernism understand truth very differently, one defending the primacy of God’s objective reality, the other promoting the subjective expression of individual opinions. This divergent definition of truth has also produced two conflicting views of how the Church should be governed.
Catholicism teaches that God created the universe in a hierarchical order over which He is the supreme authority. Likewise God, in the divine person of Jesus Christ, established His one true Church over which He appointed Peter and his successors as its supreme head. Traditionally these successors, the popes, have exercised an …More
What is the Problem with Modern Ecumenism? - Episode 10 - SSPX FAQ Series. sspx.org - The recent Popes have participated and even organized many Ecumenical events. Yet, ecumenism raises both doctrinal …More
What is the Problem with Modern Ecumenism? - Episode 10 - SSPX FAQ Series.
sspx.org - The recent Popes have participated and even organized many Ecumenical events. Yet, ecumenism raises both doctrinal and pastoral problems. This is what we intend to explain in this video.
Ecumenism denotes the search for worldwide religious unity. As in the case of religious liberty, Catholicism and modernism each approach ecumenism in different ways based on their divergent understandings of truth.
Modernism believes that religious knowledge emanates from the individual. This knowledge arises from within as a subjective impulse of the conscience. All religions, therefore, are more or less good and praiseworthy since they all, in different ways, manifest and signify man’s inborn religious instinct. There are thus as many different understandings of God as there are men. All these various notions of truth and of the divine deserve respect, for they are all legitimate expressions of the human spirit. …More
"Maintain the Spiritual Beauty" - New Seminary Project. www.newseminaryproject.org - A NewSeminary Project makes progress in Virginia. A massive building designed to house and support over 100 seminarians …More
"Maintain the Spiritual Beauty" - New Seminary Project.
www.newseminaryproject.org - A NewSeminary Project makes progress in Virginia. A massive building designed to house and support over 100 seminarians stands tall along the Blue Ridge Mountains. Although unforeseen challenges continually wage against the progress of this endeavor, the generosity of those faithful to the Church's Tradition have been vital to progress.
--- Transcript of video content ---
It’s a once in a lifetime thing to be on this project and to be able to have a hand in building.
It has always been a very, very massive project to house close to over 100 Seminarians, that’s a very, very big project.
The unforeseen challenges, I think, would be trying to maintain the spiritual beauty of the building, while coming to the reality that the budget is a very limited source of income.
Most of the expense in modern architecture is not the actual materials, it’s the labor costs.
And a lot of times things that are unforeseen …More
✍️ It seems like GOD'S telling us, the church NEEDS a NEW ORDER of priests and nuns to build and maintain the church's buildings. It would greatly …More
It seems like GOD'S telling us, the church NEEDS a NEW ORDER of priests and nuns to build and maintain the church's buildings. It would greatly reduce costs and make expansion into poorer areas of the world a lot easier and more productive. Poorer areas of the world would also have few if any government regulations to slow the building process (like local permits ...).
The team could work in upgrades and maintenance at other facilities once the government red tape is completed and approved.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐
What is the Problem with Religious Liberty? - Episode 09 - SSPX FAQ Videos. sspx.org - Liberty of thought, liberty of conscience, liberty of religions, Religious Liberty, these were questions that were …More
What is the Problem with Religious Liberty? - Episode 09 - SSPX FAQ Videos.
sspx.org - Liberty of thought, liberty of conscience, liberty of religions, Religious Liberty, these were questions that were refuted by the Popes in the nineteen-century, but Vatican II took another stand on these questions. In this video, we will explain what is the problem with the new definition of Religious Liberty.
Both modernists and Catholics acknowledge that all men possess a natural dignity, constituted primarily by the free exercise of his reason and will. They also both agree that no one should violate this basic human liberty, not even in order to impose what is true or good.
Catholics and modernists disagree, however, on the proper use of this liberty. Modernism claims that the human conscience is the supreme arbiter of good and evil for each individual; thus everyone can act as he pleases except in cases where this action would endanger the rights of someone else. Catholicism insists that this …More
Pittsburgh's Heart Still Beats Catholic - SSPX Renovates Historic St James. sspx.org - In this video, we tell a real-life story illustrating how Catholic Tradition is the only possible future for the …More
Pittsburgh's Heart Still Beats Catholic - SSPX Renovates Historic St James.
sspx.org - In this video, we tell a real-life story illustrating how Catholic Tradition is the only possible future for the Catholic Church. The story takes place in Pittsburgh so a brief history is given of the Catholic Church in the Steel City. Sadly, the diocese of Pittsburgh has seen many church closings and parish mergers in her recent years. One such church that was closed in 2004 was St. James Catholic Church in the West End.
The story is about how St. James was brought back to life in 2015. Its resurrection was only possible through Catholics who have remained faithful to the Church’s Tradition. The video also gives a brief description of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) which has championed Catholic Tradition worldwide and especially in Pittsburgh through the restoration of St. James's Church.
We hope to open the eyes of all Catholics to the reality of the situation in the Catholic Church and …More
What is the Second Vatican Council? - Episode 08 - SSPX FAQ Videos. sspx.org - Certainly the most debated event of the twentieth century was the Second Vatican Council. Praised by many, criticized by …More
What is the Second Vatican Council? - Episode 08 - SSPX FAQ Videos.
sspx.org - Certainly the most debated event of the twentieth century was the Second Vatican Council. Praised by many, criticized by others, Vatican II raises a lot of questions. In this video we will explain what the Second Vatican Council was.
Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962. John XXIII died the following year, but his successor, Paul VI, continued the Council and brought it to a close on December 8, 1965.
Vatican II consisted of four sessions. The first session (October 11 to December 3, 1962) the only one to occur during the pontificate of John XXIII promulgated no document; it was essentially used to shockingly discard the documents wisely prepared during the previous 3 years of preparation.
Vatican II was the twenty-first ecumenical council. It was the biggest in terms of the number of participants: over two thousand bishops attended. However, the Second Vatican Council was …More
Irish Rose
The documents of Vatican II (NOT any dogma as there was no dogma produced) were very and purposely vague, allowing for the hierarchy to be dissolved as …More
The documents of Vatican II (NOT any dogma as there was no dogma produced) were very and purposely vague, allowing for the hierarchy to be dissolved as each Bishop could interpret the Vatican II documents however they wanted to use them "pastoraly." It gave the Bishops and even priests a sense of power, which authority was only previously attributed to the office of Pope. Such "pastoral" doctrine included ecumenism, which is NOT a dogma of the Catholic faith, but which is used as if it is the most important dogma of the church (pastoraly...). Thus, and as is clear from this video, Vatican II, in effect, dissolves the hierarchical nature of the Catholic church which is schism as Jesus did not found a democratic church or an ecumenical church. Such prideful schism is tragic as God is no fool, even if satan's minions are.
Is there a reason that the claims are so vague in this presentation? The claim I'm most intrigued by is that of the purpose of marriage being "inversed …More
Is there a reason that the claims are so vague in this presentation? The claim I'm most intrigued by is that of the purpose of marriage being "inversed." Is not marriage for the promulgation of God's Holy People and to reveal the nature of God's sacrificial love in public life?
Ultimately, yes. Many used Vatican II to take advantage of the same smoke that Pope Leo XII mentioned. Ironically, they did so by never actually calling on the documents of Vatican II but in the "Spirit of Vatican Two!"
Black Mass Response - SSPX Pilgrimage in Reparation - VIDEO. sspx.org - In this video, we present a response effort organized by the priestly Society of St. Pius X here in the United States. After a …More
Black Mass Response - SSPX Pilgrimage in Reparation - VIDEO.
sspx.org - In this video, we present a response effort organized by the priestly Society of St. Pius X here in the United States. After a Black Mass was publicly marketed in Oklahoma City to desecrate our Savior in the Blessed Sacrament, an outcry from Catholics resounded. In an effort to make reparation for this public offense, the SSPX displayed a spontaneous 900 faithful from multiple states. Watch this video to learn more of the SSPX's response. For more information, go to sspx.org
On Guard
Thank God and the Blessed Mother for the Society of St. Pius X. May their EXAMPLE Redeem us and teach us our Faith.
Trailer: Starkenburg Catholic Pilgrimage 2012 www.sspx.org - Watch the preview for the 10 minute documentary on the pilgrimage to our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg, Missouri. www.youtube.com/watchMore
Trailer: Starkenburg Catholic Pilgrimage 2012
www.sspx.org - Watch the preview for the 10 minute documentary on the pilgrimage to our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg, Missouri. www.youtube.com/watch
SSPX Our Lady of Sorrows - Church Building Promotional - The Time is Now. www.ourladyofsorrows.org - The time is now. Our Lady of Sorrows building project is offering several opportunities to give in …More
SSPX Our Lady of Sorrows - Church Building Promotional - The Time is Now.
www.ourladyofsorrows.org - The time is now. Our Lady of Sorrows building project is offering several opportunities to give in support of a specific need. Stained glass Windows, Side Altars, and Bronze Church Bells can be sponsored by individuals or groups. The community at Our Lady of Sorrows has outgrown its small parish church many years ago. It is necessary to offer numerous services in order for everyone to participate. Our new building has already gained recognition as "a beautiful building" and "a great improvement to the South Mountain area." Please consider helping us build this much needed church. - Fr Frank Riccomini, Prior and Headmaster of Our Lady of Sorrows, a Society of St. Pius X congregation located in Phoenix, Arizona.
Our Lady of Sorrows has been a chapel of the Society of St. Pius X since the 1970's and has steadily multiplied in number of faithful. Exclusively offering the Latin Mass and the …More
Catholic School Christmas Appeal - St. Mary's Academy & College - SSPX. smac.edu - In this brief video, we take you into the classrooms and onto the ball fields of St. Mary's Academy & College on its …More
Catholic School Christmas Appeal - St. Mary's Academy & College - SSPX.
smac.edu - In this brief video, we take you into the classrooms and onto the ball fields of St. Mary's Academy & College on its 35th Anniversary.
Administered by the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), the Academy serves children in grades K-12, while the College offers a fixed two-year Catholic liberal arts degree and a third year Humanities Extension for students interested in continuing their formation in Catholic liberal arts.
The ultimate goal of our schools is to form good Catholics and good citizens in such a manner that the whole person may be submitted to the reign of Jesus Christ in the spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical spheres.
For more information, visit smac.edu