De Profundis
Bishop Cruz said 2017: “If [homosexuality] is not a choice, if it is not a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a gift.”

Is Homosexuality a Gift From God?

Listen to the audio version of this content “I don’t understand everything I know,” a favorite uncle of mine used to say. That phrase came to mind when I saw a recent …
God created Adam and Eve ,not Adam and Steve
John A Cassani
Homosexual acts are choices, very clearly. One may not make a choice to be attracted to other members of the same sex, but, if they are, it is almost certainly because of choices they have made, and/or sins that they have suffered against them. Many homosexuals have suffered sexual abuse, which was not their choice. Many have never been shown how to properly relate to others in a way that is fitting …More
Homosexual acts are choices, very clearly. One may not make a choice to be attracted to other members of the same sex, but, if they are, it is almost certainly because of choices they have made, and/or sins that they have suffered against them. Many homosexuals have suffered sexual abuse, which was not their choice. Many have never been shown how to properly relate to others in a way that is fitting to their sex. Many homosexual men never fit in with other boys when they were growing up, and were never helped to get better. Either way, it does nothing to help a hurting person to encourage them to do things that will only move them away from God’s grace, toward horrible misery in this life and the next.
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Il vescovo Cruz ha dichiarato nel 2017: "Se [l'omosessualità] non è una scelta, se non è una malattia, nella prospettiva della fede non può che essere un dono"
Raffaele Vargetto
La Chiesa sembra invasa dall'omosessualismo. Non è un caso che Gesù, nel discorso sugli ultimi tempi, menzioni Sodoma e Gomorra quasi ad indicare che si sarebbe giunti ad una situazione simile, aggravata, però, dalla conoscenza bimillenaria del Mistero dell'Incarnazione.