
Charismatic Community Dissolved

The Charismatic community Le Verbe de Vie, made up of consecrated persons and families living together, was dissolved on July 1 after 37 years. The closure was decided in June 2022 by Brussels Cardinal …More
The Charismatic community Le Verbe de Vie, made up of consecrated persons and families living together, was dissolved on July 1 after 37 years.
The closure was decided in June 2022 by Brussels Cardinal Jozef de Kesel after two canonical visitations which found “serious and systemic dysfunctions" since its foundation.
As is often the case in Charismatic movements, members reported toxic behaviour by those in authority (people considered to have “an aura”) including sexual assault.
LaVie.fr reports that Châlons-en-Champagne Bishop François Touvet gathered the 200 members for a last time in Andecy Abbey, their former motherhouse, on Pentecost 2023.
The sisters wore sky-blue habits with rosaries and white veils.
English Catholic
@credo Exactly. Universal Living Rosary Association ( www.philomena.org ) publish a good booklet by R Saverino called 'The Pentecostal Movement: A Threat to the Faith'. It is also online, but I think this is the older version of the booklet: The Penecostal Movement: A Threat To The Faith | PDF
Credo .
Why bother with the Sacraments of the Catholic Church when you have a direct line to the Holy Ghost? 🤔
Jan Joseph
Dit was een Traditionele congregatie, natuurlijk moest die ontbonden, Paus Franciscus haat Traditionele gelovigen.
Malki Tzedek
I hasten to add that our Lord corrected, rather than 'dissolved' those who required it, to keep them on the right path. Experience has demonstrated that Bergoglio 'dissolves' those who with guidance and support might have made the Church even stronger. He has a perverse hatred of any order or group whose focus is on prayer, at which our Savior was so esteemed His followers begged Him to teach them …More
I hasten to add that our Lord corrected, rather than 'dissolved' those who required it, to keep them on the right path. Experience has demonstrated that Bergoglio 'dissolves' those who with guidance and support might have made the Church even stronger. He has a perverse hatred of any order or group whose focus is on prayer, at which our Savior was so esteemed His followers begged Him to teach them how to do likewise.
This is horrible!!! Charismatic we are Catholic!!! All the Popes from Paul VI recognized the Charismatic Renewal!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I've seen "charismatic" services. It's not even really the Novus Ordo. It's almost exactly like a bible-thumping fundamentalist Protestant revival meeting 🤮. I'm glad that they disbanded this group. And it's laughable for anyone to give Paul VI and all Popes after as justification for the Charismatics. That's wonderful endorsements....popes who helped begin the process of destroying the Catholic …More
I've seen "charismatic" services. It's not even really the Novus Ordo. It's almost exactly like a bible-thumping fundamentalist Protestant revival meeting 🤮. I'm glad that they disbanded this group. And it's laughable for anyone to give Paul VI and all Popes after as justification for the Charismatics. That's wonderful endorsements....popes who helped begin the process of destroying the Catholic Faith, capped off with Bergoglio...the worst of all.
I've also worked at a "fundamentalist christian college" in highschool, and saw on cable for a few seconds a "Jimmy Swaggert" "Praise and Worship Service" Swaggert is a fundamentalist bible preacher.
The "catholic" Charismatics are nearly exactly the same as the Pentecostalist Christians. If Pentecostalists/Catholic Charismatics were the last Christians on earth, and I had a choice to be one of them, or be a Buddhist ....I'd pick Buddhist...because they are more "Christlike" in their attitudes than Charismatic Christians are any day.😂😂😂😂🤪
You are poor man. You don't know nothing at all! It is not worthwhile to argue with you. You too much wrong, and the worse, you believe you are in the truth!+
Credo .
Why bother with the Sacraments of the Catholic Church when you have a direct line to the Holy Ghost? > 🙏 🙏 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The is great. For once, something good. The Charismatics were/are basically not even Catholic. One of my aunts was very involved with one of these "charismatic" Catholic churches in the L.A. area about 15 years ago. It was a dying movement across the USA even then, but she was involved with it. That is until she got two of her children and another sister to come to their services. They didn't call …More
The is great. For once, something good. The Charismatics were/are basically not even Catholic. One of my aunts was very involved with one of these "charismatic" Catholic churches in the L.A. area about 15 years ago. It was a dying movement across the USA even then, but she was involved with it. That is until she got two of her children and another sister to come to their services. They didn't call it Mass, but instead "The Eucharist", and also "Praise and Worship" service. Waving arms, jumping around, crying, and phony "speaking in tongues". Her sister, and one of her daughters finally convinced her that the place wasn't even really Catholic.....so she left. Now she goes to the Novus Ordo "occasionally" 🤪
I am glad the Charismatics are just about extinct in the USA, we never hear about them ever. There were a lot of charismatic "monastic communities" founded about 5 years after Vatican II, promoted a lot by "cardinal" Suenens of Belgium, one of the most non-Catholic liberal Cardinals' there was. This groups is just one of many that are now gone.
There was one in the USA, notorious, which was supressed just afew years ago. I think it was called the "Community of the Lamb", founded by a former cloistered nun named "Mother Nadine Brown". Members of her group treated her like she was a prophet. But that was disbanded too.😂😂😂😂😂😂