
Francis’ Transvestites: “Go and Sin Again”

The transvestite prostitutes of Torvaianica, Rome, “also feel that they are Church,” the Francis portal FaroDiRoma.it (August 21) rejoices. Mostly South American men, the coronavirus left them “…More
The transvestite prostitutes of Torvaianica, Rome, “also feel that they are Church,” the Francis portal FaroDiRoma.it (August 21) rejoices.
Mostly South American men, the coronavirus left them “without clients and without hope,” but Father Andrea Conocchia, 49, of the local Immaculate Virgin Mary parish, helps them because the coronavirus prevents them from “working,” the article explains.
It calls the Immaculate Virgin the “protectress of transvestite prostitutes.” For FaroDiRoma the prostitutes who “have never been able” to set foot in a church, are “stigmatized” by the sixth commandment.
Francis’ almoner Cardinal Krajewski sent them money because, for the Vatican, promoting prostitution is “charity.”
“I thank the Lord who sent Pope Francis to change the Church [not the sinner],” the article quotes a transvestite. Father Conocchia says that he works “without prejudice, let alone judgment.” The article comments, “Apparently the Pope himself blesses him.”
When Christ encountered the …More
Gesù è con noi
St. Thomas Cajetan, O.P. (1469-1534)
Theologian and Cardinal
He points out that the famous axiom "Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia" (Where the Pope is, there is also the Church) holds true only when the Pope acts and behaves as the Pope, because Peter "is subject to the duties of the Office" otherwise, "neither is the Church in him, nor is he in the Church."
Gesù è con noi
"Bergoglio is a man of gestures" said the adulteress Clelia Luro who left her husband and children to go live with the unfaithful bishop friend of Bergoglio Jerónimo Podestá, who left the priesthood to live in fornication with the adulterous Clelia Luro, she also became a close friend of Bergoglio.
Every heresy is a truth taught out of proportion.
Gesù è con noi
✋Stop harassing us and wanting to impose on us a heretic for pope. 🚫
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet does not even obey his heretical pope. Oh of course that is applies only to gays to the rest of Catholics you have to persecute them. He heretical pope says the Church can't 'interfere' with gays. Referring to homosexuals he said "spiritual interference in personal life is not possible" en-denzingerbergoglio.com/who-am-i-to-jud…
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio is excommunicated because he did not submit to the Magisterium of the Church or to Pope Benedict since the apostasy and heresy and schism that he committed is not new and has its deep roots in Argentina.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet calls a Pontiff a self-excommunicated heretic accomplice and collaborator of Marxists.
Bergoglio confiesa que fue cómplice de su amiga y mentora comunista, escondiendo libros marxistas en la biblioteca
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio confesses that he was an accomplice of his communist friend and mentor, hiding Marxist books in the Jesuit library.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
@Ultraviolet We see here a case of obstinacy in Bergoglio´s idolatry
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Bergoglio uses others as puppets. In Argentina Bergoglio was denounced for having pawns who did dirty work.
I love how you quote the same Canon Law after I did. @Gesù You forgot this part Schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff and that's YOU, sucker. Fantastic scholarship. Go fry some more asparagus. Now explain the difference between heresy and error. There -is- a difference. even if @San Atanasio ora pro nobis can't tell the difference between the office and supporting the …More
I love how you quote the same Canon Law after I did. @Gesù You forgot this part Schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff and that's YOU, sucker. Fantastic scholarship. Go fry some more asparagus. Now explain the difference between heresy and error. There -is- a difference. even if @San Atanasio ora pro nobis can't tell the difference between the office and supporting the person in it. That's the funny part. Stupid peasants, the both of you. In truth I dislike Francis. But that doesn't change his claim to the papacy. This is beyond your understtanding which begins at cleaning the stable and ends somewhere around making empanadas. It's all you're good for. Nice YouTube. Here.
Gesù è con noi
751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith
Gesù è con noi
Not only was Bergoglio a heretic, he was also an apostate and a schism.
One more comment from Gesù è con noi
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio was already a formal heretic in Argentina.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
@Ultraviolet is an accomplice of Bergoglio's heresies.
He acts with full knowledge and malice.More
@Ultraviolet is an accomplice of Bergoglio's heresies.

He acts with full knowledge and malice.
@Gesù è con noi "He accepts a heretic as pope" Wrong. Heresy and error are two different things. A Pope may err, everything a Pope states is not automatically infallible. Heresy, as the Church defines it in Canon Law 751, is "an obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; "
Obstinacy shows a deliberate …More
@Gesù è con noi "He accepts a heretic as pope" Wrong. Heresy and error are two different things. A Pope may err, everything a Pope states is not automatically infallible. Heresy, as the Church defines it in Canon Law 751, is "an obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; "

Obstinacy shows a deliberate course of action, i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion."

In this context, the term shows that
a.) the accused heretic has expressed a view
b.) The Church has disgreed with that view as contrary to its teachings.
c.) The Church has attempted to correct the accused heretic
d.) the accused heretic has opposed that correction by the Church.

Regarding Pope Francis,
a.) has happened.
b.)-d.) have not.

You aren't qualified to represent The Church in doing b.-d., not in law or in fact.

Your opinion that the Pope doubts or denies a truth taught by the Church to be divine is not an objective fact. Likewise, your opinion that his supposed doubt or denial is maintained in an obstinate manner is also an opinion. You haven't shown The Church has attempted to correct it and failed has no support.

@San Atanasio ora pro nobis "@Ultraviolet has become a devil's advocate to persecute Catholics."

So why am I the one always correcting YOUR falsehoods? Why am I the one who quotes The Church's laws against YOUR mistakes? I fight for the truth and I use the truth in my fight. You run around like the chickens in your front yard pecking in every direction looking for "proof" except where and HOW you should. That other third-world peasant @Gesù è con noi brays like a burro about "Bergoglio" but can't stay on "the news" here.

You two complaing about ME "attacking Catholics" but you do so as an attack at me. The hypocrite always cries in pain when he strikes other people. ;-)
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
@Ultraviolet has become a devil's advocate to persecute Catholics.
"this user is not here to defend Catholic doctrine" @San Atanasio OPN -except I'm the only one around here ever citing Canon Law and the Catechism. Try again.
So you attack me, call me a troll want other users to "report" me then you complain about "attacking Catholics" Good job, hypocrite.
"diverting the spotlight from the news." and I'm the one who keeps yanking that spotlight back on the …More
"this user is not here to defend Catholic doctrine" @San Atanasio OPN -except I'm the only one around here ever citing Canon Law and the Catechism. Try again.

So you attack me, call me a troll want other users to "report" me then you complain about "attacking Catholics" Good job, hypocrite.

"diverting the spotlight from the news." and I'm the one who keeps yanking that spotlight back on the GTV news here.... where it belongs.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
@Ultraviolet acts like a troll attacking Catholics and diverting the main focus of the news.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Konrad Krajewski dressing down into simple layman's clothes at night news.trust.org/item/20200430101734-fy4rd
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet accepts a heretic as pope and persecutes every Catholic who opposes the heresiarch Bergoglio.
Be Ye Separate
False Francis committed apostasy, by heading demonic pagan worship, of an earth goddess, upon the Vatican grounds and within Catholic Churches, that were dedicated to the One, True Almighty God.
False Francis' numerous other public heresies and blasphemies, such as promoting the satanic Quran and homosexual perversions, fortify his denial of the Holy Catholic Faith in Almighty God, through Jesus …More
False Francis committed apostasy, by heading demonic pagan worship, of an earth goddess, upon the Vatican grounds and within Catholic Churches, that were dedicated to the One, True Almighty God.
False Francis' numerous other public heresies and blasphemies, such as promoting the satanic Quran and homosexual perversions, fortify his denial of the Holy Catholic Faith in Almighty God, through Jesus our Christ.
Be Ye Separate
Ultraviolet deceives about Francis,
"Good for you! I haven't said anything about gay activist, but it wouldn't surprise me. When GTV posts about that.that, then I'll review the article's claims." blatant deceit. GTV has published numerous articles on False Francis promoting homosexuals. An example being, Francis welcoming to the Vatican embassy and hugging in front of the cameras, his openly homosexual …More
Ultraviolet deceives about Francis,
"Good for you! I haven't said anything about gay activist, but it wouldn't surprise me. When GTV posts about that.that, then I'll review the article's claims." blatant deceit. GTV has published numerous articles on False Francis promoting homosexuals. An example being, Francis welcoming to the Vatican embassy and hugging in front of the cameras, his openly homosexual friend Yayo Grassi and the friend's "partner" from Sodom.
"because you don't have the recording of what he said." this article on GTV doesn't mention it. I am discussing the content of this article. You are discussing everything else, @Gesù è con noi Go start your own post for that.
"That is why you are not interested that there is evidence that Bergoglio is a gay activist"
I am interested in seeing a claim about THIS article supported from THIS …More
"because you don't have the recording of what he said." this article on GTV doesn't mention it. I am discussing the content of this article. You are discussing everything else, @Gesù è con noi Go start your own post for that.

"That is why you are not interested that there is evidence that Bergoglio is a gay activist"

I am interested in seeing a claim about THIS article supported from THIS article. If this is how you present evidence for anything, I was being too kind calling you a dummy.

"and that this story is connected to the previous one." You see? This article on GTV does not include a link to ANY previous article. No connection.

"You acknowledge that Bergoglio is a gay activist."

I acknowledge Pope Francis is a horrible pope.You just noticed that, you silly peasant? Good for you! I haven't said anything about gay activist, but it wouldn't surprise me. When GTV posts about that.that, then I'll review the article's claims.

"Your argument is ridiculous." My argument is a legal one. Criticize this article with this article

" Your argument shows that you are not interested in the truth but in attacking Catholics".

Im not attacking Catholics. I am attacking falsehoods about this article.

It has a VERY funny cartoon, though. I think I will dress as the hippie for All Souls carnival at my parish this year. I LOVE his embroidered trouser cuffs.

Did you notice? GTV's cartoonist has an eye for detail. Those are accurate bell-bottom "flare" cuffs from the early 1970s.
Gesù è con noi
Of course, first you want to get Bergoglio out of this story because you don't have the recording of what he said. That is why you are not interested that there is evidence that Bergoglio is a gay activist and that this story is connected to the previous one.
Gesù è con noi
hace 3 horas
@Gesù è con noi Please quote Francis from the GTV article in this post.. Francis is in error your articles, obviously. But Francis wasn't quoted or involved in THIS one.
Gesù è con noi
You acknowledge that Bergoglio is a gay activist. Your argument is ridiculous. Your argument shows that you are not interested in the truth but in attacking Catholics.
"According to you Bergoglio appears in all the news" - I am discussing the subject of this GTV article. According to GTV en.news, not me, Francis wasn't there and wasn't quoted. You haven't shown otherwise in this article.
"Bergoglio does not fulfill the function of a pope in the Vatican." --Sadly, to my everlasting regret, he does. He's doing a splendid job of being an absolutely wretched Pope. …More
"According to you Bergoglio appears in all the news" - I am discussing the subject of this GTV article. According to GTV en.news, not me, Francis wasn't there and wasn't quoted. You haven't shown otherwise in this article.

"Bergoglio does not fulfill the function of a pope in the Vatican." --Sadly, to my everlasting regret, he does. He's doing a splendid job of being an absolutely wretched Pope.

"everything is done without his authorization." The Vatican is a huge organization. I ask you a question. Was former-Pope Benedict XVI and Saint John Paul II and Pope John Paul directly responsible for the actions of each and every priest in the abuse scandals? Yes or no?

If yes, show that they knew and approved thousands of scandals all over the world. If no, then why do you blame Francis for what some stupid crazy priest says in South America?

"You bury your head in the sand so you cannot see or hear."

I see and hear when you blame the Pope unfairly. Blame him for being a marxist and I will agree. Blame him for pushing climate change and I will agree. Blame him for things you can not prove and will show your errors.
Gesù è con noi
According to you Bergoglio appears in all the news and Bergoglio does not fulfill the function of a pope in the Vatican, everything is done without his authorization. You bury your head in the sand so you cannot see or hear. This is called a denial of reality.
"...denies reality. You need help " -Gesù -YOU you quotes transvestites and blame the Pope for what those sick men say about him. Who needs help again? :D
"The transvestite prostitutes first contacted the apostate Andrea Conochia"
Not Pope Francis.
"then they used the almoner Konrad Krajewsk"
Not Pope Francis.
and that is where your "bridge" ends. at Konrad Krajewsk.
...and nothing from THIS …More
"...denies reality. You need help " -Gesù -YOU you quotes transvestites and blame the Pope for what those sick men say about him. Who needs help again? :D

"The transvestite prostitutes first contacted the apostate Andrea Conochia"

Not Pope Francis.

"then they used the almoner Konrad Krajewsk"

Not Pope Francis.

and that is where your "bridge" ends. at Konrad Krajewsk.

...and nothing from THIS article on GTV. I ask you to prove your claims about THIS article using THIS article. Not a site in Italian or a site that brings up a 404 error.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet I have nothing to prove to a malicious person like you who refuses to see reality.
You first claim that Bergoglio was not involved in the story and then you get stuck repeating the same thing over and over again. @Ultraviolet: "Pope Francis wasn't even involved and not even quoted, you stupid dummy."
"I have nothing to prove to a malicious person like you who refuses to see reality."
You have nothing to prove to me, true, @Gesù è con noi . But you -should- prove your claim to everyone else who is reading my brilliant counters of your claims. :D
I speak with truth. You say you do not have to prove your claim. I say you can not.
Your claim is about THIS article on GTV. Not a site in italian …More
"I have nothing to prove to a malicious person like you who refuses to see reality."

You have nothing to prove to me, true, @Gesù è con noi . But you -should- prove your claim to everyone else who is reading my brilliant counters of your claims. :D

I speak with truth. You say you do not have to prove your claim. I say you can not.

Your claim is about THIS article on GTV. Not a site in italian. Not a site with a 404, not something somewhere else, not random pictures from who knows where.

I am talking about GTV on GTV. You are talking about this and that and everything else because you can't talk about GTV.

Ther is the difference.

"That First you affirm that Bergoglio was not involved in the story" --on GTV. Remember that.

"and then he gets stuck repeating the same thing."

I repeat it because YOU ignore it. I don't want you to mislead others.
Gesù è con noi
The transvestite prostitutes first contacted the apostate Andrea Conochia, parish priest of Torvaianica. The news explains that the transvestites asked for help because the prostitutes had no clients due to the coronavirus then they used the almoner Konrad Krajewsk as a bridge to Bergoglio. The almoner Konrad Krajewsk after contacting Bergoglio immediately returned with the money. The transvestites …More
The transvestite prostitutes first contacted the apostate Andrea Conochia, parish priest of Torvaianica. The news explains that the transvestites asked for help because the prostitutes had no clients due to the coronavirus then they used the almoner Konrad Krajewsk as a bridge to Bergoglio. The almoner Konrad Krajewsk after contacting Bergoglio immediately returned with the money. The transvestites sent an audio message to Bergoglio thanking him. www.korazym.org/…/don-andrea-come… www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/…/365868 www.churchmilitant.com/…/pope-races-to-a…
Gesù è con noi
You are a malicious person who denies reality. You need help.
@Ultraviolet: "Pope Francis wasn't even involved and not even quoted, you stupid dummy."
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet You are not here to seek the truth but to attack Catholics who defend sound doctrine.
@Gesù è con noi "the article quotes a transvestite." Is that a quote by Pope Francis? No. "Father Conocchia says..." Is that a quote by Pope Francis? No. "The article comments...,"Is that a quote by Pope Francis? No. "Apparently the Pope himself blesses him."
That is the article writer's opinion.
It is an assumption. So again, I say. Quote Pope Francis from the article. Show where Pope Francis …More
@Gesù è con noi "the article quotes a transvestite." Is that a quote by Pope Francis? No. "Father Conocchia says..." Is that a quote by Pope Francis? No. "The article comments...,"Is that a quote by Pope Francis? No. "Apparently the Pope himself blesses him."

That is the article writer's opinion.

It is an assumption. So again, I say. Quote Pope Francis from the article. Show where Pope Francis met these me, blessed these men, spoke to these men, etc. You haven't and you won't.

As for your latest article: “Francis’ response was immediate,” the paper reported... Krajewski “immediately brought personally...

Again, Francis is not Krajewski and your own source recognizes this. Notice what they say: Pope Francis has allegedly provided

Journalistst use "allegedly" when they make a claim they do not have factual proof for making. They ALLEGE because they can not PROVE I can say "allegedly" you are a thief, a liar, and a sadist who tortures cats. As long as I say "allegedly" that means I don't have to show any proof. It is an ALLEGATION not a FACT.