
Reward for Blasphemy: Spadaro Gets Curia Post

Francis has appointed the controversial Jesuit Antonio Spadaro as undersecretary of the useless Dicastery for Culture and Education, starting in January. Spadaro was previously editor of the Jesuit …More
Francis has appointed the controversial Jesuit Antonio Spadaro as undersecretary of the useless Dicastery for Culture and Education, starting in January.
Spadaro was previously editor of the Jesuit trash magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, where Father Nuno da Silva Gonçalves will replace him.
The homosexualist Spadaro has been a buddy of Francis for years. Only in August, he insulted Christ as a sinner, who was "rigid", "unmerciful" and in need of conversion.
The appointment must be a reward for his blasphemy.
It was Spadaro's interview with Francis in America magazine back in 2013 that red-pilled me!
la verdad prevalece
Poor guy sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for having a position in the anti-church of the apostate Bergoglio.
Opera 369
He is part of the 'Pachamama tango dancers'.
Hound of Heaven
It is difficult not to believe that Francis has a perverse sadistic streak when one ponders appointments like this. Chilling. All the more reason to use 'economic judo' on Frank and his cronies.
Wilma Lopez
Spadaro is an expert on the Italian homosexualist author Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There's only one answer for why Francis appoints so many homos or pro-homos to VAtican offices or as Bishops. That is because he is a homo himself. It's a clob, like the Freemasons, etc. And with homo bishops, the more blasphemy, the better.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori