Bishop Schneider Talks to Gloria.tv about the Abu Dhabi Document. Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider spoke to Gloria.tv on April 30th in an interview again and exclusively about Pope Francis' Abu …More
Bishop Schneider Talks to Gloria.tv about the Abu Dhabi Document.
Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider spoke to Gloria.tv on April 30th in an interview again and exclusively about Pope Francis' Abu Dhabi Declaration. Francis claims that God wills the non-Christian religions. But this thesis would lead to the absurd conclusion that God wants both, the redemption in Christ and the religions that deny this redemption.
Schneider tells Gloria.tv that during his Ad-Limina visit on March 1 he also presented the Pope with a written request to withdraw this false statement in the Abu Dhabi Declaration. Francis replied on 5 March, declaring that the diversity of religions was wanted only by God's "permissive will".
Schneider then asked Francis on March 25th to make this private correction public. He pointed out to Francis that even in the Church it is often no longer believed that Christ is the only Saviour and that faith in him is the only religion positively desired by God.
Francis somehow …More
Holy Cannoli
What Is Laryngitis?
Though it’s usually virus-related, there are also ongoing, or chronic, forms of the illness, generally brought on by smoking and alcohol abuse. 🤨
The best treatment is to rest your voice. Without the stress of everyday use, it will often recover on its own. 👌
What Is Laryngitis?

Though it’s usually virus-related, there are also ongoing, or chronic, forms of the illness, generally brought on by smoking and alcohol abuse. 🤨

The best treatment is to rest your voice. Without the stress of everyday use, it will often recover on its own. 👌

May God bless you, praying that you are restored to full health soon. +++
After Pope Francis was backed into a corner by Bishop Schneider's respectful confrontation (God bless the bishop!), Francis went on to state in his next General Audience that God "wills to allow" the diversity of religions. This is a way of attempting to have his cake and eat it too, to have it both ways, to evade the necessity of publicly correcting his Abu Dhabi statement. How? To say that God "…More
After Pope Francis was backed into a corner by Bishop Schneider's respectful confrontation (God bless the bishop!), Francis went on to state in his next General Audience that God "wills to allow" the diversity of religions. This is a way of attempting to have his cake and eat it too, to have it both ways, to evade the necessity of publicly correcting his Abu Dhabi statement. How? To say that God "wills to allow" is tantamount to saying that He positively wills to permissively will. This formulation is not correct and muddies the waters. The signatories of the recent open letter accusing Francis of heresy observe correctly that the imam who signed the Abu Dhabi declaration with Francis most certainly did and does not intend to convey that God wills the diversity of religions only permissively, and this makes Francis's concession to Bishop Schneider disingenuous, since he knows this. Note that, if we restrict will to permissive will, Francis should have no trouble signing a statement asserting that "God wills the diversity of religions and the violence that breaks out among their adherents". Why would he object to this statement any more than to the one he actually did sign?
Thank God for Bishop scheneider who has the clarity and wisdom to say and do the right thing ,pope Francis he is too proud to say that he is wrong or he does it on purpose .lets pray for his conversion .
Holy Cannoli
The Abu Dhabi Document
On April 11, at Santa Marta in the Vatican, the Abu Dhabi document was sealed by a symbolic gesture. Francis prostrated himself on the ground before three Muslim leaders from Sudan and kissed their feet, imploring peace. This gesture should be judged not so much for what it affirms: the submission of the Church to Islam, but for what it negates: the rejection of the Kingship …More
The Abu Dhabi Document
On April 11, at Santa Marta in the Vatican, the Abu Dhabi document was sealed by a symbolic gesture. Francis prostrated himself on the ground before three Muslim leaders from Sudan and kissed their feet, imploring peace. This gesture should be judged not so much for what it affirms: the submission of the Church to Islam, but for what it negates: the rejection of the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who represents Christ, in Whose Name every knee shall bend in heaven and on earth (Philippians 2, 10) must receive homage from men and nations and not pay homage to anyone.

...on April 15, the Cathedral of Notre Dame (a descriptive image of the Church) went up in flames that devoured the spire, leaving the foundation intact. Does this not signify that, despite the collapse at the very top of the Church, Her Divine structure endures, and nothing will be able to demolish that?

A week later, other events shook up Catholic public opinion. A series of terrorist attacks, incited by the followers of that same religion Pope Bergoglio submits to, transformed Easter of the Resurrection into a day of Passion for the universal Church, with 310 dead and more than 500 wounded. Even before it consumed the bodies, the fire consumed the illusions of those Catholics, who with applauds and guitars intone the alleluia, while the Church is experiencing Her Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Some may object that the bombers in Sri Lanka, even if they were Muslim, do not represent Islam. Yet not even the Imam of Al Ahzar, who signed the document of peace and fraternity, represents all of Islam. Pope Francis, on the other hand does certainly represent the Catholic Church. But for how long?

I trust that our lovely and talented news presenter has returned fully rested from an enjoyable ‘spring break’ in Southern Italy. It's good to see you back! 👍