
Noble Hungarian Ambassador Claims Francis Can’t Kneel "For Health Reasons”

Archduke Eduard of Austria, the Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See, defended Pope Francis against criticism because he doesn’t kneel down during mass and in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Habsburg …More
Archduke Eduard of Austria, the Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See, defended Pope Francis against criticism because he doesn’t kneel down during mass and in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Habsburg wrote on Twitter (January 28) that he was 15 meters from Francis when he stiffly knelt down at last year's Good Friday liturgy,
“He needed help, his face was distorted by pain. This may explain things. Don't judge from afar.“
Several users contradicted Habsburg, posting pictures of Francis kneeling down at his annual Holy Thursday washing the feet of Muslims, prisoners and transvestites (video below of March 2018).
Joseph Shaw answered that Francis "choice of when to kneel reveals surprising priorities".
For health reasons? Surely , you can do better than that.
With all respect to his grace, Francis has no issue kneeling when in his perverse version of the mandatum he kneels and kisses the feet of Mohammedan youths.