
Germany: Two Women and One Monstrance

Two women dressed in alb carried a monstrance with a humeral veil at the Corpus Christi procession on June 8 in Lüdenscheid, Essen Diocese, Germany.

Two priests were present. The parish website St-Medardus.org called this a “new achievement”. But this kind of abuse has been tolerated for years in all German-speaking countries, the Netherlands and beyond.

The homosexualist Franz-Josef Overbeck, who is Essen bishop, told LifeSiteNews.com that he was not informed of the plan and that he is now “in contact” with the parish priest - presumably to congratulate him.

In March 2022, Overbeck became the first German bishop to introduce “extraordinary" lay ministers for baptism.


this image makes me want to vomit! So happy I don't live in Germany. IF I were Pope I would have excommunicated long ago these German Bishops.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Jason l -Just go to the SSPX. Then you don't have to see this crap. But if you mean Divine Liturgy as in the Orthodox Church, that's a beautiful ceremony, but they don't have Corpus Christi.
Jason l
Kenjiro...I go to a Byzantine Catholic Church that has the Divine Liturgy. Tired of the modernists.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good for you making that decision. The Novus Ordo will poison the soul. I go to the SSPX, or to the TLM at 2 parishes in my area. Our Archbishop hasn't followed Francis on banning the Mass. We thank him for that. Over the past 50+ years we have lost125 parishes, 6-7 highschools, 2 huge motherhouses of nuns, our archdiosecean newspaper, the Archbishops residence, and out really huge impressive seminary …More
Good for you making that decision. The Novus Ordo will poison the soul. I go to the SSPX, or to the TLM at 2 parishes in my area. Our Archbishop hasn't followed Francis on banning the Mass. We thank him for that. Over the past 50+ years we have lost125 parishes, 6-7 highschools, 2 huge motherhouses of nuns, our archdiosecean newspaper, the Archbishops residence, and out really huge impressive seminary-to be closed by 2024....so I suppose the Archbishop doesn't want to loose the CAtholics who do actually go to Church on Sundays by cracking down on the TLM.
Jason l
This type of stuff chased me back to the Divine Liturgy. I will never go back to the Roman Rite.
I went to the Greek-Melkite Catholic Cathedral in Montreal (a form of the Byzantite rite), and there we had ''priestesses'' distributing Holy Communion...
Jan Joseph
Bisschop Overbeck geeft dus toestemming voor een schisma.
It’s NOT the Catholic Church.