
There Is a Homosexual Problem Among Bishops – Cardinal Burke

After the 2002 sexual abuse crisis in the USA, it became clear that the great majority of clerical abuses in the country were [not pedophilia but] homosexual acts committed against adolescent young men, Cardinal Raymond Burke told CatholicAction.org on August 16.

Burke reveals that there is a homosexual culture, "not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy". He insists that this deplorable state of affairs "needs to be purified at the root”.

This issue must be addressed honestly and efficaciously, he added.

He points out that separating the sexual act from the conjugal union, promoted by a contraceptive culture, has greatly aggravated the homosexual problem.

Picture: Raymond Burke, #newsIymnruocuv
Sólo Díos basta
Never forget Cardinal Consalvi to Napoleon: "If in 1,800 years we clergy have failed to destroy the Church, do you really think that you'll be able to do it?"
Joseph a' Christian
Homosexual abuse, allowed by False Saint John Paul II.
Christ Jesus, The True King Of Our Church.
Dr Bobus
Why this problem? Although there are certain practical benefits to celibacy (e.g., the complete devotion to the Apostolate), ultimately, it is ordered to the supernatural. The love of wife and family are sacrificed for a greater love of the Truth of Christ.. .
In the Novus Ordo Church of Paul VI, with its Protestantized liturgy and phony Uber Friendliness, the supernatural character has been ignored …More
Why this problem? Although there are certain practical benefits to celibacy (e.g., the complete devotion to the Apostolate), ultimately, it is ordered to the supernatural. The love of wife and family are sacrificed for a greater love of the Truth of Christ.. .

In the Novus Ordo Church of Paul VI, with its Protestantized liturgy and phony Uber Friendliness, the supernatural character has been ignored, even suppressed. In the neo con Church of JPII morality, esp sexual morality, has been so emphasized that the supernatural is merely in the background. .

On the other hand, in the contemporary liberal Church the contrary error is present: Morality is so separated from the life of Faith that it tends to become irrelevant to Catholic life. This is the error of Antinomianism.
AMEN! Thank you, Cardinal Burke, voice of reason in a world of complete madness. May God richly bless you!
Why this problem? Is it because they don't marry ladies, so the males turn on themselves?? No one forces people nowadays to enter Religious Orders. Are Nuns lesbian too?? What a disaster! Better to marry and have children, then to lie about chastity and continence to God and His Church..few people can fall ,ok -but this is 'en masse' -a multitude have fallen.. maybe they are pushed for high holiness …More
Why this problem? Is it because they don't marry ladies, so the males turn on themselves?? No one forces people nowadays to enter Religious Orders. Are Nuns lesbian too?? What a disaster! Better to marry and have children, then to lie about chastity and continence to God and His Church..few people can fall ,ok -but this is 'en masse' -a multitude have fallen.. maybe they are pushed for high holiness in their formation, and they can't stand mentally the stress of striving for excessive holiness and mortification , and they developed such a sinister sodomite activities.. they don't get pregnant with one another....
Just a tad late.