
Burke: Only *Repentant* Sinner May Receive Communion

The Holy Eucharist is only for sinners who have repented, have been reconciled, and are making reparation, Cardinal Burke told LaNuovaBq.it (June 20). Those who are rebelling against God’s law are "…More
The Holy Eucharist is only for sinners who have repented, have been reconciled, and are making reparation, Cardinal Burke told LaNuovaBq.it (June 20). Those who are rebelling against God’s law are "not disposed" to receive Holy Communion. Therefore, a priest has to deny Communion to a person in manifest grave sin, “It is simply the recognition of the truth about the Holy Eucharist and about grave sin.”
Picture: Raymond Burke © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsTfftfoxagd
Tony M
Thankyou Cardinal Burke. Now it is time for you to address the issue of the validity/invalidity of the man on the Chair of Peter....... who teaches the Catholic faithful the opposite of what you said here. It is most urgent that you do this because many formerly orthodox Catholics are being led into heresy & apostasy by this shameless and ruthless heretic, who cares not a jot for the eternal future …More
Thankyou Cardinal Burke. Now it is time for you to address the issue of the validity/invalidity of the man on the Chair of Peter....... who teaches the Catholic faithful the opposite of what you said here. It is most urgent that you do this because many formerly orthodox Catholics are being led into heresy & apostasy by this shameless and ruthless heretic, who cares not a jot for the eternal future of his flock.
Maybe start here Cardinal Burke:- Catholic Encyclopedia: “Of course, the [Papal] Election of a Heretic, Schismatic, or Female would be Null & Void” & The Spanish Language Enraizados en Cristo claims: “The elevation to the pontificate of Bergoglio is null, because he had already deviated & separated from the faith in Argentina”

Then here ....published on March 13, 2013 the day he was supposedly elected!!!!
The Horror!
A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio
Jan Joseph
Ja, allen als je berouw hebt van je zonden en je zonden hebt gebiecht mag ter communie gaan.
Thank you, Cardinal Burke, for re-iterating this truth of the Catholic Faith! We need your leadership during this critical hour! May Our Lady strengthen, lead, and protect you!