Request for prosecution for those responsible for the tyranny COVID19

Request for prosecution for those responsible for the tyranny COVID19 - Luis Álvarez Primo Claim of an International Criminal Law Court to try those responsible for the genocidal tyranny COVID-19. This …More
Request for prosecution for those responsible for the tyranny COVID19 - Luis Álvarez Primo
Claim of an International Criminal Law Court to try those responsible for the genocidal tyranny COVID-19.
This is an automatic translation. If you understand Spanish, I advise you to read the original article:
Pedido de enjuiciamiento para los responsables de la tiranía COVID19
The science is clear. Associations of medical commissions for the truth about the crown-fraud multiply in the world. In scientifically based documents and full of common sense given by the accumulated experience of medical sciences, the world's health professionals denounce the absurd as pernicious measures of confinement, the wrong and deadly treatments indicated, the false statistics spread, the manipulation of terrorism the media, the business of an imminent and improvised vaccine and the use of the ridiculous mask-symbol of political totalitarianism and of global reengineering in progress due to the false Covid 19 pandemic. …More