
Mosebach: German Church Suffers from Protestantisation Addiction

It belongs to our epoch that the existence of the devil is denied despite outrageous crimes and nameless calamities, the German author Martin Mosebach told the Tagespost (28 January).

This triumph of optimism and belief in man's goodness began only with Jean-Jacques Rousseau (+1778), he explains. For thousands of years, people saw things differently. Now this illusion has even deeply penetrated the Church.

Mosebach is less interested in the question of whether the devil has entered the church, rather, for him what leaks out of it "like from a burst flour sack" is the problem i.e. the faith of the apostles, the liturgical presence of the supernatural, the courage to proclaim the Faith, accepting martyrdom, and the Church's cultural vitality.

All what remains in the bag, he says, is "political blabla" and the "submission to the zeitgeist of the day before yesterday". Mosebach would like to see a Catholic substrate somewhere: "But I don't see it".

He observes that in Germany, the official Church is almost addicted to Protestantising itself: "For them, the metaphysical thinness of the Protestant churches isn’t an obstacle rather it even seems to have a special appeal."

Picture: Martin Mosebach, Copyright: Wikicommons, CC-BY-SA

Carthusian Silence
The word "addiction", which means "not said". Disorders called "addictions" are originated in uncomfortable realities not expressed in words. What is what the German Church wants to say? I wonder...